Author Topic: Maine: State auditor says DHHS ‘improperly managed’ over $13 million in federal funds  (Read 1043 times)

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State Auditor Pola A. Buckley notified Gov. Paul LePage, Attorney General Janet Mills and several state legislators on Tuesday that the Maine Department of Health and Human Services “improperly managed” more than $13 million in federal welfare funding.

Though the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families funds that were transferred to a Social Services Block Grant program were returned to the federal government in July 2016, Buckley said in a two-page letter dated Oct. 18 that she considered the matter serious enough to bring to their attention.

“We consider the matter involving the use of TANF transfers to the Social Services Block Grant to be significant because it involves $13.4 million,” Buckley wrote. “We consider this matter to be improper management of funds at the agency level that should rise to the attention of the governor, the attorney general, and the Legislature.”

A four-page audit finding attached to Buckley’s letter says that DHHS used the federal funds, which had been earmarked for children or families whose income is less than 200 percent of the poverty level, to fund contracts for the Home Based Care program, which supports the elderly and adults with disabilities...

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