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Offline sinkspur

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Women are defeating Trump
« on: October 12, 2016, 01:16:21 pm »

Women are defeating Trump


A series of national polls released on Tuesday showed Hillary Clinton leading Donald Trump by margins ranging from 5 to 11 percentage points — except for the USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times tracking poll, which defiantly continues to show Trump up by 2 points. There isn’t yet enough data from after Sunday night’s debate to really gauge its impact, however. For that matter, the polls may not yet have fully caught up to the effects of the release on Friday of a 2005 videotape, which showed Trump making vulgar comments about women and condoning unwanted sexual conduct toward women. For the time being, Clinton’s lead is holding at about 6 percentage points in our polls-only model, which gives her an 84 percent chance of winning the White House. Clinton’s chances are 80 percent in our polls-plus forecast.

But while we’re in something of a wait-and-see mode, one demographic split caught my eye. That was from a Public Religion Research Institute poll conducted on behalf of The Atlantic. It showed a massive gender split, with Clinton trailing Trump by 11 percentage points among men but leading him by 33 points among women. To put those numbers in perspective, that’s saying Trump would defeat Clinton among men by a margin similar to Dwight D. Eisenhower’s landslide victory over Adlai Stevenson in 1952, while Clinton would defeat Trump among women by a margin similar to … actually, there’s no good comparison, since no candidate has won a presidential election by more than 26 percentage points since the popular vote became a widespread means of voting in 1824. To get to 33 points, you’d have to take the Eisenhower-Stevenson margin and add Lyndon B. Johnson’s 23-point win over Barry Goldwater in 1964 on top of it.

The PRRI poll is an outlier for showing quite so large a gender gap, however. In the table below, I’ve compiled the gender split from all national polls I could find so far in October.

CBS News                Clinton +18       Trump +11
CNN                        Clinton +14   Trump +4
Fairleigh DickinsonClinton +24   Trump +7
Fox News               Clinton +10   Trump +7
Google Consumer Surveys   Clinton +13   Trump +3
Ipsos/Reuters       Clinton +9   Clinton +5
Morning Consult   Clinton +6   Clinton +4
PRRI/The Atlantic  Clinton +33   Trump +11
Quinnipiac University   Clinton +20   Trump +12
Rasmussen Reports   Clinton +11   Clinton +2
USC Dornsife/LA Times   Clinton +9   Trump +14
YouGov               Clinton +15   Trump +2
Average           Clinton +15   Trump +5

National polls in October show a wide gender gap

There’s quite a wide range — with live polls showing a notably wider gender spread than online and automated polls. But on average, Clinton leads Trump by 15 percentage points among women while trailing him by 5 points among men. How would that look on the electoral map?

Here’s a quick way to estimate it. In the polls I cited above, Clinton is doing 10 points better among women than among the electorate overall. So we’ll add 10 points to her current polls-only margin in every state to forecast her performance if women were the only ones who could vote. In addition to the states where Clinton is already leading Trump, that would put her ahead in Alaska, Arizona, Georgia, Kansas, Indiana, Missouri, Montana, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas and the 2nd congressional districts in Maine and Nebraska. Clinton would win 458 electoral votes to just 80 for Trump:

If men were the only voters, conversely, we’d have to subtract 10 points from Clinton’s current margin in every state — which would yield an awfully red map. Trump would win everything that could plausibly be called a swing state, with Clinton hanging on only to the West Coast, parts of the Northeast, Illinois and New Mexico. That would yield 350 electoral votes for Trump to 188 for Clinton:

Of course, if the electoral franchise were really restricted only to men, our politics would look a lot different. And if it were restricted only to women, they’d look really, really different, perhaps with entirely different coalitions than the ones that prevail now.

But it seems fair to say that, if Trump loses the election, it will be because women voted against him. I took a look at how men and women split their votes four years ago, according to polls conducted in November 2012. On average, Mitt Romney led President Obama by 7 percentage points among men, about the same as Trump’s 5-point lead among men now. But Romney held his own among women, losing them by 8 points, whereas they’re going against Trump by 15 points.

ABC News/Washington Post   Obama +9   Romney +9
American Research Group      Obama +11   Romney +12
CNN                                     Obama +8   Romney +9
Gravis Marketing                   Obama +2   Romney +2
GWU/Battleground                 Obama +15   Romney +16
Monmouth University           Obama +5   Romney +7
NBC News/Wall Street Journal   Obama +8   Romney +7
Pew Research                          Obama +11   Romney +10
Public Policy Polling                   Obama +5   Obama +2
Purple Strategies                   Obama +5   Romney +3
YouGov                                   Obama +12   Romney +9
Average                                   Obama +8   Romney +7

The gender gap in November 2012 national polls

That’s the difference between a close election — as you’ll remember, those national polls in late 2012 showed the race neck-and-neck — and one that’s starting to look like a blowout.
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Offline montanajoe

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Re: Women are defeating Trump
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2016, 01:30:33 pm »
The LA Times has them tied now. It's amazing that the second worst candidate in US history is headed to a landslide victory over the worst candidate in US history. :thud:

Offline Just_Victor

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Re: Women are defeating Trump
« Reply #2 on: October 12, 2016, 01:37:07 pm »
Can't be true.  Women love Trump, just ask him.
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Offline ConstitutionRose

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Re: Women are defeating Trump
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2016, 01:41:18 pm »
Those are big gaps but reflect my real world experience.  I know female Democrat voters who were vetting various GOP candidates because they did not want Hillary to be the first woman president.  There was no real enthusiasm for Hillary until Trump made her look like the better choice.
"Old man can't is dead.  I helped bury him."  Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas quoting his grandfather.

Offline TomSea

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Re: Women are defeating Trump
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2016, 01:43:42 pm »
And if Hillary gets in and we have a nuclear war, we can thanks 'em.

Yes, that can be said for both ways, as of now, there are rumblings about a nuclear war in Russia, thanks, Hillary and Obama.

Silver Pines

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Re: Women are defeating Trump
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2016, 01:44:10 pm »
The LA Times has them tied now. It's amazing that the second worst candidate in US history is headed to a landslide victory over the worst candidate in US history. :thud:


For weeks now, TOS has been trumpeting the results of the LA Times poll because it was an outlier that showed Trump ahead.  A link to the poll was permanently placed in Breaking News.

Now, all of a sudden, it's a rigged poll and should be ignored, LOL.


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Re: Women are defeating Trump
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2016, 01:49:02 pm »
The LA Times has them tied now. It's amazing that the second worst candidate in US history is headed to a landslide victory over the worst candidate in US history. :thud:

I agree, it's outrageous that Trump and the bleep are going to hand Clinton a landslide victory.


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Re: Women are defeating Trump
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2016, 01:50:48 pm »
Maybe Trump should have been trying to grab their hearts and minds instead of their <kitties>.