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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2016, 04:33:28 am »
Well perhaps some women want to be treated like a woman and not a man.


Then maybe they should start acting like women instead of men.

Besides,this woman's outrage is as phoney as Bubbette's smile unless she is looking at a dying child.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2016, 04:34:22 am »
Exactly where are GOP men disparaging Cupp? It ain't here so I assume you are talking about places like FR and Trumpbart. That is the official home of the Alt-Right where mental defectives like Milo Yiannopoulos celebrate rape as an evening of the tally after decades of men being Gloria Steinemed and Murphy Browned into emasculation.

Not really sure that is indicative of the GOP in least on the street level.

Well that's not quite true on the wider front. Trump is now the official head of the GOP. Trump has clearly damaged the GOP's image with women. Every Republican man that defends Trump and his treatment of women only furthers that damage. Trump is a wrecking ball with little aim.

In my view Trump has brought to life nearly every cliche the left says about the right. When Trump is done most people will be ashamed to admit they were Republicans. And to me that is the biggest danger of 4 years of Trump. That will be the end of the party as a resistance to the progressives - if that point hasn't already been reached.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #52 on: October 28, 2016, 04:35:09 am »

Then maybe they should start acting like women instead of men.

Besides,this woman's outrage is as phoney as Bubbette's smile unless she is looking at a dying child.

You are painting with an awfully broad brush there.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #53 on: October 28, 2016, 04:39:46 am »
Well perhaps some women want to be treated like a woman and not a man.



Do  you think any of these women write for the NYT?
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #54 on: October 28, 2016, 04:40:49 am »
Well that's not quite true on the wider front. Trump is now the official head of the GOP. Trump has clearly damaged the GOP's image with women. Every Republican man that defends Trump and his treatment of women only furthers that damage. Trump is a wrecking ball with little aim.

In my view Trump has brought to life nearly every cliche the left says about the right. When Trump is done most people will be ashamed to admit they were Republicans. And to me that is the biggest danger of 4 years of Trump. That will be the end of the party as a resistance to the progressives - if that point hasn't already been reached.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the GOP brand has been garbage for years. Broken promises. Irrational battles while serious issues are not touched. There isn't a Millennial that will have anything to do with it. The Rat party doesn't excite them either. There is no interest in the newer voters minds to keep these two corrupt entities around anymore because they don;t stand for anything.

No matter what happens this election, I predict the GOP to be dead in 4 to 8 years and separate factions within all the parties breaking into their own. It will be more like other countries where there are numerous parties that cobble together on certain issues that they can agree on.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #55 on: October 28, 2016, 04:46:17 am »
@CatherineofAragon @Frank Cannon

I'd have a easier time believing her outrage were sincere if she didn't write for the NYT,and she had ever condemned Bubba Bill for his actions,or Bubbette! for running the Bimbo Eruption Squad and sending Craig Livingstone out to terrorize women Bubba raped.  We all know THAT ain't going to happen though,don't we?

It doesn't matter who the hell she writes for. SE Cupp is generally on our side of things. I agree with your broader point on woman complaining that they do not get treated as total equals and then want chivalry at their beck and call, but there is a valid point here. Trump has shit on the woman vote with both barrels. It's absurd and will have consequences for those who see a future for the GOP. I do not.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #56 on: October 28, 2016, 04:51:53 am »
"You rang...?"

As a point of order. I don't think it right or kind that your alert was directly above the pic. The alert should have been at least five posts before the actual pic, or it does no good at all. I didn't even get a chance to close my eyes.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #57 on: October 28, 2016, 04:56:31 am »
It doesn't matter who the hell she writes for. SE Cupp is generally on our side of things. I agree with your broader point on woman complaining that they do not get treated as total equals and then want chivalry at their beck and call, but there is a valid point here. Trump has shit on the woman vote with both barrels. It's absurd and will have consequences for those who see a future for the GOP. I do not.

@Frank Cannon

So,what you are actually saying is Trump has treated women like he treats everyone else.

As for the GOP,I didn't see it as having a future long before Trump entered the race. If he helps bury it he will have done a public service.
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #58 on: October 28, 2016, 04:57:36 am »
I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the GOP brand has been garbage for years. Broken promises. Irrational battles while serious issues are not touched. There isn't a Millennial that will have anything to do with it. The Rat party doesn't excite them either. There is no interest in the newer voters minds to keep these two corrupt entities around anymore because they don;t stand for anything.

No matter what happens this election, I predict the GOP to be dead in 4 to 8 years and separate factions within all the parties breaking into their own. It will be more like other countries where there are numerous parties that cobble together on certain issues that they can agree on.

