Author Topic: Checklist of Hillary's crimes all in 1 case. Exclusive: Curtis Ellis examines eye-popping scandal revealing Clinton corruption  (Read 247 times)

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Checklist of Hillary's crimes all in 1 case
Exclusive: Curtis Ellis examines eye-popping scandal revealing Clinton corruption
Published: 15 hours ago

UNITED NATIONS – The Department of Justice dropped its case against an American charged with attempting to ship arms to Islamic terrorists. This one story contains pretty much everything that’s wrong with the Clinton-Obama regime: law breaking, deception, aid to Islamist terrorists, the mixing of public and private business and the politicization of all government agencies, including Justice.

It’s not like we haven’t seen it before with this crowd, but it’s rare we get to see it all in one place. Now we have.

As WND previously reported, on Feb. 11, 2014, the Department of Justice indicted arms dealer Marc Turi for allegedly making false statements in filing to obtain a license to supply weapons to Libya. The indictment essentially said Turi knew that weapons he was ostensibly selling to the Gulf state of Qatar would end up arming Islamist militias in Libya fighting to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi.

Turi’s defense attorney said if the case came to trial it would expose a covert gun-running operation conceived by the Clinton State Department to arm al-Qaida-affiliated militias in Libya. The operation would be a violation of a U.N. arms embargo and U.S. laws against providing material support for terrorist organizations. Under 18 U.S. Code 2339A & 2339B, penalties for providing or attempting to provide material support to terrorism include imprisonment from 15 years to life.