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Offline Quix

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22 OCT 2016
Provided by Mirror undefinedBarack Obama is close to making a groundbreaking announcement regarding UFO and extra-terrestrial activity before he leaves office, it’s been reported.
The US President is under pressure thanks to similar disclosure promises made by the campaign of Democratic candidate for Obama’s replacement, Hillary Clinton.
Stephen Bassett, executive director of US-based Paradigm Research Group (PRG), believes that there could be a massive announcement to come.
. . .
And he says David Cameron will follow suit almost immediately after.The 69-year-old has been lobbying the White House to release these details for 20 years and is excited about being “on the brink” of discovering the truth.
. . .
by MirrorThe possible revelations would come just months after Clinton told a US talk show that she was keen on transparency of information on ET and UFOs.
Campaign manager John Podesta also spoke about releasing top-secret files.
. . .

Time will tell.
imho, such a decision is far above the pay grade of all of them.
Disclosure will not happen
it fits the script and goals of the satanic oligarchy and/or the critters.
There have been signs . . . e.g. The Pope, William Tompkins, Tom DeLonge, EXO-VATICANA, various Wikileaks, Chuck Missler (youtube), L.A. Marzulli (The Watcher series), etc. that disclosure is a LOT closer than ever.
I'm just wary about timing. God only knows, imho. It IS CLEAR, to me, that they will have to have a lot of purported disclosure to carry off THE GREAT DECEPTION of the end times to SUCCESSFULLY coerce the world's citizens into a one world religion . . . as well as . . . more compliantly . . . a one world government.
Certainly it COULD be before the end of 2016. I'm a bit skeptical it will be that soon--unless WW3 is also that soon.
@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe

« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 12:55:27 am by Quix »
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Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.
Finally! He's going to admit the long-form Birth Certificate is a fake...and that he is really an illegal Alien?
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Quix

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Finally! He's going to admit the long-form Birth Certificate is a fake...and that he is really an illegal Alien?


We can dream.

I think the critters jumping overtly on the world stage will happen well before that truth will be admitted.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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A quick blurb about millennials and OThuga from

I deplore their outrageously intrusive used car salesmen type ads so I'll just post this blurb:

"Over A Quarter Of Millennials Prefer OBAMA LIFETIME PRESIDENCY Or Earth-Ending BIBLICAL APOCALYPSE Over Clinton Or Trump"

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.
A quick blurb about millennials and OThuga from

I deplore their outrageously intrusive used car salesmen type ads so I'll just post this blurb:

"Over A Quarter Of Millennials Prefer OBAMA LIFETIME PRESIDENCY Or Earth-Ending BIBLICAL APOCALYPSE Over Clinton Or Trump"

SMOD 2016
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Quix

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SMOD 2016

Sorry, I have no idea what

"SMOD" stands for.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Smokin Joe

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  • I was a "conspiracy theorist". Now I'm just right.
Sorry, I have no idea what

"SMOD" stands for.
:silly: I thought you had seen that one, friend. SMOD= "Sweet Meteor Of Death"
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Frank Cannon

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Bleh. This alien stuff is old news. I watched a documentary on it some time back. Our government has been working with them for some time.

Offline Smokin Joe

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Bleh. This alien stuff is old news. I watched a documentary on it some time back. Our government has been working with them for some time.

No they haven't. That really was burning marsh gas reflected off a weather balloon backlit by the planet Venus...
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline Ghost Bear

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22 OCT 2016
Time will tell.
imho, such a decision is far above the pay grade of all of them.

I don't know, I seem to recall seeing similar stories near the end of other 2-term Presidents times in office. I guess the thought is that since they can't run for the office again, they are "free" to tell the "truth" about such things. So I don't know how much stock to put into such a story appearing now.  :shrug:
After 40 years of being lied to by people who called themselves "Conservatives", I no longer consider myself to be a "Conservative".

Offline Ghost Bear

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No they haven't. That really was burning marsh gas reflected off a weather balloon backlit by the planet Venus...
After 40 years of being lied to by people who called themselves "Conservatives", I no longer consider myself to be a "Conservative".