Well, obviously I tend to agree with you here. I dumped the party this year, after 36 years, and being on the outside looking in is rather new to me...


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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #59 on: October 28, 2016, 05:01:26 am »
I'm tired of these women whining about "equality" and wanting "to be treated like men are threated",and then they have hissy-fits and get on their Femi-Nazi horses when a man talks to them like he would talk to another man.

"Man up!",bitch! You are getting paid big bucks to write your drivel,so quit sniveling and do your damn job!

You can't play the "But....,but...,but...,I'm just a GURL!" card while complaining about not being treated like a man.

Men get treated like they have?

Examples, please?

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #60 on: October 28, 2016, 05:31:59 am »
I went to the link to read the entire article but I can't see it without creating an account.  Then I saw Jazzz's post.

@AllThatJazzZ, come on, don't leave over a single thread.  TBR is nothing like TOS.  Stay.

I just reread my post and it does sound like I'm leaving because of this thread. I apologize for the wording. I was upset and sad and didn't express myself clearly.

Just within the past 24-48 hours there have been some things posted that were stunning to me. I didn't reply to them, but I was taken aback. Then when this thread turned into the kind of feeding frenzy that TOS engages in, I decided this wasn't the right place for me.

Finally was able to read the entire article.

I agree with a good deal of what was written.  This election has, quite frankly, left me disoriented.  As a woman who disdains feminists, I've been forced into seeing that, apparently, what they say about some conservative men is true.  Some men on the right lack proper respect for women.  I've been told that there are more important things than sexual assault. (To illustrate my point, elsewhere online, men on the right are responding to Cupp's article by calling her a " despicable scrag", a "slut", a "creature", and "just another sniveling female."

Cupp is right when she says that Republicans are going to have to work very hard to win back women.  Who knows whether they'll manage to do it?  Newt Gingrich's job was to go on Megyn Kelly's show and sell Trump to women, but he couldn't manage it. 


I also have disdain for feminism. In fact, I'm probably one of the most old-fashioned, conventional chicks on this board. But I'm a big fan of respect and boundaries, and that doesn't have a thing to do with anything but common decency. Although it was Republican men on display tonight, it's not just Republican men who behave this way.

How disconcerting it's been to watch men (and women) eager to defend Trump and his sorry shenanigans. It was pukeworthy when it was Dems defending Bubba, and our side was quick to point that out. It should be equally as pukeworthy when "one of ours" (using the term verrrrrrrrry loosely) does it.

Women who have been put upon by men are often at a loss of how to handle it. There is no class in school or college that gives you the tools to establish boundaries that, without any warning, you find have been breached. No man announces that he's going to cop a feel or stick his nasty tongue down your throat. All at once you're ashamed, embarrassed, angry, frightened, guilty (!), confused and wondering how to get out of the situation safely. Most women I know never say anything about these incidents because they are so shame invoking. There are some incidents that happened in the 70s that I never told anyone about -- not even my friends. Just too embarrassing. If, due to circumstances, I was forced to come forward and reveal what happened, what would be the first thing said about me? "Why is she just now coming forward? She's lying!" So, I'll go to my grave without revealing what happened.

This is not to say that I'm taking a position on whether those 11 women are telling the truth or not. I honestly don't know (although I do know Trump thought he had the privilege to grab or kiss them because of his station in life). I'm just explaining why keeping these things secret is something women do.

You don't have to be a feminist to understand that there is such a thing as sexism. When men treat a women as a sexual object to be ogled and lusted over, they're being sexist. Obviously, I made people mad when I complained about the disrespect shown to S.E. I was startled by that. I have spent far too much time (TOS class of '98) observing the piling on when someone goes against the flow. I've really had my fill of it.

It's revealing to read that you believed you needed to make sure the readers knew you weren't a feminist. Are we so terrified that we might rub up against a "liberal" tenet that we have to offer up an explanation before we defend decency? What's up with that?

I never thought I would be in the position of defending "women's issues"'s a strange place for me to be.  But if men are going to refuse to defend us, then my only option is to stand up.  And I damn well will, because no one is going to tell me that sexual assault is permissible and I'm supposed to be okay with it.


I applaud you for this! For the most part (like you), I'm not into "women's issues," preferring to see issues as "human" ones instead of gender specific. But, for the most part, being grabbed, groped and forcibly kissed mostly happens to women.

