Author Topic: Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson SHOOTS DOWN Cruz Crew “Reasons” for Not Voting Trump  (Read 8593 times)

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Offline Cripplecreek

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....and I repeat.

"BTW, Hillary is over there, guys, try running against her for more than a week, without bringing up other Republicans, for a change."

Pretty unlikely that any clown sportin a democrat avatar is really out to target Clinton in any meaningful way.

Offline Jazzhead

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Cruz is a backstabber, his supporters are too. .

No backstabbing here, I'll say it to your face - you support a malevolent strongman, and you should be ashamed of yourself.   
It's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide

Offline GrouchoTex

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Pretty unlikely that any clown sportin a democrat avatar is really out to target Clinton in any meaningful way.

Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has also come out and said "Cruz will be left in the rear-view mirror" if he doesn't support Trump.
This is the same Patrick who was against Cruz when Cruz ran against Dewhurst.
For Cruz when he himself ran against Dewhurst (wanting Cruz endorsement).
For Cruz during the primary.
Now, Patrick is a Trump guy, demanding Cruz must be, too.

Offline Just_Victor

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Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has also come out and said "Cruz will be left in the rear-view mirror" if he doesn't support Trump.
This is the same Patrick who was against Cruz when Cruz ran against Dewhurst.
For Cruz when he himself ran against Dewhurst (wanting Cruz endorsement).
For Cruz during the primary.
Now, Patrick is a Trump guy, demanding Cruz must be, too.

Lt Gov Patrick is going to get a grilling this morning on the local talk radio shows.  I expect he will not enjoy it.

If all I want is a warm feeling, I should just wet my pants.

Offline GrouchoTex

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Lt Gov Patrick is going to get a grilling this morning on the local talk radio shows.  I expect he will not enjoy it.

I know his supposed to come on in a few minutes on KTRH but I am already at work.
Not sure he will get the grilling there.
On the other hand, if he went on Michael Berry's show................

Offline Just_Victor

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I know his supposed to come on in a few minutes on KTRH but I am already at work.
Not sure he will get the grilling there.
On the other hand, if he went on Michael Berry's show................

Matt Patrick did not sound pleased with the light governor.

If all I want is a warm feeling, I should just wet my pants.

Offline Cripplecreek

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No backstabbing here, I'll say it to your face - you support a malevolent strongman, and you should be ashamed of yourself.

What gets me is why are they not going after the others who don't support Trump? There's been a little griping about Ben Sasse but Mike Lee has been pretty vocal about his disgust with Trump and they say nothing.

Apparently Ted Cruz presents the greatest danger to the club.

Offline skeeter

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Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson SHOOTS DOWN Cruz Crew “Reasons” for Not Voting Trump

SEPTEMBER 19, 2016

Former Cruz supporter and star of the hit reality show Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson appeared at the Value Voter Summit this past Friday.

Robertson took some time at the beginning of his remarks knocking down reasons why Cruz Crew people say they are not willing to vote for Trump.

{.. snip ..}

Cruz advised we vote our conscious. To this day I do not know why Trumpkins are so sore about that.

Offline CSM

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Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson SHOOTS DOWN Cruz Crew “Reasons” for Not Voting Trump

SEPTEMBER 19, 2016

Former Cruz supporter and star of the hit reality show Duck Dynasty Phil Robertson appeared at the Value Voter Summit this past Friday.

Robertson took some time at the beginning of his remarks knocking down reasons why Cruz Crew people say they are not willing to vote for Trump.

{.. snip ..}

I admit it, I took the bait and clicked on the link.  The article is completely void of any content whatsoever.  In fact, the quoted content from Phil was meaningless.  "Vote Trump cuz Hillary is a liar!"

OK, Phil, I will add you to the list of folks that need to take this challenge:  Sell Trump to me.  Convince me to vote FOR him.  You need to do this without using the words Hillary, Cruz, Levin or Beck.  No one has been able to do this yet, so I offer you the chance to accomplish something unique.