Offline Victoria33

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@Smokin Joe

Think about this in political terms:
If Obama released this information in these days before election day, like in the next few days, there would be a huge, really huge, thank you from the public, especially younger voters and maybe older voters (thankful they were still alive to hear it) and they would praise him for telling them this and they would vote for his party, being Clinton. 

I have been to Roswell, New Mexico, to the UFO museum and have all the books written about that.  Anything UFO found there, if there was anything, is now at Area 51.  I am sure many millions have also been to Roswell and if Obama put that information out, his approval numbers would go up dramatically, something he could point to at the end of his administration.  Plus, if nothing happened at Roswell and all other reports of UFOs were also bogus, and he reported that, using documentation, he would still get a huge bump of approval.

My grandson lived in London all his life until he came to college here this year.  When he was about ten years old, for Christmas, I ordered items from the UFO Roswell museum - two books and an alien figure so he would know about that happening, true or not.  It needed to be part of his education since he is an American citizen as well as a British citizen. 

I am all for Obama releasing any information there is.  Numerous pilots, not nutcases, have reported what they have seen and I would like to know if any of that was documented as true.

Offline ABX

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The government has been using 'alien' stories to cover up testing of advanced military technology for over 6 decades. They have people who plant stories like this to make people who see a top secret aircraft or something else of the sort look like fools and to deflect conversation about what they are seeing. It used to be books and conspiracy journals, now they are using the Internet. I remember in the 80s when I was a kid reading a lot of stories about boomerang shaped UFOs being sited (I was really into that stuff in Jr. High and High School). Then, a decade or so later, the B2 Bomber was revealed and it looked identical to all the UFO sightings I read about a decade or more before. They used UFO stories to discredit sightings to keep the technology testing a secret.

If Obama does release 'alien' information, you can bet it is a deflection from another story... 'look over here at the shiny object while I do this to your freedoms'. Misdirection.

Offline Quix

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:silly: I thought you had seen that one, friend. SMOD= "Sweet Meteor Of Death"

Thanks. Haven't been following the meteor stuff much.

Is there a movie or some such originating it?
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QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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No they haven't. That really was burning marsh gas reflected off a weather balloon backlit by the planet Venus...

Welllllllllllll, some folks are experts on marsh gas . . . and some aren't.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Victoria33

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If Obama does release 'alien' information, you can bet it is a deflection from another story... 'look over here at the shiny object while I do this to your freedoms'. Misdirection.

Your words above said what I said was his reason for doing this if he does, but you used many fewer words than I.  Everything said against Clinton would disappear if Obama did this and his approval rating would go sky high (all the way to those UFOs circling the globe).   :pigs fly:

Offline Quix

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I don't know, I seem to recall seeing similar stories near the end of other 2-term Presidents times in office. I guess the thought is that since they can't run for the office again, they are "free" to tell the "truth" about such things. So I don't know how much stock to put into such a story appearing now.  :shrug:

Yeah, there have long been "threats" of disclosure by Presidents. They have all come to naught.

However, with the 3 incremental escalations I've mentioned:

1. The Pope's personal pronouncements as well as the even more startling ones out of the Vatican Observatory offices;

2. William Tompkins

3. Tom DeLonge

it APPEARS that the oligarchy and/or the critters are ramping up the issue to an unprecedented level in terms of the significance of things publicly stated as well as the rank of those stating them.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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@Smokin Joe

Think about this in political terms:
If Obama released this information in these days before election day, like in the next few days, there would be a huge, really huge, thank you from the public, especially younger voters and maybe older voters (thankful they were still alive to hear it) and they would praise him for telling them this and they would vote for his party, being Clinton. 

I have been to Roswell, New Mexico, to the UFO museum and have all the books written about that.  Anything UFO found there, if there was anything, is now at Area 51.  I am sure many millions have also been to Roswell and if Obama put that information out, his approval numbers would go up dramatically, something he could point to at the end of his administration.  Plus, if nothing happened at Roswell and all other reports of UFOs were also bogus, and he reported that, using documentation, he would still get a huge bump of approval.

