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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #25 on: September 23, 2016, 07:44:04 pm »
Gabriel Malor ‏@gabrielmalor  7m7 minutes ago
"This man is a pathological liar." (May 2016)
"I encourage you to vote for him." (Sept. 2016)

Gabriel Schoenfeld ‏@gabeschoenfeld  10m10 minutes ago
Cruz breaks a habit: “I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my father"
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #26 on: September 23, 2016, 07:44:19 pm »
Cruz's Facebook statement:

"This election is unlike any other in our nation’s history. Like many other voters, I have struggled to determine the right course of action in this general election.

In Cleveland, I urged voters, “please, don’t stay home in November. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket whom you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”

After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

I’ve made this decision for two reasons. First, last year, I promised to support the Republican nominee. And I intend to keep my word.

Second, even though I have had areas of significant disagreement with our nominee, by any measure Hillary Clinton is wholly unacceptable — that’s why I have always been #NeverHillary.

Six key policy differences inform my decision. First, and most important, the Supreme Court. For anyone concerned about the Bill of Rights — free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment — the Court hangs in the balance. I have spent my professional career fighting before the Court to defend the Constitution. We are only one justice away from losing our most basic rights, and the next president will appoint as many as four new justices. We know, without a doubt, that every Clinton appointee would be a left-wing ideologue. Trump, in contrast, has promised to appoint justices “in the mold of Scalia.”

For some time, I have been seeking greater specificity on this issue, and today the Trump campaign provided that, releasing a very strong list of potential Supreme Court nominees — including Sen. Mike Lee, who would make an extraordinary justice — and making an explicit commitment to nominate only from that list. This commitment matters, and it provides a

serious reason for voters to choose to support Trump.

Second, Obamacare. The failed healthcare law is hurting millions of Americans. If Republicans hold Congress, leadership has committed to passing legislation repealing Obamacare. Clinton, we know beyond a shadow of doubt, would veto that legislation. Trump has said he would sign it.

Third, energy. Clinton would continue the Obama administration’s war on coal and relentless efforts to crush the oil and gas industry. Trump has said he will reduce regulations and allow the blossoming American energy renaissance to create millions of new high-paying jobs.

Fourth, immigration. Clinton would continue and even expand President Obama’s lawless executive amnesty. Trump has promised that he would revoke those illegal executive orders.

Fifth, national security. Clinton would continue the Obama administration’s willful blindness to radical Islamic terrorism. She would continue importing Middle Eastern refugees whom the FBI cannot vet to make sure they are not terrorists. Trump has promised to stop the deluge of unvetted refugees.

Sixth, Internet freedom. Clinton supports Obama’s plan to hand over control of the Internet to an international community of stakeholders, including Russia, China, and Iran. Just this week, Trump came out strongly against that plan, and in support of free speech online.

These are six vital issues where the candidates’ positions present a clear choice for the American people.

If Clinton wins, we know — with 100% certainty — that she would deliver on her left-wing promises, with devastating results for our country.

My conscience tells me I must do whatever I can to stop that.

We also have seen, over the past few weeks and months, a Trump campaign focusing more and more on freedom — including emphasizing school choice and the power of economic growth to lift African-Americans and Hispanics to prosperity.

Finally, after eight years of a lawless Obama administration, targeting and persecuting those disfavored by the administration, fidelity to the rule of law has never been more important.

The Supreme Court will be critical in preserving the rule of law. And, if the next administration fails to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights, then I hope that Republicans and Democrats will stand united in protecting our fundamental liberties.

Our country is in crisis. Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president, and her policies would harm millions of Americans. And Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way.

A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him."

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2016, 07:45:18 pm »
Here is Ted Cruz’s full statement in support of Donald Trump:

    This election is unlike any other in our nation’s history. Like many other voters, I have struggled to determine the right course of action in this general election.

    In Cleveland, I urged voters, “please, don’t stay home in November. Stand, and speak, and vote your conscience, vote for candidates up and down the ticket whom you trust to defend our freedom and to be faithful to the Constitution.”
    After many months of careful consideration, of prayer and searching my own conscience, I have decided that on Election Day, I will vote for the Republican nominee, Donald Trump.

    I’ve made this decision for two reasons. First, last year, I promised to support the Republican nominee. And I intend to keep my word.
    Second, even though I have had areas of significant disagreement with our nominee, by any measure Hillary Clinton is wholly unacceptable — that’s why I have always been #NeverHillary.

