I worked for the Postal Service for about 17 years. Most mail valuables are mostly stolen by mail clerks who work indoors sorting the mail before the carrier receives it. Carriers don't have time to go through the mail. They only have a limited time to case their mail and get on the road.
The moral of the story is: NEVER!!! send cash through the mail. NEVER!!! send cash through the mail.
@goatprairie @mystery-ak@CatherineofAragonI knew someone who dated a woman who retired as a postal carrier. She said the same as you - don't send cash through the mail. She said it is stolen all the time.
We also now have people, during holiday time, who travel around streets looking for packages left at the door of houses, and they steal them. That was happening at a town in Ohio where our family members live. I sent them packages/gifts from Amazon and would tell them when Amazon told me the packages would be delivered. The wife would make sure she was home that day so she could get the packages when they arrived. Since they are direct family, their packages cost a significant amount of money and I didn't want some crook stealing their gifts.
Jesus Christ changed the behavior of people across the world. He uplifted women, gave them worth as well as teaching poor people had worth - he taught Christian behavior which includes doing good works for others. People began to help other people instead of thinking only of good for themselves.
I am so old I remember when Christian behavior was the norm for people's behavior. We didn't lock our houses and didn't lock our cars when in town. Most people in the area were at church on Sunday and most went to the church on Wednesday night. By the time I was in high school, I was the church pianist. I couldn't stay out late on Saturday night because the preacher (we went to a Baptist church) would pick me up early on Sunday and go to Kilgore, Texas, where he did a radio broadcast. My job was to play him on the air and off the air.
What happened to this Christian behavior? If you check out churches these days, there are more older people there than younger people. As a country, we have lost the majority of people being Christians. Behavior has returned to behavior before Christ. Most people do not know where the dating of our calendar came from. Our date of 2016 means it has been 2,016 years since the birth of Christ (yes, I know there is some discrepancy about the actual year date he was born). I am surprised there hasn't been a movement from nonbelievers to change calendars because it is a Christian dating. Israel uses a different calendar as do some countries but the majority of countries use the Christian calendar.
When one removes Christian behavior, we have chaos and that is what is happening to our country. That is why postal workers are stealing money from envelopes. It is why packages are not safe to be left at the door of a house. It is why you lock your house and your car. It is why a Republican office had a bomb thrown into it a few days ago. It is why people kill other people. A human life doesn't matter to non-Christians - people think of only what they want and will kill others to get it.
Will this country move back to Christian behavior? No.