Author Topic: Is poll-leading Hillary Clinton the Ghost Candidate? No crowds, no sales, no signs, no inspiration. Something doesn't add up  (Read 1232 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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by Joseph Smith

Hillary Clinton is all but measuring the drapes for the Oval Office, but some things in this campaign don't add up:

Trump supporter Wayne Allen Root paints Hillary Clinton as the political equivalent of the "ghost cities" of China that no one lives in:

This reminds me of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. She exists, but are there any real people behind her? Are you certain anyone is voting for her?

While Trump rallies are "once-in-a-lifetime experiences ... like Woodstock for working-class conservatives," Hillary is lucky to draw 200 people.

No one buys Hillary's books or campaign gear, either.  Root tells of a friend who found only Hillary gear at the airport gift shop and, on inquiring, was told that the Trump hats and shirts that come in twice a week are sold out "within hours."

Hillary's gear? They can't give it away.

... This doesn't appear odd to you? Hillary is leading in the polls, but no one attends her rallies, no one buys her books and no one buys her merchandise[.] ... She is a candidate whose own supporters don't like her.

... Hillary is the "Ghost Candidate."

V.P. candidate Tim Kaine is equally uninspiring, drawing just fifty people to a rally last Friday in Miami.  Mr. Kaine spoke from the back of a pickup truck with a street-art poster for a back drop, and the estimate of fifty attendees appears to include organizers, a few photographers, and at least two children well under voting age.

Yet Mr. Kaine may be one dizzy spell from the Oval Office.

Ed Klein, author of several books on the Obamas and the Clintons, has a column out on Mrs. Clinton's maladies.

Mr. Klein reveals that President Obama and his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, "have been so worried about Hillary's health that they recently offered to arrange a secret medical checkup for her."  Mrs. Clinton refused the offer, fearing that "a leak to the media would prove fatal to her presidential campaign."

According to Mr. Klein:

Her doctors have discovered she suffers from arrhythmia (an abnormal heart beat) and a leaking heart valve. They have recommended that she consider having valve replacement surgery, but Hillary has refused because she does not want to risk the negative political fallout from stories about such a serious operation.

... Hillary suffers from chronic low blood pressure, insufficient blood flow, a tendency to form life-threatening blood clots, and troubling side effects from her medications.

Not to mention a predilection for deception.  Klein continues:

Among Hillary's friends, it is common knowledge that she suffers from tension headaches, sits with her feet elevated, nods off to sleep while studying her speeches, gets dizzy and has frequently stumbled and fallen at her home in Chappaqua. She asks her closest aide, Huma Abedin, to rub her shoulders and bring her cold compresses for her neck and forehead.

So to recap, Hillary is leading in the polls but doesn't draw crowds, can't give away her merchandise, and is not liked by her own supporters.  Her running mate is equally uninspiring and acted like an irritating jerk in his one moment under the lights.  Mrs. Clinton is in failing health and is unlikely to be able to withstand the rigors of the presidency.

Makes perfect sense to me.

Meanwhile, New York Times reporter Stephen Hiltner filed this report on a recent cross-country trip:

Over the course of eight days, while traveling some 3,000 miles by motorcycle across the northern United States, I was steadily confronted by presidential yard signs.

I idly recorded those in support of Donald J. Trump until, after the first few days, the number approached 100. I eventually lost count.

Those in support of Hillary Clinton were comparatively easy to keep track of: I traveled nearly 2,500 miles before I saw a single one.

While Mr. Hiltner's route took him through states that lean Republican, he says of Trump:

Still, the route alone would not fully explain his utter dominance of the pastures, lawns and embankments that formed the margins of my field of vision.

The Times reporter observes that yard signs are "an outdated form of political advertising" that seems "quaint, almost historical."  Left unsaid is the implication that only rubes would use such archaic means of expression in the digital age.