    Six key policy differences inform my decision. First, and most important, the Supreme Court. For anyone concerned about the Bill of Rights — free speech, religious liberty, the Second Amendment — the Court hangs in the balance. I have spent my professional career fighting before the Court to defend the Constitution. We are only one justice away from losing our most basic rights, and the next president will appoint as many as four new justices. We know, without a doubt, that every Clinton appointee would be a left-wing ideologue. Trump, in contrast, has promised to appoint justices “in the mold of Scalia.”

    For some time, I have been seeking greater specificity on this issue, and today the Trump campaign provided that, releasing a very strong list of potential Supreme Court nominees — including Sen. Mike Lee, who would make an extraordinary justice — and making an explicit commitment to nominate only from that list. This commitment matters, and it provides a serious reason for voters to choose to support Trump.

    Second, Obamacare. The failed healthcare law is hurting millions of Americans. If Republicans hold Congress, leadership has committed to passing legislation repealing Obamacare. Clinton, we know beyond a shadow of doubt, would veto that legislation. Trump has said he would sign it.

    Third, energy. Clinton would continue the Obama administration’s war on coal and relentless efforts to crush the oil and gas industry. Trump has said he will reduce regulations and allow the blossoming American energy renaissance to create millions of new high-paying jobs.

    Fourth, immigration. Clinton would continue and even expand President Obama’s lawless executive amnesty. Trump has promised that he would revoke those illegal executive orders.

    Fifth, national security. Clinton would continue the Obama administration’s willful blindness to radical Islamic terrorism. She would continue importing Middle Eastern refugees whom the FBI cannot vet to make sure they are not terrorists. Trump has promised to stop the deluge of unvetted refugees.

    Sixth, Internet freedom. Clinton supports Obama’s plan to hand over control of the Internet to an international community of stakeholders, including Russia, China, and Iran. Just this week, Trump came out strongly against that plan, and in support of free speech online.

    These are six vital issues where the candidates’ positions present a clear choice for the American people.

    If Clinton wins, we know — with 100% certainty — that she would deliver on her left-wing promises, with devastating results for our country.

    My conscience tells me I must do whatever I can to stop that.

    We also have seen, over the past few weeks and months, a Trump campaign focusing more and more on freedom — including emphasizing school choice and the power of economic growth to lift African-Americans and Hispanics to prosperity.

    Finally, after eight years of a lawless Obama administration, targeting and persecuting those disfavored by the administration, fidelity to the rule of law has never been more important.

    The Supreme Court will be critical in preserving the rule of law. And, if the next administration fails to honor the Constitution and Bill of Rights, then I hope that Republicans and Democrats will stand united in protecting our fundamental liberties.

    Our country is in crisis. Hillary Clinton is manifestly unfit to be president, and her policies would harm millions of Americans. And Donald Trump is the only thing standing in her way.

    A year ago, I pledged to endorse the Republican nominee, and I am honoring that commitment. And if you don’t want to see a Hillary Clinton presidency, I encourage you to vote for him.
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Offline jmyrlefuller

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2016, 07:46:00 pm »
but he can and should do as Rubio, Walker, Ryan and others and express his view that any Hillary Clinton Presidency is an existential threat to America's survival and an intolerable non-starter.
So is a Donald Trump Presidency. Yet almost 90% of the voting population seems to be resigned to the fact that we're screwed and are intent on voting for one of those two under the illusion that one is better than the other, solely based on the party banner under which they ran. Just because Donald Trump has an R next to his name does not make him any less of a tyrant!


You are not limited to two choices on the ballot. If the top two are crap, start looking down the ballot for your own sake!

I want to know what the hell Mike Pence said. There must have been a threat, blackmail, something like this. To go from silence, to this... right after that... you bet your *** crooked things are going on.
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2016, 07:47:33 pm »
Max Boot ‏@MaxBoot  12m12 minutes ago
Max Boot Retweeted Sopan Deb
By endorsing Trump, Cruz proves Trump was right about him.
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #30 on: September 23, 2016, 07:48:29 pm »
Cruz can do what he likes, I won't be voting for Trump.

Cruz just killed my respect for him.

So finally, the last possible person that would have me voting for Conservative candidates in the GOP just caved and now I am committed to voting only for those Candidates who are third party.

May the GOP rot in the grave as it deserves.
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...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #31 on: September 23, 2016, 07:49:19 pm »
CNBC ‏@CNBC 57s57 seconds ago

MORE: Ted Cruz says he will vote for Donald Trump after heated rivalry

Not exactly an endorsement.  Levin and others are voting for the Donald but that doesn't mean they are endorsing him.  In fact, I don't recall Sen. Cruz ever saying he wasn't going to vote for the Donald.  He just wasn't going to tell us who we should vote for, and he still isn't.

