Author Topic: O’Keefe Undercover Video Reveals Dems Planning to Use Women as Secret Weapon Against Trump Fans  (Read 520 times)

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The political world has been rocked (again) by a series of videos released by Project Veritas that have documented just how low Democrat operatives have been willing to go to stop Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s campaign.

The first few videos detailed how high-ranking Democrats conspired to start violence at Trump rallies. A new video released on Wednesday revealed how Democrat operatives also planned to put protesters in Trump rallies for imaging purposes.

Aaron Black, the Democrat National Committee’s rapid response coordinator, was seen talking in the latest video about how he wanted to put women in Trump rallies who were protesting so they could get images of men yelling at women.

“Hey, Lauren (a co-worker), so we get people behind Trump when he’s at a rally, but we make sure it’s women and they are positioned next to men,” Black said in the video.

“We want images of the men bullying the women who are trying to hold their signs up. That’s what I’m going to do. That is what we’re going to do. That is the hit,” he stated.

Having images of men at Trump rallies yelling at women would feed into the the Democrat narrative that Trump and his supporters were all sexist pigs with violent streaks.


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Having images of men at Trump rallies yelling at women would feed into the the Democrat narrative that Trump and his supporters were all sexist pigs with violent streaks.


This same liberal progressive rhetoric is preached not only by the Democrat operatives, but it goes non-stop on this website 24/7.