Author Topic: Most intense fighting of the civil war in Aleppo courtesy of John Kerry  (Read 299 times)

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September 25, 2016
Most intense fighting of the civil war in Aleppo courtesy of John Kerry
By Rick Moran

 After three days of massive bombardment of the Syrian city of Aleppo, it seems clear that the ceasefire negotiated between the US and Russia was a ruse to allow President Assad and Vladimir Putin to organize their forces to make a primal push to take the city and deal a huge blow to the rebellion.

It's being called the most intense fighting of the 5 year civil war as cluster bombs, barrel bombs, and other ordnance rains down on helpless, defenseless people. Russia has targeted aid stations, the rebel water supply, and rebel held neighborhoods in a bid to soften up the opposition for what one Syrian officer said was a ground assault on the city.

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