I supported Sen. Cruz for the nomination because he was the one candidate who most closely aligned with my views.  This does not mean, unlike the tRump Worshippers, that I put him on any kind of a pedestal.  I'm not going to tell him who he should vote for any more than he should tell me who to vote for.

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #32 on: September 23, 2016, 07:49:25 pm »
Well, I for one am not going to be mad at Cruz..he is doing what he thinks is best...just what we propose here at TBR.....his right to vote for whoever he wants......I still like the guy!
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #33 on: September 23, 2016, 07:49:48 pm »
Cruz can do what he likes, I won't be voting for Trump.

Cruz just killed my respect for him.

So finally, the last possible person that would have me voting for Conservative candidates in the GOP just caved and now I am committed to voting only for those Candidates who are third party.

May the GOP rot in the grave as it deserves.


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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #34 on: September 23, 2016, 07:50:21 pm »
I'm not going to tell him who he should vote for any more than he should tell me who to vote for.

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2016, 07:52:47 pm »

 ****cute kitty

Offline Right_in_Virginia

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2016, 07:53:07 pm »

« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 07:56:05 pm by Right_in_Virginia »

Offline jmyrlefuller

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #37 on: September 23, 2016, 07:54:44 pm »
Well, look, Cruz's nemesis just showed up. How do you feel now?
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #38 on: September 23, 2016, 07:55:06 pm »

You know exactly what this is Ted...

Cruz has said nothing yet, until he does I make no judgement. I hope he gives Trump a non-endorsement endorsement.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2016, 07:55:27 pm by Free Vulcan »
The Republic is lost.

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #39 on: September 23, 2016, 07:56:10 pm »
Cruz is free to do as he pleases.  It won't change my stance.

Same here.  Other people do not make up my mind.  I am a conservative, not republican and changed my party to reflect my views.

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #40 on: September 23, 2016, 07:56:38 pm »

Just one question puzzles me about this.

Is there anybody or anything NeverTrumpers will not throw under the bus to appease the god of their Trump hatred?

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #41 on: September 23, 2016, 07:56:50 pm »
John ZieglerVerified account
Ted Cruz was with Trump when he could've beaten him & against him when he couldn't. Then he non-endorsed with max damage, & caved for 0 gain

Just as with the shutdown, Cruz has demonstrated he has the worst political instincts EVER!
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #42 on: September 23, 2016, 07:57:13 pm »

RiV leading the dance group again:

Trumps Troops lightly feathered in their natural habitat

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #43 on: September 23, 2016, 07:58:00 pm »
Just one question puzzles me about this.

Is there anybody or anything NeverTrumpers will not throw under the bus to appease the god of their Trump hatred?

Donald Trump is a bad, bad person.

Anyone who endorses him — especially after the behavior he showed toward Cruz during the primaries — deserves to be thrown under the bus.
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #44 on: September 23, 2016, 08:00:03 pm »
Just one question puzzles me about this.

Is there anybody or anything NeverTrumpers will not throw under the bus to appease the god of their Trump hatred?

Cruz has, today, thrown his wife and father under the bus.  A perfect compliment to Trump.

I think Cruz would call Heidi ugly himself if it would benefit him politically.
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #45 on: September 23, 2016, 08:02:04 pm »
I guess this just proves that there is no one left in Washington to trust.

Time to truly go politically Galt. Maybe I'll just sit this election out. Let all the sheep and fools create our fate and just sit back and watch.
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4. When all else fails, remember rule #1 and #2. Emoticons are like the poor man's tweet!

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #46 on: September 23, 2016, 08:06:58 pm »
Cruz has, today, thrown his wife and father under the bus.
His wife got her job at Goldman Sachs (remember, Trump has a lot of GS people in his campaign) back right at the same time.

I get a feeling without that endorsement, Heidi would've been relegated to working at some convenience store in the middle of nowhere.
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #47 on: September 23, 2016, 08:07:06 pm »

To the remaining rag-tag NeverTrumpers, and you know who you are:

You would love to get us Trump supporters into a protracted argument here.

But we know better. We know that letting you dangle in the breeze like this after those comments, makes your butt look bigger.

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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #48 on: September 23, 2016, 08:08:44 pm »
Cruz has, today, thrown his wife and father under the bus.  A perfect compliment to Trump.

I think Cruz would call Heidi ugly himself if it would benefit him politically.

Well sink you have never liked Cruz so I take your opinion of what Cruz says and does with a grain of salt...and I think that was a nasty comment re Heidi
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Re: Cruz expected to endorse Trump: report
« Reply #49 on: September 23, 2016, 08:08:56 pm »

Never trump right now: