Author Topic: President’ Hillary Clinton: Definition of a Nightmare  (Read 270 times)

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Offline DiogenesLamp

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President’ Hillary Clinton: Definition of a Nightmare
« on: October 10, 2016, 08:39:33 pm »
This man speaks sense. 

President’ Hillary Clinton: Definition of a Nightmare

I rarely write about American politics. Here in Israel, existential national threats prevent me from dwelling on America’s problems. In Israel, Arabs butcher our thirteen-year-old daughters in their bedrooms and gun down our brothers and fathers, and the impotent leadership responds in typical fashion— with powerful speeches to comfort the bereaved. So naturally the demise of America cannot take up much of my time.

But that doesn’t mean I’m disinterested. I am concerned with America’s welfare. As a Jew with a sense of history, I appreciate the haven America provided us throughout the last few centuries, when most countries offered nothing but death and despair. And I feel the need to occasionally opine when I see criminal politicians in America destroying a moral country that treated Jews far better than any other country in history. Furthermore, short of a nation of gentiles following the “7 Laws of Noah” (ideally), no nation in history has ever created a system of government so humane to her citizens. And shame on the Jew who forgets that.

Europe deserves her fate, since Europe is the world’s largest Jewish graveyard. They hated their loyal Jews. So let the Europeans live and die with their ever growing hordes of Islamic migrants. There is justice in that. America deserves better. And with the astounding revelation by the FBI that despite the overwhelming evidence of gross misconduct in handling her emails, Hillary Clinton will not be indicted for endangering national security, the message is clear. The land of the free is bleeding. Tyranny is knocking down the door.

The impending American elections are a portrait of insanity. When was the last time the nominated presidential candidate was the subject of a criminal investigation involving the FBI? How naked is the double standard when the Clintons get to skate from the most egregious of scandals for which the common man would be incarcerated for life? Lunacy aside, the ultimate battle will boil down to Donald Trump versus Hillary Clinton, as shameful as that is, since the latter deserves a ball and chain.

This is an easy choice, if not an ideal one, for anyone with a sense of decency. I don’t know about you, but if I must choose between a nasty crippling cold and a flesh-eating virus, I choose the former 10 times out of 10. There are indeed degrees of bad, and my decision to choose the lesser “bad” in no way indicates my approval. Those simpletons who choose to equate a flawed Donald Trump with Hillary Clinton, and throw their hands in the air with their own version of “what difference does it make?” commit a grave error. Those who see Trump as the more odious candidate are deranged, and more than a few disgruntled ‘RINOS’ are actually looking her way, as astounding as this seems. And those who dismiss, ignore, or lie about Hillary’s crooked behavior and vicious nature betray themselves.

Trump is indeed flawed, and hardly an ideal candidate for the already un-principled Republican Party, but to equate him with Hillary Clinton is the height of insanity. Hillary is a malevolent personality who will destroy America. Open borders, amnesty for all illegals, the continued march of the death cult of liberalism. This can only mean one thing: the eventual death of the Republic. No country that murders the innocent in the womb, marries homosexuals, and releases murderers can survive very long. Hillary will continue Obama’s ravaging of everything decent in America, and continue the downward spiral. There will be no recovery. America will be changed forever.

Read the rest.  Much good insight and common sense there.   
‘What all the wise men promised has not happened, and what all the damned fools said would happen has come to pass.’
— Lord Melbourne —