Hiltner interviewed the owner of the first Hillary sign he encountered, in Thorntown, Indiana, and that individual recommended a visit to a nearby fall festival (emphasis in original):

But by the time I reached the crowds who were gathered there, just a few blocks to the east, a different kind of music had once again caught my attention.

It was the continuing chorus of America's roadways, as sung by the yard signs of Thorntown: TRUMP, TRUMP, TRUMP.

So poll-leading Hillary has no crowds, no sales, and no signs.  Her inept running mate may be one dizzy spell away from the Oval Office, and she has an opponent generating historic levels of enthusiasm.  Despite what her media supporters would have us believe, it just doesn't add up.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 03:43:24 pm by SirLinksALot »

Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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It's easy. Trump has a small group of loony followers. Hillary is boring and doesn't generate excitement.

But most people will go for boring over a lunatic, even if she's boring.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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It's the internet age. you don't need signs and stickers when everyone has an I phone. you don't need rallies when people watch youtube unless you want to go to a live 'show'. You don't need billions of dollars in TV ads for the same reasons.

Offline SirLinksALot

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It's easy. Trump has a small group of loony followers. Hillary is boring and doesn't generate excitement.

What does "Small Group" mean? You mean these loonies (40% of Republican voters) exist in every state?

Offline SirLinksALot

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It's the internet age. you don't need signs and stickers when everyone has an I phone. you don't need rallies when people watch youtube unless you want to go to a live 'show'. You don't need billions of dollars in TV ads for the same reasons.

So you're telling us that in lieu of attending Hillary's live rallies, voters simply and enthusiastically watch Hillary's speeches on the internet?


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Why does Clinton need anything when Trump is her most effective tool of all?

Offline catfish1957

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We have been given a a choice of the worst two candidates in American History.

Nothing surprises me.
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

Offline Norm Lenhart

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So you're telling us that in lieu of attending Hillary's live rallies, voters simply and enthusiastically watch Hillary's speeches on the internet?

No I'm telling you they made their mind up long ago, thus there's no need for big spectacles, at least a lot of them, and she can feed a captive voter base of plantation Democrats email to keep them hyped enough to vote for her. She can then pocket the cash she would normally spend on spectacles because the donors are still donating. Besides, they want the image of 90s Hillary, not the physical reality of 216 hillary in their minds.


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What does "Small Group" mean? You mean these loonies (40% of Republican voters) exist in every state?

That's not a lot of voters when compared to the entire general electorate, you know.

There are 146 million registered voters.  Roughly 29 million voters in the Republican primaries.  About 44% voted for Trump.

This means that 12.7 million went for Trump (I'm not counting the votes on ballots where he was the only candidate left running).

That is 8.5% of the all registered voters.  Or about 255,000 people per state (on average).
« Last Edit: October 18, 2016, 04:29:36 pm by HonestJohn »

Offline TomSea

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7000 expected in Grand Junction and that town isn't that big. Amazing.


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7000 expected in Grand Junction and that town isn't that big. Amazing.

Romney pulled them in too, for all the good it did. 


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So you're telling us that in lieu of attending Hillary's live rallies, voters simply and enthusiastically watch Hillary's speeches on the internet?

Why would they need to watch speeches at all?  You're applying a very twentieth century framework to twenty first century elections.  This is a problem that has bedeviled the GOP for several cycles.  The DNC has figured out that a substantial number of voters don't want to waste time at some Industrial Age rally; they prefer social media, email, and other online communication.  Facebook and twitter as well as targeted email blasts are a much more effective way of teaching people.  And that goes for reaching uncommitted voters as well as the already-converted.  Facebook is one of the best tools because all it takes is one already-committed voter to share a political message to their timeline and all of that persons uncommitted friends see that message, and they get it from a trusted source: their friend. 

Open air rallies and speeches are Clinton's weak spot, so she probably doesn't want to do them, and social media has so reduced the return on investment in them that she doesn't have to do them either. 

The republicans - once they get Trump behind them - would do well to finally learn from this lesson.