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Offline roamer_1

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Re: Donald Trump is officially the worst candidate in history
« Reply #50 on: October 18, 2016, 03:27:10 am »
@Victoria33 - Sorry to be so late in replying. Storms effect my circadian rhythm something awful, and it has not been a good week in that respect. Yours was a great post.

I believe the following few reasons are the bedrock of why he can't win.
Fighting with Republican leaders.
Complaining that everything from the polls to the debates to the entire election is rigged against him.
Not bothering to practice before the debates, when he'll be watched by nearly 100 million people.
Not bothering to mount a ground operation to get his supporters to the polls.
Making Bill Clinton's affair the thematic centerpiece of his campaign.
Alienating moderate women, Latinos, and pretty much any key voting bloc he can't afford to lose.

All good points, and true. It is not enough, it seems, that he lies through his teeth, making him wholly unbelievable - He must necessarily, somehow in his psyche, go on to piss off nearly everyone around him - Large swaths of the voting public are out of his reach directly because of his own words.

Tie all that to a god/messiah complex of monumental portions that, not only makes him believe he is not merely right, but righteous, but which also generates it's own feedback loop, only through those who choose to grovel at his feet - Thus inevitably inflating an already straining-at-the-seams ego in an exponential fashion.

It is a sight to behold... But not nearly as much as it's inevitable end.

It takes money to develop a ground game to get voters to the polls, and he isn't doing that.  Clinton did put money into swing states to have workers in counties/parishes to register voters and those workers will get the voters to the polls.  Trump is relying on rallies and no votes happen in rallies. 

The inevitable end of populist campaigns. Like a rock star, they always believe themselves unconquerable - some elixir born in the act of standing before huge crowds of psychophantic fans night after night - For all that, they always miss the bricks and mortar, building their edifice upon fleeting fame. A monument to self, and nothing else.

To cannibalize Shakespeare in MacBeth: 
"[...] a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Seldom would such a one stop to consider that far more fill the more diffuse pews in that locality every Sunday, without an effort, and even as much as fill the bar stools every night.

In speaking of the women who have come forward to accuse him, he has said something like this, "Look at her.  No way."  This is the worst comment he could make and here is why that comment lost him mega women's votes:

Every woman, or 99.99% of women, doubt they are a 10 on the disgusting rating scale of women's looks and that is Trump's way of rating women.  We were born the way we look and are stuck with that our entire life.  When Trump says, "Look at her.  No way."  Women take that as a blow to their looks, the way they were born.  There is NO WAY a woman would vote for him if they hear that comment.

It is a caution to me - This vanity, so ubiquitously tied to the female mind, this thing that so legitimately drives them, at least in part... So intrinsic a thing in women, perhaps both her glory and her bane, but that which she comes by, and lives with, so naturally... Yet it is so very destructive and fraught with peril when found in a man.

Needless to say - A man can't approach it - it is a poison to him in every way, except when contained in a woman.... But found therein, so tantalizing and alluring - It takes away the breath and dulls the mind...

While undoubtedly first in rate of attraction, the young man, with a crudely developed palate, soon learns well enough that the object of his sex cannot be viewed as an object, despite the bare fact that the girl who has ensnared his affections has effected his sensibilities precisely in that fashion, in every way, and by every means known to her, exactly by design... what a confusion.

But there is far more to the plant than the flower - both in form and function - Hard to see from the viewpoint of an adolescent male mind - So very much more... And as the boy becomes a man, as his palate becomes more refined, he sees that beauty extends far beyond the physical.

Perhaps that is why loutish behavior so offends the female mind - the cad, in his interests, is incapable of anything more than plucking flowers. And that speaks volumes against him. And as he ages, the deficit becomes all the more apparent - Wisdom sees the beauty of a woman better than any eye, and one who is old, seeing only what the eye reveals, is shown to be without the refinement of wisdom. And that is a strike against his honor that nothing will repair.

Offline Victoria33

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Re: Donald Trump is officially the worst candidate in history
« Reply #51 on: October 18, 2016, 03:44:03 am »
@Victoria33 - Sorry to be so late in replying. Storms effect my circadian rhythm something awful, and it has not been a good week in that respect. Yours was a great post.

All good points, and true. It is not enough, it seems, that he lies through his teeth, making him wholly unbelievable - He must necessarily, somehow in his psyche, go on to piss off nearly everyone around him - Large swaths of the voting public are out of his reach directly because of his own words.

Tie all that to a god/messiah complex of monumental portions that, not only makes him believe he is not merely right, but righteous, but which also generates it's own feedback loop, only through those who choose to grovel at his feet - Thus inevitably inflating an already straining-at-the-seams ego in an exponential fashion.

It is a sight to behold... But not nearly as much as it's inevitable end.

The inevitable end of populist campaigns. Like a rock star, they always believe themselves unconquerable - some elixir born in the act of standing before huge crowds of psychophantic fans night after night - For all that, they always miss the bricks and mortar, building their edifice upon fleeting fame. A monument to self, and nothing else.

To cannibalize Shakespeare in MacBeth: 
"[...] a poor player, that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more. It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."

Seldom would such a one stop to consider that far more fill the more diffuse pews in that locality every Sunday, without an effort, and even as much as fill the bar stools every night.

It is a caution to me - This vanity, so ubiquitously tied to the female mind, this thing that so legitimately drives them, at least in part... So intrinsic a thing in women, perhaps both her glory and her bane, but that which she comes by, and lives with, so naturally... Yet it is so very destructive and fraught with peril when found in a man.

Needless to say - A man can't approach it - it is a poison to him in every way, except when contained in a woman.... But found therein, so tantalizing and alluring - It takes away the breath and dulls the mind...

While undoubtedly first in rate of attraction, the young man, with a crudely developed palate, soon learns well enough that the object of his sex cannot be viewed as an object, despite the bare fact that the girl who has ensnared his affections has effected his sensibilities precisely in that fashion, in every way, and by every means known to her, exactly by design... what a confusion.

But there is far more to the plant than the flower - both in form and function - Hard to see from the viewpoint of an adolescent male mind - So very much more... And as the boy becomes a man, as his palate becomes more refined, he sees that beauty extends far beyond the physical.

Perhaps that is why loutish behavior so offends the female mind - the cad, in his interests, is incapable of anything more than plucking flowers. And that speaks volumes against him. And as he ages, the deficit becomes all the more apparent - Wisdom sees the beauty of a woman better than any eye, and one who is old, seeing only what the eye reveals, is shown to be without the refinement of wisdom. And that is a strike against his honor that nothing will repair.

You are a wise man.  Thanks for your excellent post.