Author Topic: Citizens of Brussels have a Message for Americans heading to the Polls this Year  (Read 1327 times)

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David Augustus

Published on Oct 16, 2016

Citizens of Brussels are speaking out against Hillary Clinton, "she's the same type of politician here in Europe, a Globalist"


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Globalists are embedded.

Crafty devils, appearing as angels.

Serpents.  Wolves.  Vipers.


Bush Drops Major Bombshell On Presidential Pick! I Didn’t Expect THIS!
Kosar, Featured Contributor

Over the weekend, President George W. Bush’s wife Laura Bush, the former First Lady, dropped a massive hint about who she wants to see in the White House.

Watch (below) as Laura clearly announces she would rather see Hillary Clinton as President than conservative businessman Donald J. Trump. Why? Because Laura wants the new president’s top priority to be women in Afghanistan and continuing America’s policies in the region, even though they have already failed:

As Laura Bush explained at the World in the World summit in New York while appearing on stage with her twin daughters Jenna and Barbara:

    “I want our next president – whoever he or she might be – to be somebody who is interested in women in Afghanistan and who will continue U.S. policies … that we continue to do what we’re committed to do as a country.”

While not mentioning Hillary’s name, it’s clear that Laura Bush is backing Hillary. In fact, Hillary Clinton even provided a recent front-cover endorsement for Laura Bush’s new book, “We are Afghan Women: Voices of Hope.” Hillary’s endorsement reads, “For over a decade, Laura Bush has been an ally and advocate for the women of Afghanistan and, in particular, has worked to ensure that the voices of Afghan women are heard.”


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They stick together.

Privately and publicly.


A Kennedy outs a Bush who favors a Clinton.

Former President George H.W. Bush is bucking his party's presidential nominee and plans to vote for Hillary Clinton in November, according to a member of another famous political family, the Kennedys.

Bush, 92, had intended to stay silent on the White House race between Clinton and Donald Trump, a sign in and of itself of his distaste for the GOP nominee. But his preference for the wife of his own successor, President Bill Clinton, nonetheless became known to a wider audience thanks to Kathleen Hartington Kennedy Townsend, the former Maryland lieutenant governor and daughter of the late Robert F. Kennedy.

On Monday, Townsend posted a picture on her Facebook page shaking hands next to the former president and this caption: "The President told me he’s voting for Hillary!!”

In a telephone interview, Townsend said she met with the former president in Maine earlier today, where she said he made his preference known that he was voting for a Democrat. “That’s what he said,” she


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H2 Note:  'The Hill' is run by progressive neocons hoping and praying you will believe they are 'conservatives.'  They operate JUST LIKE HILLARY CLINTON does.


The Hill
By Timothy Cama - 10/12/16 10:02 AM EDT

Republicans who served top roles in President George W. Bush’s Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) are coming out against Donald Trump's presidential campaign.

The 12 former officials — and one former Energy Department official — criticized the Republican in an open letter Wednesday, led by former EPA head Christine Todd Whitman and former Transportation Secretary Mary Peters.

“We believe in effective government, a society of hope and optimism balanced with realism, and a politics of civility and honesty. None of these values are present in Donald Trump’s campaign,” the ex-officials wrote.

Clinton has pounced on the defections in an attempt to paint Trump as too extreme for the GOP, hoping to push voters away from him.


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Does THIS look familiar?


BY: Elizabeth Harrington   Follow @LizWFB
October 18, 2016 5:00 am

Adviser from 1992 campaign laid out ‘relentless,’ ‘coordinated’ oppo strategy

The 1992 Clinton presidential campaign was not about promoting Bill Clinton’s accomplishments or vision but about tarnishing President George H.W. Bush, according to a close aide of the campaign.

A memo written by Derek Shearer to Bill, Hillary Clinton, and senior campaign aides in April 1992 laid out the “ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK” strategy.

“[It] is my firm belief that in order to win we must ATTACK,” wrote Shearer, an adviser to the campaign. “Elections are not contests between cool, rational decision-making, as you all know.”

Shearer, who later became ambassador to Finland under the Clinton administration after telling Bill and Hillary a “political debt” was owed, described Bush as the Clintons’ “enemy.”

“The only strategy that I know that has a chance of success is: ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK—at all levels, relentlessly, without let-up, from now until election day,” he said.

The strategy was deployed in 1992, as Clinton confidantes Sidney Blumenthal and Cody Shearer, Derek’s brother, worked to dig up dirt and place attack pieces in the press on Bush and independent candidate Ross Perot. Blumenthal was behind an attack that suggested Perot was anti-Semitic and had hired a private eye to investigate his daughter’s fiancée.

The Clintons hired a private investigator themselves to attack Bill Clinton’s sexual accusers. Jack Palladino was paid $100,000 in 1992 by the campaign to investigate two-dozen Clinton accusers. Palladino informed the campaign that he would attack Gennifer Flowers, who Clinton later admitted to having an affair with, by “impeach[ing] her character and veracity until she is destroyed beyond all recognition.”
Hillary Clinton’s Democratic primary campaign also utilized negative strategies against Barack Obama in 2008.


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The Left’s playbook: Satanist Saul Alinsky’s 13 rules for political warfare
Posted by Dr. Eowyn   

Alinsky’s 13 Rules for the Left:

1. Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have.

2. Never go outside the experience of your people.

3. Whenever possible, go outside of the experience of the enemy.

4. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules.

5. Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.

6. A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.

7. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

8. Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose.

9. The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.

10. The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.

11. If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside.

12. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

My experience from 5 years of daily blogging is that the trolls who come onto FOTM typically resort to Alinsky Rules #4 and #5.

Christians must watch out for #4. Leftist trolls deploy it against Christians by invoking OUT OF CONTEXT Jesus’ injunction to “judge not,” as if Christ our Lord actually means for us not to distinguish right from wrong. On the contrary, He abhors the “lukewarm” — the fence-sitters who are stand for nothing, being neither hot nor cold. (See “Why we must admonish the wicked“)


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Message for HAPPY2BSTUPID:  that boat sailed a long, long, long time ago.  You nominated the one person who categorically could not beat Clinton, and now all of us must suffer the consequences of your stupidity.

Quite frankly, you need to stop abusing us #NeverTrumps and stop thinking you can browbeat us into submission because Trump has already alienated so many non-republican voters that he could not win even if every single one of us #NeverTrumps got a lobotomy and voted for him.

Let me tell you a little story, a true story:  my wife was not planning to vote this time around because she does not like Clinton and does not like Trump.  Then out came all the revelations that Trump is a sexual abuser - yes, dearie, he confessed to assaulting women in that 2005 tape, as much as you have stuck your head in the sand and refused to deal with reality - and all of the corroborating evidence, and now she plans on voting for Clinton because in her view Trump will set women's rights back by 50 years.

That is what you and Trump have done:  you have converted people who were not going to vote for Clinton into Clinton voters.

You are Clinton's best weapons this election because you have taken what was a near certain republican victory and turned it into a republican rout.  The White House was lost the moment you nominated Trump, and now, with your and Trump's attacks on all other republicans, it may turn into a rout that returns control of Congress to the democrats.  You couldn't have done any better if you were registered democrats.

The communists have a term for you as well:  "useful idiots"

Offline endicom

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Does THIS look familiar?

It's the NeverTrump playbook. Relentless attack.

Offline sneakypete

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Globalists are embedded.

Crafty devils, appearing as angels.

Serpents.  Wolves.  Vipers.


Bush Drops Major Bombshell On Presidential Pick! I Didn’t Expect THIS!<<


WHY didn't you expect it? Have you been living in a cave since that evil old bastard Poppy took the White House?

Were you not listening when Babs Bush referred to Bubba as "The son I never had?",or when all the Bush women (who are actually the bosses in the Bush Crime Family,with Babs being at the top of that particular dung  heap) came out in favor of abortion on demand?

Did you NOT know that Prescott Bush Sr was a drone for the Harriman family of international bankers,which he married into,and was convicted of laundering money for the Nazi's during WW-2?

Did you not know that his son,Prescott Jr was sent to China to open the Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce by his nephew,Poppy Bush when Poppy was president after being the Ambassador to China and the head of the CIA?

