Author Topic: Doctors sound alarm over Hillary’s ‘very serious’ eye problem  (Read 335 times)

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October 26, 2016
By Victor Skinner

Medical professionals are weighing in on Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s eyes, which have appeared out of sync in videos of several recent speeches on the campaign trail.

Most recently, at a rally in Cleveland, Ohio on Friday, Clinton’s left eye appeared to turn more than her right when looking toward her right, a problem that seemed to have first emerged during a Philadelphia really last month.

The Ear and Balance Institute’s Dr. Gerald Gianoli, a neuro-otology surgeon who specializes in intracranial pressure, has not personally examined Clinton, but said it’s reasonable to draw some likely conclusions about the former secretary of state’s ongoing medical issues based on her eye activity in the videos and her known medical history.


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Re: Doctors sound alarm over Hillary’s ‘very serious’ eye problem
« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2016, 01:05:22 pm »
SURVEY: Two-thirds of doctors see Hillary ‘abnormal eye movements’

October 25, 2016
By Association of American Physicians and Surgeons

Nearly two-thirds of respondents said they saw abnormal movements. Only 15% did not, and 21% were unsure. There are long segments in which the eye movements appear normal.

About 60% of those who saw abnormal movements thought “the cause could be a potentially disabling neurological condition,” and none of them were willing to say that it isn’t.