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What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« on: October 07, 2016, 02:51:05 pm »


by: Thomas Del Beccaro

The election is just weeks away. The candidates have staked out their positions more or less. Everyone knows, however, that there is a wide gap between promises and performance. There is also the reality that any president has to deal with Congress and world events.

Its was once said that “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.” Maybe so, but given this article is about politics, perhaps Eric Hoffer’s quote is more apt: “The only way to predict the future is to have power to shape the future.” That is what elections are about.

Here are my predictions about what some of the next 4 years will be like – depending on who wins.

Prediction #1.  The House and Senate stay in the hands of Republicans this November.  The nature of our current divisions in this Divided Era, including the red state/blue state divide, gerrymandering and the benefits of incumbency, along with the fact that even if Hillary won, she will not have coattails, means that the House and Senate stay in the hands of Republicans.

Prediction #2 –  If Hillary wins . . .

Hillary, as I have written before, is more ideological and has less governing experience than Bill Clinton – she is more like Obama than Bill.  Give her credit, she is not shy about her plans if she wins.  She wants higher taxes and more spending.  On foreign policy, people claim she is more of a hawk than Obama – but the reality of that is not so clear and likely won’t play out initially for her in 2017 because she will want to concentrate on domestic policy – UNLESS there is a foreign policy crisis.

Continued Gridlock. Our Founders actually wanted gridlock.  They didn’t want government progressing too quickly in one direction or another.

If the House remains in the hands of Republicans, Washington D.C. will still be a place of intense gridlock. Hillary, like Obama when he was elected, has never governed nor built a coalition. That is a special skill – and quite needed in this Divided Era.  Remember that Obama has no legislative victories of significance since the 2nd year of his presidency when the House went Republican. Don’t look for that dynamic to change under Hillary. As such, look for Hillary to “govern” like Obama’s last 6 years – through regulations, executive orders and a compliant Supreme Court.

Healthcare or Immigration? What will be Hillary’s first big push? If Hillary tries to deal with a mega issue like healthcare or immigration right out of the gate (it won’t be tax reform), she could get a big victory if Republicans play ball or she could ground her presidency to a halt in a battle royal. Even if she does get a deal, it is unlikely she would get many more. Prediction: A healthcare deal is struck given the implosion of Obamacare.  Something has to be done. It is also likely that the Republican base will not be happy about it.

Before you decry that gridlock, keep in mind the one-term presidency of John Adams, our second president, had far worse invective and turmoil than our last 16 years combined. After the Aliens and Sedition Act (which outlawed dissent and was used to jail newspaper owners and politicians), Jefferson actually worried the end of our new system of government was at hand – and he was likely far more serious about his views than you are of yours.

Bottom Line: More Gridlock.

The Economy.

Today, the spending of our state and local governments is 37% of the economy. Our spending in response to regulations and government mandates exceeds 12% of the economy.  In other words, half our economy is either government spending or our reaction to it. That is draining the private sector and therefore wilting our national economy. That didn’t happen over night. 50+ years of spending growth by both parties is to blame. That is why our 50-year growth rate slide is occurring.

The only way to change that dynamic is to either (1) shrink the government sector or (2) grow the private sector.

Under a Hillary presidency, neither will occur. Republicans over the last 8 years have not reformed any major government program.  Would they do so under Hillary? 

Easy prediction: our governments will spend more 4 years from now than they do today and we will have more regulations – and that will weaken the economy and long term growth even further.
Will the private sector grow? Easy prediction – not much faster than it is today. It is doubtful meaningful tax reform will pass. Hillary is committed to the same environmental agenda as Obama and the EPA will be just as empowered.

Bottom line: The government sector will not be getting smaller under Hillary and therefore look for weak economic growth much like we have had the last 8 years.

The Stock Market. John Tamny is fond of saying that the stock market likes Washington gridlock. He is probably right. My Prediction: Overall, if Hillary wins, the economy will likely be in the same shape it is today (weak growth), Fed policies will likely be close to where they are now (in response to the weak growth), and therefore, the stock market likely will drift higher.

Cold War Aftermath. It was always going to be true, that a post Cold War world would present more varied challenges than before the Cold War ended. Also, the magnitude of the problems in the Middle East were brought on, in part by our ridiculous domestic energy policy over the last 50 years, which enriched our enemies or those funding them. No next president will have an easy solution to those challenges.