Did you not know that it was the Bush Crime Family connections with Bubbette! when she was on the board of Wal-Mart that arranged the deals to import cheap Chinese junk into the US on sweetheart deals that drove so many American businesses out of business? When the light receptacles in your house start failing and catching your house on fire,you can thank the Bush Crime Family because thanks to them there are no longer any light receptacles or switches made in the US. They are all made in China,and they are all crap.

Did you not know that the very first week he was sitting in the WH that Boy Jorge shut down ALL the investigations into Clinton corruption and pay-offs for trade deals like selling nuclear sub and computer technology to the Chinese through the Bush Crime Family "Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce" so they could get a cut of all the sales because Babs told him if he didn't the investigations would lead right back to his father and his uncle?

Hell,compared to the Bushes,the Clinton's look like shoplifters.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline sneakypete

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Does THIS look familiar?


BY: Elizabeth Harrington   Follow @LizWFB
October 18, 2016 5:00 am

Adviser from 1992 campaign laid out ‘relentless,’ ‘coordinated’ oppo strategy

The 1992 Clinton presidential campaign was not about promoting Bill Clinton’s accomplishments or vision but about tarnishing President George H.W. Bush, according to a close aide of the campaign.

A memo written by Derek Shearer to Bill, Hillary Clinton, and senior campaign aides in April 1992 laid out the “ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK” strategy.

“[It] is my firm belief that in order to win we must ATTACK,” wrote Shearer, an adviser to the campaign. “Elections are not contests between cool, rational decision-making, as you all know.”


I suppose you STILL think WCW "rasslin'" was on the up and up too,and those guys hated each other?

Retail politics on the national level is nothing more than pro-rasslin' in a bigger right. They want to rip each other's eyeballs out in public,but after the cameras are turned off they party down together.

With these people it is ALWAYS "US versus THEM",and the American public is the "THEM".
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!


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WHY didn't you expect it? Have you been living in a cave since that evil old bastard Poppy took the White House?

Were you not listening when Babs Bush referred to Bubba as "The son I never had?",or when all the Bush women (who are actually the bosses in the Bush Crime Family,with Babs being at the top of that particular dung  heap) came out in favor of abortion on demand?

Did you NOT know that Prescott Bush Sr was a drone for the Harriman family of international bankers,which he married into,and was convicted of laundering money for the Nazi's during WW-2?

Did you not know that his son,Prescott Jr was sent to China to open the Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce by his nephew,Poppy Bush when Poppy was president after being the Ambassador to China and the head of the CIA?

Did you not know that it was the Bush Crime Family connections with Bubbette! when she was on the board of Wal-Mart that arranged the deals to import cheap Chinese junk into the US on sweetheart deals that drove so many American businesses out of business? When the light receptacles in your house start failing and catching your house on fire,you can thank the Bush Crime Family because thanks to them there are no longer any light receptacles or switches made in the US. They are all made in China,and they are all crap.

Did you not know that the very first week he was sitting in the WH that Boy Jorge shut down ALL the investigations into Clinton corruption and pay-offs for trade deals like selling nuclear sub and computer technology to the Chinese through the Bush Crime Family "Chinese-American Chamber of Commerce" so they could get a cut of all the sales because Babs told him if he didn't the investigations would lead right back to his father and his uncle?

Hell,compared to the Bushes,the Clinton's look like shoplifters.


They are neocons.

Offline dfwgator

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I suppose you STILL think WCW "rasslin'" was on the up and up too,and those guys hated each other?

Retail politics on the national level is nothing more than pro-rasslin' in a bigger right. They want to rip each other's eyeballs out in public,but after the cameras are turned off they party down together.

With these people it is ALWAYS "US versus THEM",and the American public is the "THEM".

From 1983.  Yes that's George Wallace sitting with them.

Offline endicom

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From 1983.  Yes that's George Wallace sitting with them.

It should be said that Wallace's racism was opportunistic and blew with the political winds. Black Alabamans apparently understood that and at times supported him against competitors. By 1983 he was backing away from his segregationist past.