Author Topic: Clinton Bashed in New Aljazerra Ad!  (Read 376 times)

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Clinton Bashed in New Aljazerra Ad!
« on: October 01, 2016, 07:40:33 pm »
Bill Still
Published on Oct 1, 2016

Clearly one of the driving forces behind the rise radical Islamic terrorism is the propensity of the U.S. to back regime changes by means of their robust coup-making capabilities.

I try not to get drawn into the right-wing versus left-wing dichotomy. I try to measure whom to support by who supports the most decentralization of power; and I tend to oppose those who support more centralized forms of power – dictators, whether they have a leftist or a rightist point of view.

In other words, there are dictatorships of the left and dictatorships of the right. The EU is a near-dictatorship from the left. The TPP represents a more oligarchical dictatorship by the biggest trans-national corporations, and that’s why you can bet that once in office, Hillary Clinton will support TPP.

And while I’m on TPP, I laughed out loud this morning when I went on Snopes to see if Donald Trump had it right that Clinton had called the TPP the “Gold Standard” of trade deals – and yes, I know Snopes is leftist.

To my utter astonishment, the Snopes entry on Trump’s 1st Debate statement on Clinton’s support of the TPP says that Trump was 100% right!

“The record shows that Clinton spoke glowingly of the TPP on more than one occasion, not least when she praised it in 2012 as ‘setting the gold standard in trade deals.’” says Snopes.

Back to regime change – it’s almost a constant throughout history is that violent regime change almost never favors we, the little people. It almost always centralizes power into the hands of a few.

Trump’s position is that the U.S. must renounce supporting these overthrows of governments in order to knock out our bully-boy image that helps empower recruitment into Islamic terror organizations.

So is there a common theme here? Muslims don’t want to live under a western dictatorship; and those of us in the west do not want to live under a Moslem theocratic dictatorship.

Don’t think this is important to the Moslem world? Check out this anti-Clinton piece just produced by

Now I understand that the justification for this coup was that Honduras might spin into the communist circles of Hugo Chaves and the Castros. But still, let them vote on it for God’s sake.

Afterall, today, just 7 years later, President Obama and Clinton support the Castros.

So what’s the common denominator here? People just wanna be free – free to choose their path – their own self-governance. It’s as human as breathing.
In fact, it’s more than human. Birds and cats and dogs and fish and even ants want freedom.

So, let’s set the world’s sights on freedom and mean it. That will naturally let some of the gas out of the radical Islam movement.

Clinton never saw an autocracy she didn’t love – as long as they keep those donations flowing. She only loves money and control – power.
Only Donald Trump really understands this freedom impulse.