As for Hillary, it is not likely she will want to make foreign policy her priority. She wants to change America not the world.  Domestic oriented presidents attempt to make their mark and use their political capital on domestic issues first and hope foreign policy does not get in their way.   As a result:

Under Hillary, we would be lucky if the Middle East was roughly the same as it is now
. It likely will be significantly worse as Iran grows bolder.

ISIS will likely be close to the same if not larger and concentrate more on branching out so as to not be in one place and therefore present a single target. Sadly, Hillary’s lack of emphasis on foreign affairs in the end will lead to more terrorism long-term.

Russia will be no less bold than today, because frankly they have no reason to change. The US is not presenting an aggressive military challenge to them (that is a factual assessment not partisan) and the US is not presenting an economic challenge either.  Remember, it was the economic challenge that won the Cold war. If we are not intent on undermining their ability to project power by reducing the power of their economy by unleashing our own economy – especially the energy sector, then Russia will remain in the same place it is today if not be more provocative.

The Supreme Court. It depends, does it not? If Hillary wins, Republicans may well approve of Obama’s standing pick or maybe Obama withdraws the pick knowing Hillary would pick an even more liberal justice? Hillary’s next pick would then cement what I call the Era of Social Justices, i.e. a Supreme Court driven less by the Constitution and more by a desire to right the societal wrongs they perceive.

Social Tension. If history teaches us anything, economic opportunity and social tension are opposite ends of a seesaw. When the former falls, the latter rises. Economic opportunity will not rise significantly under Hillary and therefore we are left with the same dynamic we have today – only worse because it will have dragged on for 4 more years.

Beyond that, Hillary said in her first debate that she believes “we all” have a problem with “implicit bias.” She will push that agenda and fans the flames of social discord for political reasons. There is no reason to believe, that Hillary Clinton as president won’t be like Obama on this issue.

Bottom line: Our social fabric will continue to fray.

Prediction #3.  If Trump Wins.

Gridlock Eases – for better or for worse. If Trump wins, the House and the Senate will definitely be in Republican hands.  The Senate Republicans, however, won’t have a filibuster proof majority.  Yes, if Trump wins, more legislation will emerge out of the Senate (it already has since Republicans took over).  The question is whether that will result in government reform or just more spending. Initially, Trump will rely far less on executive actions as well (other than repealing many of Obama’s orders). Also, look for VP Mike Pence to shoulder significant duties and make the president’s domestic agenda run smoother.  Trump, if anything, is a delegator.

The Economy: There is a real difference between Trump and Hillary on the economy. Trump will push for tax reform and will push for regulatory reform.  The amount he gets depends on whether he is willing to build a national coalition around the need for it after he wins. Those will be his first acts. The economy will do better than it is now if those reforms are passed and the private sector will grow at a greater rate than it is now.  That means the public sector will likely shrink below those 37%/12% marks and the lower it gets the better the long-term growth prospects.  This is one area where the results will be rather different. On the other hand, if Trump leads with a trade war that divides the nation and will hurt the economy, he could ground his presidency to a near halt from day one and jeopardize the Republicans 2018 Midterm prospects. As for the stock market, broad based growth could lead to less market growth because investment money will find more places to get returns than just the market.

Foreign Policy. Trump would make foreign policy more of a priority than Hillary. He will push to eliminate ISIS. That will result in greater tension internationally in the short-term.  But if he is successful, it is much better in the long-term.  The question becomes how does the World deal with a dispersed ISIS.  The greatest challenge facing a Trump presidency will be how to build a world-wide coalition on that issue and how to do the same to deal with an emboldened Iran.

It is possible under Trump that our relationship with Russia could be reset – something Obama/Hillary tried to do. However, Russia doesn’t reset things with weak partners. It respects and responds to power not words. It is also very possible that Russia continues its current path given that ISIS and Iran present the greatest acute challenges to us.  Keep in mind that Russia acts more rationally based on power and ISIS and Iran operate on more fanatical grounds to say the least.

The Supreme Court. Despite the worries, the reality is patently true that Trump is now concerned with the nature of the Supreme Court like he never was before.  Of all the lasting impacts and differences between the two candidates, this will be the largest. Trump would likely get 3 picks and steer the Court slightly away from the last 3 Obama picks.

Social Tension.
Economic opportunity likely will be greater under a Trump presidency. So will the emphasis on law and order.  For the reasons stated above, a Trump presidency offers the opportunity to ease the current level of tension.

