Author Topic: Donald Trump Isn’t Who We Are And He Doesn’t Care About You  (Read 321 times)

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Donald Trump Isn’t Who We Are And He Doesn’t Care About You
« on: October 18, 2016, 09:09:16 pm »
The Navy officer, TV star and long-time Republican explains why he’s publicly endorsing a Democrat for the first time in his life.

10.18.16 2:28 PM ET

Donald Trump’s supporters need to understand that his campaign isn’t about making their lives better. Donald’s campaign is about fueling his narcissism.

I'd argue it's also about healing a wound inflicted on Donald back in 2011 at the White House Correspondents Dinner. There, President Barack Obama and Seth Myers teased Donald relentlessly as cameras captured him swallowing their jibes with obvious bitterness. That fateful night, I believe, is when his campaign started. I believe he is that narcissistic and shallow. I believe it's a driving motive behind his shameful campaign, which has convinced half of the country to throw away everything that we stand for.

The single greatest threat to our country and our way of life is our tendency to focus on what divides us. Both parties are guilty of it. That’s why I’ve been an Independent since the early 90’s when I left the Republican party. Most Americans—both parties seem to forget—sit in the middle 25% of the political spectrum. This election cycle, I endorsed John Kasich who I considered our best hope for bringing unity to a bitterly divided nation. Faced with the threat posed by Donald Trump, I endorsed Hillary Clinton in August, the first time I've ever publicly endorsed a Democrat. Watching Donald implode these past few weeks, I endorse Clinton more strongly now than even then.
Donald Trump—and the discord he’s sown—is not who we are. The man bragged about sexually assaulting women. He can call it “locker room talk,” but even if the remarks had been made in a locker room, they are still inexcusable. And they're not who we are.

Donald Trump has boasted about inviting himself in to dressing rooms at the beauty pageant he owns, using his power as its owner to gawk at women in various states of undress, and, in other instances allegedly gone beyond just inappropriate talk. And that’s not who we are.

Donald Trump led a campaign to prove that the first black President of this country was born in Africa and therefore illegitimate. He called the President a secret Muslim, questioning his Christian faith. He is racist and beneath contempt. And that's not who we are. 

Donald Trump continues to assert the guilt of the Central Park Five, who've been wrongfully imprisoned, one for 13 years. The Five have been vindicated by a judge but Trump—a stubborn narcissist who refuses to be wrong—still denies their innocence. That’s not who we are.

At long last, Trump's campaign is imploding. But Trump and his "enablers in chief" Steve Bannon, Kellyanne Conway and Jason Miller are deploying a new and despicable plan – urging supporters to intimidate minority voters at polling places. Does that sound familiar? Jim Crow was a dark period in our nation's history. And it’s not who we are today.

(more at link)