Author Topic: Baking tips and/or recipes  (Read 549 times)

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Offline Chasaway

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Baking tips and/or recipes
« on: September 24, 2016, 09:57:58 pm »

I'm a pretty good cook. Mostly meats, casseroles, etc.

My dad used to bake: Pies, breads, cakes, etc. on his own. I've never been a baker, much. I've just now started to bake some bread. And I'm having a ball with it! Of course, I've screwed some of them up, but I've got my white/sandwich bread pretty well dialed in.

I like to do all of it by hand; no mixers. So my kneading, etc. is all by hand.

I'm wondering if this site has a baking/cooking thread/section. If not, I'd imagine there are some baking ninjas on here that could guide me. I've got a pretty good bread recipe, but I'm always looking to get better!

I'm really looking for pros that have done this for years and can guide me as I get more adventurous!

I want to move into flavored (jalapeno/cheese, rye, etc.) and would love to find some guidance here.

If there's already a thread for this, please point me to it. If not, can we start one?
"That's all I can stands; I can't stands n' more!"