Bonus comment on Temperament.  Much has been made of the temperament of the two candidates.  Let’s be clear, BOTH have issues. Donald is not as disciplined as many would like.  But the first six letters of the word temperament is temper – and Hillary has a volatile and explosive temper – just ask the Secret Service.

The Midterm Elections of 2018. Government debt will be higher in two years than it is today. Social Security and Medicare obligations will be higher in two years than today.  Our defense costs will be higher in two years than today.  The need for government reform will be higher two years than today.  If Hillary wins, and if the Republicans start to propose real reforms to programs, they can retain the House/Senate in the 2018 Midterms if not increase their numbers. If they do not, voters may tire of their promises and heed Hillary’s call to end gridlock.  If Trump wins, and tax and regulatory reforms are passed, Republicans will increase their numbers because the economy will be better than today. If spending goes up too much, however, those increases could be limited.

As for this election, I look at it this way: Trump has a long history of delegating authority to those best able to do certain tasks.  Hillary does not.  Hillary will not be able to court Congress because it is her way or the highway.  Trump has Pence. This isn't saying much, but Donald therefore trumps Hillary.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2016, 03:00:05 pm »
Add your own predictions here.... If they don't pan out, nobody's going to hold it against you.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2016, 03:00:59 pm »
My Prediction....

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2016, 03:14:33 pm »
Add your own predictions here.... If they don't pan out, nobody's going to hold it against you.

Despite the rhetoric, a President Trump doesn't do much different when it comes to trade. He wouldn't want to do anything that would negatively affect the economy on his watch.

Trump serves two terms leaving us with 5 trillion in new debt

Hillary sees an average yearly GDP of 1%.  Under Trump, we will see two years of >3% GDP then slowing

Both see a recession on their watch and attempt to stop it with stimulus programs
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 03:19:46 pm by LMAO »
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2016, 03:45:49 pm »
I also predict that Hillary's presidency will continue to be scandal plagued.

No big scandals with a President Trump but  crony-ism will continue
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2016, 03:47:53 pm »
The problem with the article is that the prediction of gridlock if Hillary wins completely ignores the power of the bureaucracy and the administrative state when paired with a compliant Supreme Court.

Hillary likely would not need major legislation to do what she wants on immigration.  Compliant justices would break the current 4-4 deadlock on Obama's immigration-related Executive Orders, and that would be that.  The same is likely true on a lot of other issues.

The writer also didn't mention that Citizens United would likely vanish, that the FEC would implement far more strict regulations on political speech, and that the Second Amendment would be toast.

Biggest difference between Hillary and Trump -- Hillary would have a compliant Supreme Court, and Trump would not.  I think it's a pretty good bet that all 8 of the Justices currently sitting are not "fans" of his.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2016, 03:53:43 pm by Maj. Bill Martin »

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2016, 04:00:01 pm »
The problem with the article is that the prediction of gridlock if Hillary wins completely ignores the power of the bureaucracy and the administrative state when paired with a compliant Supreme Court.

Hillary likely would not need major legislation to do what she wants on immigration.  Compliant justices would break the current 4-4 deadlock on Obama's immigration-related Executive Orders, and that would be that.  The same is likely true on a lot of other issues.

The writer also didn't mention that Citizens United would likely vanish, that the FEC would implement far more strict regulations on political speech, and that the Second Amendment would be toast.

Biggest difference between Hillary and Trump -- Hillary would have a compliant Supreme Court, and Trump would not.  I think it's a pretty good bet that all 8 of the Justices currently sitting are not "fans" of his.

The press would have Hillary's back,  she can get anything she wants.  They will fight Trump tooth-and-nail.   That's one of the main reasons that my preference is Trump. 

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2016, 04:31:24 pm »
The press would have Hillary's back,  she can get anything she wants.  They will fight Trump tooth-and-nail.   That's one of the main reasons that my preference is Trump.

Good point I hadn't actually considered.  Trump will be facing headwinds from both the press and the courts, whereas both will be providing a tailwind to Hillary.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #8 on: October 07, 2016, 04:39:02 pm »
Good point I hadn't actually considered.  Trump will be facing headwinds from both the press and the courts, whereas both will be providing a tailwind to Hillary.

