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RUSSIA has entered a new Cold War with the West that could lead to confrontations across the world, experts warn.
By Sofia Delgado
PUBLISHED: 13:29, Sun, Oct 23, 2016 | UPDATED: 15:13, Sun, Oct 23, 2016


--- Quote ---President Vladimir Putin has challenged American international hegemony with threats to retaliate against the US if the Aleppo bombing’s sanctions go ahead.
Military and foreign policy experts in Moscow believe Russian President Vladimir Putin and western leaders are headed for a dangerous stand-off.
Lt Gen Evgeny Buzhinsky, head of the think tank PIR centre, said: “If we talk about the last Cold War, we are currently somewhere between the erection of the Berlin Wall and the Cuban Missile crisis.”
. . .
But deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov said Moscow would take "asymmetrical and forceful measures" in return.
According to reports Russia has already decided to cut off diplomatic ties with the US until a new leader is elected on November 8.
Earlier this month a close ally to Putin claimed the US could face a nuclear war if Donald Trump loses the race.
Decision to cut off ties came after US secretary of state John Kerry had cancelled coordination over Syria.
. . .

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That's an interesting assertion about war more likely with Shrillery.
It's a pretty robust article. There's some videos embedded.
Putin's comment that the confrontation is looming more from America's domineering attitude than because of Syria is also interesting.
= = =

imho, it's all likely to be more KABUKI DANCE stuff from the oligarchy.

CERTAINLY the oligarchy has been setting up and planning WW3 for a long time. They want the depopulation aspect as well as the terror of it to coerce the surviving serfs and slaves into abject slave oriented obedience to their tyrannical one world government and one world religion.

Some say it will befall us before the end of this Dec. Others claim within weeks of Shrillery's inauguration. Others before the end of 2017.

Certainly it IS on the schedule. When, exactly, remains to be seen.

Some have claimed only a few nukes would be exchanged. I don't think so. I think the devastation will be massive.

Though, actually, if they caught the whole Congress in session and all the traitorous D.C. bureaucrats in the first strike . . . I don't know that I'd shed a lot of tears over that aspect.

Nevertheless, the bloody devastation and suffering on the part of 100's of millions . . . will be unprecedented whenever it is lit off.

And Shrillery's wailing about "for the children" is utter farce for her to blather. She doesn't care a gnat's fart's worth about the world's children. She's on board for exterminating masses of them without losing any sleep over it any more than she loses sleep over abortions.

I wonder what TBR's members think about the timing of looming WW3???

Or are there many who still doubt it's on the very real schedule and definitely will occur in our lifetime?

I have read arguments that TPTB don't want to get rid of so many consumers. Nonsense. The most critical issue for them is that they know it would be much more dicey to maintain their tyranny with  a huge global population.

Money for them at this point is Monopoly money. Their drug of choice is POWER AND MORE POWER.


@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe

Would they be doing this if they didn't think Hillary would win?

They remember what Bill did in Kosovo.


--- Quote from: dfwgator on October 23, 2016, 06:53:58 pm ---Would they be doing this if they didn't think Hillary would win?

They remember what Bill did in Kosovo.

--- End quote ---

Interesting point. I'd forgotten about that.

I don't think they appreciated that. LOL.

= = =

Maybe they want to do almost everything they can to discourage a Shrillery win.  regardless of the probabilities.

= = =

We've had reports out of Russia for more than a decade . . . some by western businessmen . . . that Russians openly speak of the looming/definite WW3 with the USA. That troop training etc. has been extensive, active and geared toward that as a certainty.

I don't think they have all been blowing smoke up Goofy's rear.

Mom MD:
I do not think WW3 is looming.  I think Ezekiel 38 is looming
Russia's behavior and their alliance with Iran makes me think Iran now has a nuke(s) which it either made or purchased
They are likely to test it over Tel Aviv
Hence Russia is calling its people home and preparing for war based on Iran's likely attack on Israel (the "hook" in the jaw of Gog)
Fasten your seatbelts!  The outcome of this election may not mean much.  It might be all over by then.

Mom MD:

--- Quote from: RAT Patrol on October 23, 2016, 07:08:49 pm ---Couldn't it be both are looming?

--- End quote ---

Certainly.  We could have both at the same time but the focus is and will be back on Israel, not the west.  Scripture is fairly silent about the western nations other than a reference to fire sent to those on the coasts....  God's focus is on Israel in the last days.  So much for most Americans thinking we are the center of the universe....


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