Author Topic: A New Poll Shows America's Reluctance for New Foreign Adventures  (Read 316 times)

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A New Poll Shows America's Reluctance for New Foreign Adventures
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The American people are becoming increasingly impatient with the way the executive branch has expanded its war powers at the expense of the Congress.
Daniel R. DePetris [2]

Republicans and Democrats disagree on pretty much everything, but there is one broad policy area where the GOP and Democratic establishments are actually more in tune with one another than commonly thought when it comes to foreign policy. The men and women who have dominated the foreign-policy conversation for the last three administrations—statesmen and stateswomen like Madeleine Albright, Samantha Power, the late Richard Holbrooke, Donald Rumsfeld and Paul Wolfowitz—have proven to be strong proponents of the theory of American exceptionalism.

Source URL (retrieved on October 28, 2016):