That's why you can't look at the choice in November purely from the standpoint of where the candidates stand on the issues.  You have to look at it in terms of how much damage they can do.   Trump's issues are what he says,  Hillary's issues are what she DOES.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #9 on: October 07, 2016, 05:12:08 pm »
I won't predict but will outline the scenario:

1. $20T in debt - not counting unfunded liabilities - at around a 2% interest rate with an average 6y maturity, paying about $400B interest a year. Current revenues to the Fedgov are around $3T.

2.  If the next recession is only as bad as last, revenues will drop 20% and expenditures around the same, and we will be running $2T deficits.

3. The GAO recently predicted we will add another $10T in debt the next 10 years. Faster of course if we start running $2T a year deficits from a recession, which we are due for.

4. Right now at current revenues, a sustained interest rate of about 7.5% will result in half of those revenues being sucked up by interest payments. Add another $10T and that number becomes 5%. The ultimate percentage will vary depending on whether revenues grow or shrink by the time we add that $10T. If we have the recession scenario above, that number becomes 4%.

5. Around 3/4 the budget right now I believe are military and social programs. If interest rates suddenly spike and hold there, do the math.

6. None of this addresses our status as reserve currency and what would happen if we can no longer service the debt.

And our choices to fix this are an ego clown and a sociopathic megalomaniac.

The Republic is lost.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #10 on: October 07, 2016, 05:20:42 pm »
I won't predict but will outline the scenario:

1. $20T in debt - not counting unfunded liabilities - at around a 2% interest rate with an average 6y maturity, paying about $400B interest a year. Current revenues to the Fedgov are around $3T.

2.  If the next recession is only as bad as last, revenues will drop 20% and expenditures around the same, and we will be running $2T deficits.

3. The GAO recently predicted we will add another $10T in debt the next 10 years. Faster of course if we start running $2T a year deficits from a recession, which we are due for.

4. Right now at current revenues, a sustained interest rate of about 7.5% will result in half of those revenues being sucked up by interest payments. Add another $10T and that number becomes 5%. The ultimate percentage will vary depending on whether revenues grow or shrink by the time we add that $10T. If we have the recession scenario above, that number becomes 4%.

5. Around 3/4 the budget right now I believe are military and social programs. If interest rates suddenly spike and hold there, do the math.

6. None of this addresses our status as reserve currency and what would happen if we can no longer service the debt.

And our choices to fix this are an ego clown and a sociopathic megalomaniac.

To which the average American will respond with:

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #11 on: October 07, 2016, 05:27:40 pm »
Here's what I think:

If Hillary wins:
Hillary is just as liberal, but weaker, both physically and in terms of influence, than Obama. Expect, in general, the status quo to continue. The only major change will be SCOTUS, which will automatically shift left because you know she's not going to nominate another Scalia to keep the court in the delicate balance it was in before Scalia died. Those filing lawsuits will be aware of this and stall any appeals to SCOTUS as long as they can. In lieu of using the courts, civil disobedience will become more common. Republicans will make gains in the 2018 elections.

If Trump wins:
He will use the office of the Presidency to enrich and glorify himself. Corruption, cronyism and political retribution will be the norm—and Congress will be more likely to go along with it. He won't nominate anyone on that list for SCOTUS, instead picking someone who promises favors to him. Democrats will be limited in how much they can gain in 2018 (they already held firm or gained in 2012, which built upon gains in 2006). The best case scenario is that Trump gets bored with the Presidency and resigns, in which case Mike Pence follows a more recognizably conservative path.

If, by some miracle, Johnson or McMullin wins via an Electoral College split:
Congress will cooperate on limited-government policy. Paul Ryan will return to the good graces of the GOP, as with Presidential backing, his reforms will no longer be taboo. Outlandish proposals will stall. We will see the first major progress on deficit reduction since the 1990s. SCOTUS will move slightly left (moreso with a Johnson appointee than McMullin) but not as much as with Clinton; expect an Anthony Kennedy-type nomination to replace Scalia.
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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #12 on: October 07, 2016, 05:40:20 pm »
Here's what I think:

If Hillary wins:
Hillary is just as liberal, but weaker, both physically and in terms of influence, than Obama. Expect, in general, the status quo to continue. The only major change will be SCOTUS, which will automatically shift left because you know she's not going to nominate another Scalia to keep the court in the delicate balance it was in before Scalia died. Those filing lawsuits will be aware of this and stall any appeals to SCOTUS as long as they can. In lieu of using the courts, civil disobedience will become more common. Republicans will make gains in the 2018 elections.

If Trump wins:
He will use the office of the Presidency to enrich and glorify himself. Corruption, cronyism and political retribution will be the norm—and Congress will be more likely to go along with it. He won't nominate anyone on that list for SCOTUS, instead picking someone who promises favors to him. Democrats will be limited in how much they can gain in 2018 (they already held firm or gained in 2012, which built upon gains in 2006). The best case scenario is that Trump gets bored with the Presidency and resigns, in which case Mike Pence follows a more recognizably conservative path.

If, by some miracle, Johnson or McMullin wins via an Electoral College split:
Congress will cooperate on limited-government policy. Paul Ryan will return to the good graces of the GOP, as with Presidential backing, his reforms will no longer be taboo. Outlandish proposals will stall. We will see the first major progress on deficit reduction since the 1990s. SCOTUS will move slightly left (moreso with a Johnson appointee than McMullin) but not as much as with Clinton; expect an Anthony Kennedy-type nomination to replace Scalia.

Not bad. I am convinced there will be no honeymoon, even if Hillary wins. She will take office distrusted by over 2/3 of the country. Ergo, she won't be able to implement any sweeping changes. Pubbies in Congress will be put on notice that primaries are but 12-15 months hence.

There is one area of civil disobedience that IMO will continue to grow, but at a much faster rate: income tax avoidance. It's only natural, when you distrust your government, one is more prone to "roll the dice" to see if they can get away with it. With returns being audited at 1%, the odds are with them.

Not that I'm recommending it, of course.
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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #13 on: October 07, 2016, 06:24:47 pm »
For later.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #14 on: October 07, 2016, 06:43:28 pm »
Regardless who wins, at some point we start to see negative interest rates
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #15 on: October 07, 2016, 07:04:29 pm »
  McConnell will Consent to Loretta Lynch on the Supreme Court if Hillary wins.
No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #16 on: October 07, 2016, 07:05:33 pm »
Hillary promotes a greenie to the Dept of the Interior and a Union activist to the Dept of Labor
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #17 on: October 07, 2016, 07:28:03 pm »
Hillary promotes a greenie to the Dept of the Interior and a Union activist to the Dept of Labor

That gets my vote for "Boldest Predictions of the Week!"    :silly:
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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #18 on: October 07, 2016, 07:49:42 pm »
IMO she'll be a third Obama term but even weaker. And IMO the economy is due for a major correction over the next 4 years.

If she wins but fails to take Senate (seems unlikely but from numbers I saw not exactly an impossible scenario), she'll essentially be a 4 year lame duck President.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #19 on: October 07, 2016, 07:53:37 pm »
IMO she'll be a third Obama term but even weaker. And IMO the economy is due for a major correction over the next 4 years.

If she wins but fails to take Senate (seems unlikely but from numbers I saw not exactly an impossible scenario), she'll essentially be a 4 year lame duck President.

Agreed, the Fed is really coming under pressure to raise interest rates. Hillary's going to have to deal with a stronger dollar, as our interest rates will be positive, while the rest of the world (or most of it) operates under negative interest rates.

Real estate prices are heating up again, too. The Big Short is worth a look, though the book was better.
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1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.


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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #20 on: October 07, 2016, 08:09:40 pm »
For when I have a keyboard and not a phone to work on.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #21 on: October 07, 2016, 08:59:55 pm »
That gets my vote for "Boldest Predictions of the Week!"    :silly:

@Night Hides Not

I have an even bolder one.

Either Hillary or Trump are sworn in as POTUS in Jan 2017
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

Barry Goldwater

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2016, 10:18:27 pm »

Trump and his mouth will ensure it.

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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #23 on: October 07, 2016, 10:19:19 pm »
Whether Hillary wins or not, one thing is certain:  Priebus et al hold on to their jobs for another four years.  And in 2020, it will be even more difficult for any grass roots change in the GOP, thanks to Trump delegates ceding even more power to the GOP Establishment at the Cleveland convention.
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Re: What If Hillary Wins? Trump? Predictions About 2017 & Beyond
« Reply #24 on: October 07, 2016, 10:32:03 pm »
Hilliary wins, same old same old, gridlock in Washington, talk radio flourishes bashing Hilliary..
Trump wins, same old same old, gridlock in Washington. talk radio flourishes bashing Trump...except for the Karate Kid who blames it all on Cruz.