Offline skeeter

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Rick Perry will likely win over Cruz in 2016; Texans don't like backstabbers which Cruz has shown himself to be.

Even with cry baby Cruz and his dirty tricks, Trump is hammering Clinton in Texas and up by 7 points; the press is trying to make a story out of this.

Cruz is a backstabber, his supporters are too. Big ally to Trump at first but Trump saw how Cruz ran a dirty campaign, what Cruz said about Rubio comes down to near blasphemy. Then, Cruz is involved with nuts like Glenn Beck.

The Never Romneys and Never Trumps are backstabbers.

If philandering lying "Rafael" Cruz the non-citizen is a "backstabber", then so must be his assassin father and ugly, globalist wife.

You people are a scream.

Offline GrouchoTex

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Matt Patrick did not sound pleased with the light governor.
Good for him!
I know Matt was a Cruz guy, but has been a Trump guy since, so I wasn't sure how it would play out.
That's fine with me that both are trump supporters now, but for cryin' out loud, go after Hillary for a consistent amount of time, and leave other republicans alone!

Offline CSM

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Rick Perry will likely win over Cruz in 2016; Texans don't like backstabbers which Cruz has shown himself to be.

Even with cry baby Cruz and his dirty tricks, Trump is hammering Clinton in Texas and up by 7 points; the press is trying to make a story out of this.

Cruz is a backstabber, his supporters are too. Big ally to Trump at first but Trump saw how Cruz ran a dirty campaign, what Cruz said about Rubio comes down to near blasphemy. Then, Cruz is involved with nuts like Glenn Beck.

The Never Romneys and Never Trumps are backstabbers.

I have accepted that most of what you post is on the edge of sanity, but this one is filled with outright lies.  In addition, a 7 point lead in Texas should be a point of shame for any R candidate. 

Offline TomSea

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Cruz: ‘Proud to Defend’ Trump, Expand H-1B Visas For ‘Educated,’ ‘Talented’ Job Creators

Texas Senator and Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz declared “I am proud to defend Donald Trump” and promoted his “legislation to increase the number of H-1B visas if there are people who are educated and talented and creating jobs” on Tuesday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.”

Cruz said, “I am proud to defend Donald Trump. I like Donald Trump. I respect Donald Trump. And he is highlighting an issue that Washington politicians don’t want to talk about, which is illegal immigration. … And the sad reality is, the Washington cartel supports amnesty, the Washington cartel doesn’t want to stop illegal immigration, so they’re mad at Donald Trump for focusing on this critical issue, and I’m not going to play that game. The mainstream media loves to get a whole bunch of Republicans — we’ve seen one after another after another of the presidential candidates stand up and smack Donald Trump. I think it’s wrong, I’m not going to do it.” He further accused the “Washington cartel” of supporting the Gang of Eight immigration bill and praised Trump for “shining a light” on the issue of illegal immigration.

Those 2 had a real alliance, hard to take all the criticism of Trump seriously. If Trump had never entered the race, we have no idea who would have won. Experience, one of the governors, may well have won the day.

Offline CSM

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I wish you leftist extremists would talk about the topic at hand and not talk about the posters themselves.

Like the Trump supporters failing to make it through a sentence without mentioning Cruz?

You really need to buy a mirror.

Offline Cripplecreek

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Cruz advised we vote our conscious. To this day I do not know why Trumpkins are so sore about that.

Its a whole lot more than just Ted Cruz voters not supporting Trump. A lot of Rubio and Paul supporters are NeverTrump. Preibus and his chihuahua threats are driving Kasich voters into the never camp as well.

For people who are so sure of their impending landslide, the Trump/GOPe camp is awfully desperate to collect a few stragglers.

Offline TomSea

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I have accepted that most of what you post is on the edge of sanity, but this one is filled with outright lies.  In addition, a 7 point lead in Texas should be a point of shame for any R candidate.

I have accepted that you can not make a sane post, so like the other Cruz-bots, tee-off with idiotic cowardly personal attacks, since you can not make a rational argument.

Is this all we are doing with the Cruz crew? Always fending off personal attacks.

Moderators anyone? Here is the instigation of these problems again.

Offline TomSea

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Cruz-ers like to dish it out but start crying when answered with the like. I'd urge moderator action to the usual cheap-shots by the Cruz camp, their candidate was solid with Trump, they were for 'em before against 'em and people merely pointing that out get excoriated.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 12:36:07 pm by TomSea »

Offline CSM

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Lt. Governor Dan Patrick has also come out and said "Cruz will be left in the rear-view mirror" if he doesn't support Trump.

I heard that Reinse came out and threatened anyone that doesn't get on the Trump Train, he didn't seem to specify the threat but it implies that if a member of the party doesn't start spouting the party line, then he/she would not get party support in any future elections.

In other words, if you don't start acting politically correct per the party, then you will be demonized and trashed out of office.  I thought the "Trump train" was in motion to abolish PC, not to re-define it....

Offline TomSea

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Like the Trump supporters failing to make it through a sentence without mentioning Cruz?

You really need to buy a mirror.

Oh, see the headline here? It is about Cruz.

And there is 24 hour Trump trashing by Cruz bots here.

They can dish it out, they can't take it.

Offline CSM

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I have accepted that you can not make a sane post, so like the other Cruz-bots, tee-off with idiotic cowardly personal attacks, since you can not make a rational argument.

Is this all we are doing with the Cruz crew? Always fending off personal attacks.

Moderators anyone? Here is the instigation of these problems again.

You got personal from the beginning by calling us backstabbers and when you get called out on it you want to call for the moderators.  I stand by what I said.  You flat out lied in your post and YOU instigated my response. 

Offline TomSea

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Cruz was tight with Trump,

This fact won't stop the Trump hating that is going on here all the time.

Respond like with like.

Maybe if the so-called Cruz supporters were not on a 24 hour, 7 days a week, 365 days a year attack; things would be different.

My record is voting for Cruz and I can even prove daily votes at the other website, I also realize the primary season is over.

If Cruz is not the saint they want to make him out to be or in fact, was tight with Trump, it will be said.

Offline CSM

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Oh, see the headline here? It is about Cruz.

And there is 24 hour Trump trashing by Cruz bots here.

They can dish it out, they can't take it.

You are the original "disher" and you are the one that called for the moderators.

In addition, the article is an outright attack on Cruz by a Trump supporter, which you happily added further attacks to Cruz and his supporters.  So, don't say we can't take it when you are the one that is crying for moderator action. 

Your MO seems to be that you love to attack Cruz and Cruz supporters and then when someone replies, you cry that Cruz supporters are attacking you.  That isn't any different than a schoolyard bully, or the typical liberal.

Offline Cripplecreek

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I heard that Reinse came out and threatened anyone that doesn't get on the Trump Train, he didn't seem to specify the threat but it implies that if a member of the party doesn't start spouting the party line, then he/she would not get party support in any future elections.

In other words, if you don't start acting politically correct per the party, then you will be demonized and trashed out of office.  I thought the "Trump train" was in motion to abolish PC, not to re-define it....

Funny thing is that te 17th amendment was supposed to stop this kind of political game playing. All it really did was strip the states of their constitutional representation. In this case, Trumpers are clearly saying "Screw Texas, Ted Cruz must represent the DC party line or else".

Offline TomSea

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This is a problem with Rivergirl who again, resorts to talking about people in a thread and not talking about the issues. This is not the first time, this person does it. Why in the world, is this person talking about members?

CSM is either unaware of this or ignores this.

I won't back down from anyone and will do my best to stay within the rules.

Rivergirl should be taken to task, I merely gave the same back. If Rivergirl takes advantage in a thread to hurl a cheapshot at someone, she got it back.  A clear pattern.
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 12:52:05 pm by TomSea »

Offline Mod1

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Moved to editorial from politics. When an article's title obviously expresses an opinion, as this one does, it should be posted in the editorial/opinion category.