Author Topic: A Retired FBI Agent Addresses James Comey on the Hillary Clinton Investigation  (Read 359 times)

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October 25, 2016
A Retired FBI Agent Addresses James Comey on the Hillary Clinton Investigation
By Hugh Galyen

Mr. James Comey, Director

Federal Bureau of Investigation

J. Edgar Hoover Building

935 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W

Washington, D.C.  20535-0001


I am writing regarding your public statement in July, 2016 informing the American people that the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton was being closed without referring it to a Federal Grand Jury or the Attorney General of the U. S. for a decision whether or not to indict her. Strangely, you eloquently laid out enough of the evidence deduced from the investigation to strongly indicate there was abundant evidence uncovered during the investigation and interview of her to not only indict but to convict her in  Federal Court.­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­However, you personally  re-worded and soft-pedaled the actions she took as Secretary of State describing her actions as "extremely careless” in using a personal email and un-secured server for her communications while Secretary of State. You rewrote the statute, which is not your job.

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