Author Topic: Revealed truth: Bring on the emails  (Read 313 times)

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Revealed truth: Bring on the emails
« on: October 10, 2016, 07:59:11 pm »
Revealed truth: Bring on the emails
By Christine M. Flowers Philadelphia Daily News/(TNS)
Published Oct. 10, 2016

This column is partly about abortion and mostly about hypocrisy. I put that out there at the beginning to save some of you the trouble of reading on. I'm focusing on those folk who define themselves as "unwilling to impose their values on others." I want to save you from slogging through an essay that finds your position to be untenable and dishonest. You would do better to click on something at the Huffington Post or Salon, places that call such moral confusion "tolerance." Really, I won't mind if you stop reading after this sentence.

But you won't, will you? You never do, even after fair warning that I'm about to discuss my belief that abortion is murder and that those who support it are, in their own way, complicit in murder. I think you keep reading every time I raise the subject because it somehow makes you feel morally superior to the crazy religious zealot who just happened to thaw out enough frozen gray cells to get a law degree, but who is really incapable of rational thought. And speaking of religion, you sometimes accuse me of shoving my Catholic principles down your throats and, as we already agreed at the beginning of this column, that troubles the Mario Cuomo "I'm personally opposed but I wouldn't tell anyone else what to do" types.

So this column, which is nominally about abortion but really about the things we do to be able to look at ourselves in the mirror without wincing, probably will annoy you. And yet, judging from the emails I get every time one of them appears, you will pay close attention to my words, so you can quote them back to me and then ask such rhetorical questions as, "So you want to force a 12-year-old rape victim to give birth to her attacker's baby!"...

...Which brings me to Tuesday evening. When Mike Pence and Tim Kaine sat at a table and became surrogates for their running mates, they did the country a great favor. It's not only that they were more human and authentic and had less baggage than either Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. They also gave us a chance to listen to two decent men discuss the relevance of faith in their, and our, lives. Instead of stupid, mean-girl allegations from Clinton about overweight beauty queens or ridiculous statements from Trump about how not paying taxes made him smart, we had two men who are devout Christians prepared to grapple with some fundamental issues....
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour