Author Topic: Jeff Sessions Says Donald Trump Is Mulling Making Undocumented Immigrants ‘Self-Deport’  (Read 450 times)

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    Jeff Sessions Says Donald Trump Is Mulling Making Undocumented Immigrants ‘Self-Deport’

    Self-deportation is back!

    10/05/2016 10:03 am ET
    Elise Foley

    (video can be viewed at the source link)

    Top Donald Trump surrogate Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) said on Wednesday that the Republican presidential nominee is considering a plan that would require undocumented immigrants to “self-deport” before they could get legal status to return to the U.S.

    The comment was revealing not because the policy was different than what Trump has discussed previously ― it wasn’t ― but because he was willing to use the term “self-deport,” once considered radioactive among leading Republicans after 2012 nominee Mitt Romney famously discussed it. In 2012, even Trump called it “crazy” and “maniacal” and said it cost the Republican party votes.

    Of course, things have changed over the past four years, and self-deportation is back.

Offline sinkspur

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There's not going to be any self-deportation because there's not going to be any Trump.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.