Author Topic: What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew  (Read 892 times)

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What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew
By Curtis Houck | October 5, 2016 | 6:56 PM EDT

President Barack Obama spoke to reporters on Wednesday afternoon on the Paris climate change agreement and, almost on cue, NBC’s Ron Allen connected global warming to Hurricane Matthew set to bear down on the Bahamas, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida.

Speaking on MSNBC Live to host Kate Snow, Allen first gushed about how the President “believes so deeply in protecting the environment” that the deal marks “one of the most significant aspects of his legacy” before bringing in Hurricane Matthew as a intriguing “practical matter.” It was "what the president was talking about as the threat that the planet faces and this is what this whole climate agreement signed by 190 nations and now ratified by 60 or so is designed to stop."

In making the following comments, Allen failed to realize that there hasn’t been a major Atlantic Hurricane to crack the top ten in intensity in nine years and if it comes ashore, Matthew would be the first major hurricane to make landfall in the U.S. since Hurricane Wilma in 2005:


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What?? NBC’s Ron Allen Thinks Climate Deal Is ‘Designed to Stop’ Storms Like Hurricane Matthew
By Curtis Houck | October 5, 2016 | 6:56 PM EDT

President Barack Obama spoke to reporters on Wednesday afternoon on the Paris climate change agreement and, almost on cue, NBC’s Ron Allen connected global warming to Hurricane Matthew set to bear down on the Bahamas, the Carolinas, Georgia, and Florida.

Speaking on MSNBC Live to host Kate Snow, Allen first gushed about how the President “believes so deeply in protecting the environment” that the deal marks “one of the most significant aspects of his legacy” before bringing in Hurricane Matthew as a intriguing “practical matter.” It was "what the president was talking about as the threat that the planet faces and this is what this whole climate agreement signed by 190 nations and now ratified by 60 or so is designed to stop."

In making the following comments, Allen failed to realize that there hasn’t been a major Atlantic Hurricane to crack the top ten in intensity in nine years and if it comes ashore, Matthew would be the first major hurricane to make landfall in the U.S. since Hurricane Wilma in 2005:


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Doesn't matter folks. The climate grifters are losing and they know it. I've noticed a full putsch lately in the news about all warming and how hot it is - all based on anecdotals and other unreliable evidence, or things explained by other phenomena. They are going for all the marbles and are in say-anything mode.
The Republic is lost.

Offline Idaho_Cowboy

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Dang it. Our deal didn't work? Should have left Poseidon an extra goat.

Do these people realize how backward they sound?
“The way I see it, every time a man gets up in the morning he starts his life over. Sure, the bills are there to pay, and the job is there to do, but you don't have to stay in a pattern. You can always start over, saddle a fresh horse and take another trail.” ― Louis L'Amour

Offline LateForLunch

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Dang it. Our deal didn't work? Should have left Poseidon an extra goat.

Do these people realize how backward they sound?

hah hah there is nothing even remotely resembling "realization" going on in the ecoparanoia movement. A greater menagerie of "useful idiots" you will not easily find anywhere. They are only of two varieties - people who know or suspect that AGW is complete BS but don't care and (2) people who have absolutely no grasp of physical geographical science (climatology) and get all of their opinions second hand from others in the first group and rescript them without comprehension most often resorting to "credentialism" as the basis for their opinions.

I always point this out to them when I "debate" them on comments sections or forums - the fact that none of them have any remote understanding of science and that they are proposing nothing less than "controlling the average climatic temperature like a thermostat".

I had one ignoramus respond that this was not true, and I pointed out that by taking action to reduce warming, if those measures were  effective then they would presumably be able to reverse the process and restore the warming if things started getting too cold - exactly like adjusting a thermostat. The only other possibility was that they were endeavoring to cause the temperature to drop in an uncontrolled way that was irreversible, and therefore engaging in something that might just as easily propel the planet into an Ice Age as bring it into the ideal range that they had arbitrarily selected.

At that point, the AGW fanatic reverted to form and began intense vituperation, insults and vociferous complaining about everything and everything else - which I also pointed out to him/her and that this was always the default position of abysmally ignorant, childishly Cyclopian AGW ecoparanoids who cannot reason their way out of a wet paper sack. 
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)

Offline Frank Cannon

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Doesn't matter folks. The climate grifters are losing and they know it. I've noticed a full putsch lately in the news about all warming and how hot it is - all based on anecdotals and other unreliable evidence, or things explained by other phenomena. They are going for all the marbles and are in say-anything mode.

I agree. They know the jig is up and are just grasping at any life preserver that floats by.

Offline LateForLunch

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I agree. They know the jig is up and are just grasping at any life preserver that floats by.

Well, they are losing the PR war, but the greater war for control of the U.S. government is still a foot race to the finish line. They know that if they can capture the U.S. government for another 4-8 years, they stand a good chance of establishing AGW ecoparanoia policy by executive fiat and through the bureaucracy and will no longer need Congressional approval. 

So the AGW / ecoparanoid faction simply throws everything out there that might conceivably frighten even a minute percentage of undecided, low-information voters into their camp - even patently absurd claims that we are in some sort of abnormally high season of hurricane activity, when we are not - not even close. Hurricanes are less frequent and of lower intensity than average for the last few years.

The AGW faction long ago gave up trying to use genuine facts, numbers and science to validate their claims and have instead relied on blatant mendacity, savage fear-mongering, bald-faced seduction (cult of personality) and brutal bullying (through leftist government, leftist media and leftist academia) to squelch free discussion, substantive debate or the use of genuine stipulated hard-science in addressing this issue.
GOTWALMA Get out of the way and leave me alone! (Nods to General Teebone)