Author Topic: Ex-NY Times Public Editor Aghast That Anyone Thinks Times Reporters Make Stuff Up  (Read 344 times)

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Ex-NY Times Public Editor Aghast That Anyone Thinks Times Reporters Make Stuff Up
By Jack Coleman | October 18, 2016 | 3:11 PM EDT

GOP nominee Donald Trump is alleging the game is rigged against him from a disturbing combo of inevitable voting fraud and slanted media coverage of the campaign. Predictably, media stalwarts blithely dismiss Trump's allegation as paranoid and delusional.

Perhaps they should not be so quick to laugh it off, given the media's track record when it comes to fiction fobbed off as journalism.

An example of this could be seen on the most recent Reliable Sources with host Brian Stelter, a former media reporter for the New York Times, discussing Trump's allegations with Margaret Sullivan, media reporter for the Washington Post and former public editor (what used to be called ombudsman) at the New York Times, and former Bush speechwriter David Frum --


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I'll bet she's equally aghast to think scientists make up global warming nonsense. :whistle: