Author Topic: Jonah Goldberg: Is this a "Flight 93" Election?  (Read 458 times)

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Offline Bunny Watson

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Jonah Goldberg: Is this a "Flight 93" Election?
« on: September 10, 2016, 01:40:58 pm »
Dear Reader (including Sean Hannity, who doesn’t think this “news”letter is a safe space), As Bill Clinton likes to say to the summer interns, I won’t keep you long.

“The Flight 93 Election.” That’s the title of a pseudonymous essay in The Claremont Review of Books that’s gotten a lot of attention of late. Rush Limbaugh apparently loved it. A great many others thought it was unlovable (See: Here, here, here, here, here, and here.)

I’m with them. Except in one regard: I like the title. Oh, I hate the way the writer uses the idea. Indeed, while I kind of like the writing style, and I’ve found the man I believe to be the actual author decent enough, I find the whole pose of it fairly offensive. The author adopts the pen name Publius Decius Mus, after a Roman nobleman who sacrificed his life for the Republic by charging into the thick of battle. But the author isn’t even willing to risk harm to his own name to launch his often baseless attacks. Rather, from the bespoke comforts of the private sector, he accuses conservative opponents of Trump of selling out, without any evidence beyond a mist-producing frenzy of logic chopping.

Yes, there’s a nice parallelism between the pen name and the title. The passengers who rushed the cockpit were indeed modern day Publii. The writer, however, is not.

 Read more at:

Enjoyable G-File this week. As a librarian, I'm glad he abandoned the "Hilary is the librarian who tells you, 'there's no eating in the library,'" in favor of "She was the kid who reminded the teacher that there was supposed to be a quiz."  :)

Offline goatprairie

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Re: Jonah Goldberg: Is this a "Flight 93" Election?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2016, 03:18:20 am »
Would Hillary be bad for the country? Undoubtedly, she'd be a disaster. But would the country i.e. American values survive a Hillary presidency? Undoubtedly, yes.
How about Trump? Chances are he would be somewhat better than Clinton. A disaster, but probably of a lesser variety than Clinton. The problem with Trump is that he has some deranged ideas about the economy, and defense, and other topics that could be disastrous.
 And he is not a conservative and knows next to nothing about conservative philosophy. Looking at his whole life, he has been a conservative for about five minutes. Nevertheless, he has made promise to do conservative things. Can we hold him to those promises?
To a certain extent....but with someone like Trump nothing can be certain.
One thing we know for sure is that he will do major damage to the conservative brand. I'm afraid the Republican Party is finished as the vessel to convey conservatism. A number of people have stated it can survive four or eight years of Trump. I don't think so. I think the populists, nationalists, and race-is-everything people have taken over.
The Republican Party is no longer my party. I await a new, different really conservative party to arise from the ashes. A party where someone like Trump can never gain the nomination for any office.