Finally, don't get me wrong. I am just as quick to turn my head or pause the TV to get a better glimpse of a good-looking guy as the next woman. I'm not disapproving of finding someone beautiful or handsome or foxy or hot. It's when they're objectified, not taken seriously that gets my dander up. And that POV gets ridiculed here. Bummer. 

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #61 on: October 28, 2016, 05:41:01 am »
@CatherineofAragon @Frank Cannon

I'd have a easier time believing her outrage were sincere if she didn't write for the NYT,and she had ever condemned Bubba Bill for his actions,or Bubbette! for running the Bimbo Eruption Squad and sending Craig Livingstone out to terrorize women Bubba raped.  We all know THAT ain't going to happen though,don't we?

ADD much?

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #62 on: October 28, 2016, 05:48:13 am »

Finally, don't get me wrong. I am just as quick to turn my head or pause the TV to get a better glimpse of a good-looking guy as the next woman. I'm not disapproving of finding someone beautiful or handsome or foxy or hot. It's when they're objectified, not taken seriously that gets my dander up. And that POV gets ridiculed here. Bummer.

You are aware that SE Cupp routinely shook her ass around on Red Eye? Those are not photo shopped pics of her with her legs in the air. She did that on the show. Tomi Lehren also goes out of her way to sell her hotness first and then her commentary second. That is why there are the comment here that make you "angry" about women being objectified. They set themselves up for it.

Michele Malkin is hot too, but she is all business when it comes to punditry. There is very little comment on her articles about her looks. There is a reason for that. She does not go out of her way to flaunt her sexiness because she knows it will cloud her respectability.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #63 on: October 28, 2016, 06:19:36 am »
Just within the past 24-48 hours there have been some things posted that were stunning to me. I didn't reply to them, but I was taken aback. Then when this thread turned into the kind of feeding frenzy that TOS engages in, I decided this wasn't the right place for me.

Can you provide a link to those other threads? Many of us are here part time over limited hours of the day and don't see everything posted.

Personally, a few like minded friends that stand up for each other is well worth the cost of putting up with a bit noise from others.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #64 on: October 28, 2016, 07:30:34 am »
You are aware that SE Cupp routinely shook her ass around on Red Eye? Those are not photo shopped pics of her with her legs in the air. She did that on the show. Tomi Lehren also goes out of her way to sell her hotness first and then her commentary second. That is why there are the comment here that make you "angry" about women being objectified. They set themselves up for it.

Gotta love that Trumpian value system, eh?! Are you sure Trump's not your guy? Y'all have so much in common.

Did she say something provocative in her article? Was there some sort of "come on" in her words that provoked the men to skip any meaningful discussion and default to their baser instincts?

I know there are decent men out there. PLEASE speak up! PLEASE!!

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #65 on: October 28, 2016, 08:02:16 am »
Gotta love that Trumpian value system, eh?! Are you sure Trump's not your guy? Y'all have so much in common.

Did she say something provocative in her article? Was there some sort of "come on" in her words that provoked the men to skip any meaningful discussion and default to their baser instincts?

I know there are decent men out there. PLEASE speak up! PLEASE!!

Right. You keep on believing there was a time when floozies and inappropriate women were respected for their intellect. If you use your physical assets to shoehorn your way into the TMZ media world, you better not expect everyone to look past all that and respect you for your mind. There was a reason why mothers told their daughters to act properly in public. It's because men are men.

I also find it hilarious that you are basically equating ogling and cat calling a hot chick to sexual assault. Comment on a hot chick? Your a Donny supporter pining away to get your fingers dirty.

The "decent men" you are looking in your strange ever evolving rubric of morality are in reality today's snowflakes. Hope you enjoy the company of "men" who wear feetsie pajamas, get excited about extra marshmallows in their hot chocolate and love to watch Fried Green Tomatoes once in a while to have a good cry.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #66 on: October 28, 2016, 08:20:51 am »
Gotta love that Trumpian value system, eh?! Are you sure Trump's not your guy? Y'all have so much in common.

Did she say something provocative in her article? Was there some sort of "come on" in her words that provoked the men to skip any meaningful discussion and default to their baser instincts?

I know there are decent men out there. PLEASE speak up! PLEASE!!

You will find quite a few here refuting this vanity post:,228659.0.html

@Smokin Joe @HonestJohn @roamer_1 @Oceander @geronl @Idaho_Cowboy @Lando Lincoln and others...

Regarding the early postings on this thread, to put it bluntly I ignore it. It isn't my thing on an open forum.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #67 on: October 28, 2016, 08:29:03 am »
Men get treated like they have?

Examples, please?


