Author Topic: 12,000 Year Old Massive Underground Tunnels R Real & Stretch FM Scotland 2 Turkey  (Read 839 times)

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Youtube video that goes with the article:
Across the Europe there are thousands of underground tunnels from the north in Scotland leading all the way down to the Mediterranean.

This 12,000-year-old massive underground network is very impressive.

Some experts believe the network was a way of protecting man from predators while others suggest the idea that the linked tunnels were used like motorways are today, for people to travel safely regardless of wars or violence or even weather above ground. They could be described as a kind of ancient underground superhighway.
. . .
“In Bavaria in Germany alone we have found 700 meters of these underground tunnel networks. In Styria in Austria we have found 350 meters,” he said.

“Across Europe there were thousands of them – from the north in Scotland down to the Mediterranean.
. . .

Interesting. I wonder  how many of them do connect with adjacent tunnel systems. Evidently some do and some don't as a kind of 'border guard/security.'

I wonder how many could be used when WW3 breaks out as shelters.

I wonder if those in the UK connect to the rest  of Europe under the sea.

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