Author Topic: ACTUARIAL REVIEW: Analysis of Recent Polls Shows Trump Win and Possible Landslide  (Read 3367 times)

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Offline bolobaby

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How do we know that?


You're kidding right? Please tell me you're kidding.

Is this a new Trumpette conspiracy theory? That he actually won a majority in the primary, but was somehow "cheated?"

It's not like the vote totals from the primary aren't a matter of RECORD.

To sum up:

Wanted Trump - ~45%
Did Not Want Trump - ~55%
« Last Edit: October 19, 2016, 04:54:26 pm by bolobaby »
How to lose credibility while posting:
1. Trump is never wrong.
2. Default to the most puerile emoticon you can find. This is especially useful when you can't win an argument on merits.
3. Be falsely ingratiating, completely but politely dismissive without talking to the points, and bring up Hillary whenever the conversation is really about conservatism.
4. When all else fails, remember rule #1 and #2. Emoticons are like the poor man's tweet!


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Finally someone got it!

The guy writing this article is no more qualified to render judgement on this topic than you or I.

So it should be taken in the same vein and not the received word of some political guru.

The guy is probably some  frustrated underwriter for some large company who spends his days working in a windowless room stairing at excel spreadsheets on one screen and Kardashianesque porn tapes on the other.