A place called "The real world".
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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #68 on: October 28, 2016, 08:31:14 am »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #69 on: October 28, 2016, 08:36:40 am »
Right. You keep on believing there was a time when floozies and inappropriate women were respected for their intellect. If you use your physical assets to shoehorn your way into the TMZ media world, you better not expect everyone to look past all that and respect you for your mind. There was a reason why mothers told their daughters to act properly in public. It's because men are men.

I also find it hilarious that you are basically equating ogling and cat calling a hot chick to sexual assault. Comment on a hot chick? Your a Donny supporter pining away to get your fingers dirty.

The "decent men" you are looking in your strange ever evolving rubric of morality are in reality today's snowflakes. Hope you enjoy the company of "men" who wear feetsie pajamas, get excited about extra marshmallows in their hot chocolate and love to watch Fried Green Tomatoes once in a while to have a good cry.

Frank, she's no Donny supporter. She wrote in a name for president and voted Republican down ballot according to her posts. Women are rightfully angry over Trump's words and actions and don't want to hear it from others, particularly now. Driving off mostly like minded people doesn't help this site.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #70 on: October 28, 2016, 09:27:28 am »
For someone who was all hot that the first three commenters didn't say anything about the content of the article, here we are hours later and YOU still haven't commented on the article yourself.

I am offended.  I offered to befriend the poor thing and take her to church.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #71 on: October 28, 2016, 09:43:32 am »
I am of the opinion that this is manufactured out rage on the part of both Megan Kelly and SE Cupp. Both got where they are on their looks, both had no problem objectivity themselves to advance their career. As best I can tell Trump, in a private conservation, bragged that since he is a "star" women allow him to touch them. Notice the "allow", I think the direct quote is "they let me do it". Not one creditable accusation of sexual harassment has yet to be made against Trump. I am reminded of Herman Cain.  A manufactured scandal and fake moral out rage. A world famous billionaire grouped someone twenty, thirty years ago and they just remembered it three weeks before the election?

The democrats are desperate to talk about anything but the issues this election. The democrats are on the wrong side of every issue important to the American people, every damn one. So Trump is sometimes boorish in private conservation with the guys, big deal. If he does one tenth of what he says he wants to do he will be a great president. One of the best and after Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama we really need a good president. We will not survive another globalist president (Clinton).
« Last Edit: October 28, 2016, 09:46:09 am by jpsb »

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #72 on: October 28, 2016, 09:51:07 am »
Exactly.  The article echoes exactly the same comments my wife had when she explained why she had decided to vote for Clinton: because Trump was pulling the country backwards in terms of how women were treated.  And I feel similarly.  I will never vote for Clinton, but I cannot vote for Trump.

Soon, women will be subject to the draft. Were I a woman I would think about that before voting Hillary.

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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #73 on: October 28, 2016, 10:05:44 am »
I am of the opinion that this is manufactured out rage on the part of both Megan Kelly and SE Cupp. Both got where they are on their looks, both had no problem objectivity themselves to advance their career. As best I can tell Trump, in a private conservation, bragged that since he is a "star" women allow him to touch them. Notice the "allow", I think the direct quote is "they let me do it". Not one creditable accusation of sexual harassment has yet to be made against Trump. I am reminded of Herman Cain.  A manufactured scandal and fake moral out rage. A world famous billionaire grouped someone twenty, thirty years ago and they just remembered it three weeks before the election?

The democrats are desperate to talk about anything but the issues this election. The democrats are on the wrong side of every issue important to the American people, every damn one. So Trump is sometimes boorish in private conservation with the guys, big deal. If he does one tenth of what he says he wants to do he will be a great president. One of the best and after Bush, Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama we really need a good president. We will not survive another globalist president (Clinton).

Who said this in 2013:  "Cultures and economics are intertwined" and "In this case, the solution is clear. We will have to leave borders behind and go for global unity when it comes to financial stability."

And you say he'll save us from the globalist... The fox is in the hen house and you are offering to feed him...


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Re: The Lonely Life of a Republican Woman
« Reply #74 on: October 28, 2016, 11:09:49 am »

This whole election has me swearing off the GOP and Trump Democrats that invaded it. I cannot believe the Party that once touted family values think women should shut up and allow themselves to be groped and abused. I cannot believe the party that once defended the unborn now thinks it's okay for Trump to perform abortion in the oval office as long as he builds some mythical wall. I cannot believe that the party of Christian values now supports, excuses and celebrates any and all forms of perversion because the Orange One did them.

I do not want to be associated with such a party or with such people.