Author Topic: STEVE DEACE: Judge Roy Moore: Man of the Year  (Read 500 times)

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STEVE DEACE: Judge Roy Moore: Man of the Year
« on: October 14, 2016, 04:47:55 pm »
Judge Roy Moore: Man of the Year

by Steve Deace
October 8, 2016

"The harvest is plenty, but the workers are few." —Jesus Christ

Manhood has become America's scarcest natural resource.

This is the age of the boy who can shave. Capable of making a baby, but incapable of not behaving like one. Who feel entitled while living in mom's basement rather than ashamed. So drunk on internet porn they have nothing left for a real woman, but that's okay because skinny jeans. This land of confusion produces too many males who on the one hand think being a douchtastic bully means you're an alpha, or whose perpetual Facebook status is "passive-aggressive" on the other.

Let the record show that Judge Roy Moore has fought with unwavering vigor his entire professional life in the name of rescuing not only his profession from itself, but his country from the ravages of secular iconoclasm.

You can always tell the state of a culture by the state of its men. Authentic manhood is dying in America, thus American Exceptionalism is dying with it.

That's why I'd like to introduce you to a rarity these days — a real man. In fact, though the calendar is barely into October, I think we can call the race for "Man of the Year" right now. And there's not even a close second.

His name is Judge Roy Moore.

During my time in politics I've met a lot of people I like, but few I've trusted. I've admired even less, but Judge Roy Moore is in that select company.

When God calls to account the men He appointed to be watchers on the wall over this era, though many of them will be found derelict in their duty I am confident Judge Roy Moore will hear the words every servant of the Lord longs to hear:

"Well done, good and faithful servant. Enter into the joy of your Master."

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