My grandson lived in London all his life until he came to college here this year.  When he was about ten years old, for Christmas, I ordered items from the UFO Roswell museum - two books and an alien figure so he would know about that happening, true or not.  It needed to be part of his education since he is an American citizen as well as a British citizen. 

I am all for Obama releasing any information there is.  Numerous pilots, not nutcases, have reported what they have seen and I would like to know if any of that was documented as true.

OThuga can't fart without authorization from his puppet masters. He wouldn't dare release what relatively little he may know, without authorization/orders to do so.

The documentation of what's been going on has been far more extensive and of a higher quality with far far more high level multiple witnesses than that sending many murderers to their executions. Far more.

It is certainly conceivable that releasing such could give the criminal pants suit a bump in support. Time will tell what the oligarchy will achieve come say by 10 Nov. They sure seem to be pulling out a full court press to reinstall the rage-a-holic in the WH. On the other hand, she's more criminal, a worse person, a more hideous creature than probably all the other traitors in D.C. over our history--combined. And that's saying something.

« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 05:36:03 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Quix

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The government has been using 'alien' stories to cover up testing of advanced military technology for over 6 decades. They have people who plant stories like this to make people who see a top secret aircraft or something else of the sort look like fools and to deflect conversation about what they are seeing. It used to be books and conspiracy journals, now they are using the Internet. I remember in the 80s when I was a kid reading a lot of stories about boomerang shaped UFOs being sited (I was really into that stuff in Jr. High and High School). Then, a decade or so later, the B2 Bomber was revealed and it looked identical to all the UFO sightings I read about a decade or more before. They used UFO stories to discredit sightings to keep the technology testing a secret.

image [snip]

If Obama does release 'alien' information, you can bet it is a deflection from another story... 'look over here at the shiny object while I do this to your freedoms'. Misdirection.

Toooo many high level folks have asserted the 'OTHER' aspect to the goings on. Too many have asserted that there are both "our" craft and "their" craft etc. etc. etc.

Certainly using the UFO story as a deflection in this SElection period is more than a little plausible.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 05:38:21 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Your words above said what I said was his reason for doing this if he does, but you used many fewer words than I.  Everything said against Clinton would disappear if Obama did this and his approval rating would go sky high (all the way to those UFOs circling the globe). 

It's hard to guess . . . what the net effect would be in terms of support for Shrillery.

It COULD wake masses of Christians up in a really nasty, negative resulting sort of way.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 05:40:14 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Toooo many high level folks have asserted the 'OTHER' aspect to the goings on. Too many have asserted that there are both "our" craft and "their" craft etc. etc. etc.

Certainly using the UFO story as a deflection in this SElection period is more than a little plausible.

Too many "high" people claim to know things they couldn't possibly know.  About the only people I'd believe would be pilots, even then they wouldn't know about any secret aircraft.   The secret programs are compartmentalized so much that unless you are directly involved you don't know the program even exists. 
Fools mock, tongues wag, babies cry and goats bleat.

Offline Quix

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Too many "high" people claim to know things they couldn't possibly know.  About the only people I'd believe would be pilots, even then they wouldn't know about any secret aircraft.   The secret programs are compartmentalized so much that unless you are directly involved you don't know the program even exists. 

My close relative worked closely with a high level German Paper-Clip scientist at S-4.

I believe him.

Besides that, from the sounds of your assertions, I'm skeptical how deeply and broadly you have researched that issue.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2016, 05:55:08 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline ABX

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Toooo many high level folks have asserted the 'OTHER' aspect to the goings on. Too many have asserted that there are both "our" craft and "their" craft etc. etc. etc.

Certainly using the UFO story as a deflection in this SElection period is more than a little plausible.

In other words, 'high level' folks who are specifically in the position to need to deflect from advanced military testing. They are the types who can't say "why yes, that is an X-Plane we are testing that you are seeing"...instead, it is their job to say... Oh, that's an alien, not military technology.

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In other words, 'high level' folks who are specifically in the position to need to deflect from advanced military testing. They are the types who can't say "why yes, that is an X-Plane we are testing that you are seeing"...instead, it is their job to say... Oh, that's an alien, not military technology.

That's a plausible conjecture.

It's not the only plausible alternative.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

Offline Frank Cannon

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