Author Topic: When it is More than Difficult to Pray for our National Leaders  (Read 1555 times)

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Offline EdJames

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When it is More than Difficult to Pray for our National Leaders
« on: September 12, 2016, 05:12:33 pm »
(not sure if this kind of topic is discussed here or not, admin can delete if it is not appropriate)

When it is More than Difficult to Pray for our National Leaders

I can speak only from a Christian point of view, as I am not well versed in other religions.

I recall from my youth that we were often called to pray for our national (and world) leaders.  Some times a teacher or pastor would ask us to specifically pray for our President, the Congress, and so forth.

As a young child, filled with unbounded optimism, not only in my Faith, but in my country, I never found it to be the least bit challenging or difficult to comply with these requests.  Even as an adult, no matter who was our President, if I was in a church and the pastor led us in that type of prayer, or even spoke about in the message, it all made sense to me.  I understood (and still do, I think) the Biblical case:

I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 1 Timothy 2:1-2

(Now, I am not a Biblical scholar, and am open to anyone that has reason to point out that this verse may not have the meaning that I had learned over the years.  I would also welcome learning about other verses that either support, or argue against, this point of view.)

But assuming that we are called to pray for our national and world leaders, does anyone else find it to be difficult in recent years?

Prior to Obama assuming office I must say that I never found this to be particularly challenging.  Even if my mind wandered for a moment when thinking about the particular President in office, or some members of Congress, it would be quick and fleeting.  My mind, and what I perceive to be my "spirit" quickly got back on track.

But once Obama assumed the Presidency it became more difficult, but not impossible.  After mulling over various concerns, I would default to a thought something along the lines of: "well, I can pray for his Salvation.  God certainly has not given up on him, so I shouldn't either.  Salvation will turn him from his evil ways...."

As his first term progressed, this became more difficult.  Prior to the 2012 election it became near impossible for me to maintain what I always considered to be a 'prayerful state' and I found myself filled with anger.  (Which is more than frustrating when one is attempting to pray!)  I would consciously ignore my pastor's call for this prayer, and started to skip it completely in my personal prayer.

However, after his re-election, somehow I once again found peace.  Mostly through focusing on the Salvation aspect, I found it easier to resolve for myself that the best that we can do is pray that our God is in control, and will work this out for the best, according to His plan.

But now I am beginning to once again find it to be difficult to focus on this aspect of prayer.  Obama will be leaving office in a matter of months, we will have a new national leader.

Even when I hear this call to prayer in services or study, my mind wanders immediately.  If I try to do it in the solitude of my own prayers, I am filled with conflict.  If I force myself to pray silently for the candidates, my mind wanders, then I start to wonder if God is finding my wandering mind to be offensive to Him.  Can I not respect His Word on the topic?  Must I inject my human fears, anger, and other emotions?  Can I not be still, and let Him be Lord?

It seems topical to me this morning as one of the candidates appears to be in the midst of a serious health crisis.  Can I pray for her well being?  Can I pray for her Salvation?  Why is it so difficult for me?  Why do I almost willfully inject my human wants and desires into the equation?  Why can I not be obedient?  And of course, we all have been reading for months about the other candidate in terms of his spiritual condition.  Can I simply pray for his Salvation and spiritual well being? 

Anyway, as you can see, I seem to have a lot more questions than answers!  Just wondering what others may have thought about this topic in the past, and currently.


« Last Edit: September 12, 2016, 05:42:57 pm by EdJames »

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Re: When it is More than Difficult to Pray for our National Leaders
« Reply #1 on: September 12, 2016, 11:06:15 pm »
Here's what my thoughts on it are... for what those thoughts are worth:

Do not worry or fear about what you present to God in prayer. If you are with worry or fear, then take that to Him. The Lord is not offended by this; he understands our state and the acknowledgement of it, and request for aid in repentance, is something He will honor. The Lord does not shame the humble; he does shame the arrogant and the dishonest. Be truthful about your emotions to God.

As for praying for our world leaders: we should pray for the wicked just as fervently as we pray for the righteous. For the righteous, we pray for protection, wisdom and guidance so that they may not be led astray. For the wicked, we pray they see the error of their ways, and if they fail to do so, that He judge them fairly and accordingly, according to His will, not our own; also pray that the innocent not be harmed by the deeds of the wicked.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2016, 01:02:22 am by jmyrlefuller »
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Offline EdJames

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Re: When it is More than Difficult to Pray for our National Leaders
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2016, 03:16:51 pm »
Thanks, jmy, I appreciate your response.  As far as how to pray for leaders, I agree with your comments.  Pretty much in line with the teachings and readings that I have seen.  If you don't mind sharing, do you personally struggle with this type of prayer currently, or in the past several years?  Thanks again.
