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Pope Francis To Announce Extraterrestrial Savior According to New Book (& other sources)



Qx note: I plan to collect in this thread a survey of 3-7 better articles about the Pope and the officials of the Vatican Observatory's statements and plans over the last few years or so regarding ET's etc.

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Pope Francis To Announce Extraterrestrial Savior According To New Book

1 April 2013 by Dr Michael Salla

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Both Funes and Consolmagno are scientific advisors to the Pope and advise him on all matters concerning astronomy – which includes the likelihood of a future discovery of extraterrestrial life. It’s inconceivable that both Funes and Consolmagno would have been able to make public their beliefs about extraterrestrial life without the approval of the previous Pope, Benedict XVI. It is highly likely that the Vatican astronomers will continue to be given permission to make statements about extraterrestrial life and its theological implications. So is it pure science driving these statements from Vatican astronomers or something else?
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. . . They contend that Vatican astronomers have already found evidence of extraterrestrial life, much closer to earth. Putnam and Horn claim that the Vatican’s astronomical telescope (Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope) located at the Mt Graham Observatory, Arizona, is tracking something that has yet to be announced to the world. They quote from Father Malachi Martin, another Jesuit, who cryptically revealed something that was being tracked by Vatican astronomers that had great significance. In a 1997 interview on the popular radio program Coast to Coast AM, Martin said:

--- Quote ---    Because the mentality…amongst those who [are] at the…highest levels of Vatican administration and geopolitics, know…what’s going on in space, and what’s approaching us, could be of great import in the next five years, ten years.

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imho,  Putnam and Horn's Exo-Vaticana is an incredible tour-de-force 600 page research summary. The print copy has a free DVD with it on which they have included 10's of thousands of pages of many of their source documents--including from ancient Vatican archives and other sources from ancient antiquity.

I think this article is a fair introduction to this incredible research effort.

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Source 2

Vatican Prepares for Extraterrestrial Disclosure

by Michael Salla 12 Nov 2009 from Examiner website

--- Quote ---The Vatican has just completed a five day conference astrobiology where scientists convened to discuss the detection and implications of extraterrestrial life. A major driving force behind the conference was the Director of the Vatican Observatory, the Jesuit priest Father Jose Gabriel Funes.
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The Vatican’s new openness on extraterrestrial life is consistent with reports of secret discussions held at the United Nations that began in February 2008. The Vatican’s permanent representative to the UN, Archbishop Celestino Migliore, was reported to have attended along with a number of other prominent government officials to discuss increased UFO sightings and the implications of extraterrestrial visitation.
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The Vatican’s astrobiology conference is yet one more sign that major global institutions are preparing for some kind of formal disclosure concerning UFOs and/or extraterrestrial life. This is a direct outcome of a series of landmark meetings at the UN beginning in February 2008 that led to the adoption of a new openness policy.
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This article is very brief but does introduce some of the major players at the Vatican regarding the issue of ET's and the future. These names can be searched on the net for additional information.
Or, Exo-Vaticana can be consulted as a collection of the better such sources and their major points.
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The Vatican Is Making Radical Changes In Preparation For Disclosure
7 Dec 2014

"A Seismic Shift In the Vatican's Approach To UFO & Alien Disclosure"

--- Quote ---Under clear instruction from the Vatican, Brother Guy Consolmagno is preparing the world for UFO and Extraterrestrial Disclosure. When you read this story you will see a subtle but tectonic shift in the way the Vatican is going to approach UFO/Alien Disclosure. The name of Brother Guy's new book speaks volumes - 'Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?'
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This article mostly introduces Consolmagno and his background and priorities of a scientific nature--including the topic of ET and the future of the church.
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Vatican Approves UFO's: 'The Aliens Are Our Brothers'
This is one of the most important of these articles as it is a collection of such articles, summarized, and their sources. The revelations in some of the included articles are more substantive than those mentioned in the above few articles.
Some titles of included articles:

--- Quote ---The Vatican tries to get a step ahead on Extraterrestrial issues before announcements by major world governments.

from 7 April l2012
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Vatican Official Declares on National Television: Extraterrestrial Contacts Are Real
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Vatican States: 'Aliens Are Our Brothers,' Interview with Religious Leaders on Aliens

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Pegasus Research Consortium: The UFO Files: Vatican and  UFO's
Vatican Official Declares Extraterrestrial Contact Is Real
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Vatican Ponders Baptism of Extraterrestrials
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The Vatican Observatory
On Mt Graham in AZ
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Vatican Considers Possibility of Aliens
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The Vatican and UFO's

--- Quote ---Uploaded on Nov 16, 2009

Monsignor Corrado Balducci - a theologian member of the Vatican Curia (governing body) talks about why the Vatican thinks Et's are real and why its preparing [Roman C]atholics to accept them

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Educating Humanity
UFO Disclosure and the Vatican, Unsealed Alien Files 2013
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Enough for now. There's enough sources and links there to ferret out some interesting factoids, for the truly interested, imho.


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