Author Topic: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’  (Read 1884 times)

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The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’

Posted at 4:00 am on September 7, 2016 by Jay Caruso

In the annals of the 2016 election, there has emerged a number of Trump supporters who can be placed into different groups. Not all people who will vote for Trump are the same. There is a tendency to lump all Trump supporters together and that is a mistake. People's motives for voting differ. I don't find some of those arguments persuasive, particularly the notion I should only cast a vote for a candidate who has the chance to win. That said, if people are content with whatever rationale they come up with, that's fine with me. The problem arises when those same people try to project their rationale on to others.

The hardcore Trump supporters aka 'Trumpkins', 'Trumpers', 'Trumphumpers', 'Trumpbots' etc are the worst of the lot. They are the ones who have been aboard the proverbial Trump Train since the start. They have moved into the category of cultists because they will defend anything he says. They excuse any flip-flop and they will rationalize any nonsense that spews forth from his mouth. They're the ones with Trump banners in their Twitter profile, photos of themselves wearing 'Make America Great Again'' trucker hats and the ones who are sent into a semi-orgasmic state whenever Trump yells about Mexico paying for his "beautiful wall."
Another group are those who got on board to support Trump because he is the GOP nominee and "stopping Hillary" is all that matters even if the Republican candidate has a record of donations and public positions that rival most northeastern liberal Democrats. I find their rationale unimpressive, but I don't begrudge their point of view. Conservatives such as Hugh Hewitt, Dennis Prager, Kurt Schlichter and actor Nick Searcy are among this group. For the most part, there is mere disagreement between them and those who consider themselves part of the "Never Trump" faction.

The newest breed of Trump supporters are those who have said for some time they are part of "Never Trump,” but for whatever reason, have convinced themselves they need to vote for him. Their motivation is similar to that of the "resigned" Trump supporters, but are late to the game. It's disappointing. For the longest time, they were happy to carry the banner of #NeverTrump. The key word is "never." The word means, "at no time in the past or future; on no occasion; not ever" or "not at all." Apparently for some, such as Brad Thor and most recently, radio talk show host, Mark Levin, "never" means "most likely." In doing so, they are joining the chorus of the second group of Trump supporters who justify their decision by telling others of the horrors of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

Dennis Prager recently wrote a piece for National Review where he argues:

We differ on this: We hold that defeating Hillary Clinton, the Democrats, and the Left is also a principle. And that it is the greater principle.

Obviously, the Never Trumpers do not believe that. On the contrary, some of the most thoughtful Never Trumpers repeatedly tell us that the nation can survive four years of Hillary Clinton–Democrat rule. And then, they say, conservatism will have cleansed itself and be able to take back the nation after four calamitous years of a Hillary Clinton presidency — whereas if Trump wins, he will be the de facto face of conservatism, and then conservatism will have been dealt a potentially fatal setback.

This argument assumes that America can survive another four years of Democratic rule.
Prager's approach is preferable to that of the Trumpkins who think bullying is the way to go. They'll routinely call Never Trumpers, "traitors,” "cuckservatives," or accuse them of "supporting Hillary and the left." It's a weak tactic used by people with weak minds who cannot make a cogent argument.

Some people will mistake what Prager writes, as an attempt to persuade. It's not. He's being subtle but really what he is doing (and what others like him rely on) is attempting to shame others into agreeing with him. One thing I have learned from being involved in politics for 25 years is every presidential election is the most important presidential election. How many times have you heard from either a Republican or a Democrat the words, "Our future hangs in the balance!"

The country wasn't supposed to survive one Obama term. It wasn't expected to survive his second term. Yet, he we are.

This country has survived a civil war and World War I. The country has also survived The Great Depression. It survived World War II and won the fight against the Nazis. And it survived The Vietnam War, Watergate and 9/11. The suggestion that I am supposed to cower in fear over the prospect of a Hillary Clinton presidency and should run to cast a vote for a fraud like Donald Trump, when the country has faced much worse, is absurd.

As for the the probable Hillary Clinton presidency, those of us who decided our conscience couldn't fathom voting for Trump are not to blame. 14 million people looked at a group of candidates that included accomplished conservative governors, such as Rick Perry and Scott Walker. It included dynamic, conservative Senators such as Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Rand Paul. Even the lower echelon of candidates, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and even Chris Christie, were preferable to a reality show carnival barker. Yet, in classic adult temper tantrum form, those people chose the carnival barker. A man with zero principles, no moral backbone and a political philosophy that echoes the sounds of a whoopee cushion. They made the choice. It is their decision to live with.

People may find those of us who remain Never Trump to be distasteful. But for many of us, never means never.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 01:53:41 pm by sinkspur »
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

Offline Cripplecreek

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I'm a paleo never trumper.

If you had asked me 3o years ago I would have said "Hell naw"

Offline JustPassinThru

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So, what's your point?  The prospect of that old, demented battle-axe in office is SO frightful, even those who've been intentionally insulted by God the Donald are going to side with him to avoid the complete Armageddon which will be Hillary Rodham, unfit, a failure at EVERYTHING including family life...becoming a de-facto queen.  As with so much in life, you often have to choose between two bad options.

Think of the victims on the top floors of the World Trade Center.  Jumping off was a very, very bad option - but better than burning alive or being crushed as the building fell down.  So they chose to leap and die quickly.

So, too, Trump voters.  The nation MAY survive a Trump celebutard Presidency.  I do not think it will survive that old cow's attempts at being regal.

Offline bolobaby

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So, what's your point?  The prospect of that old, demented battle-axe in office is SO frightful, even those who've been intentionally insulted by God the Donald are going to side with him to avoid the complete Armageddon which will be Hillary Rodham, unfit, a failure at EVERYTHING including family life...becoming a de-facto queen.  As with so much in life, you often have to choose between two bad options.

Think of the victims on the top floors of the World Trade Center.  Jumping off was a very, very bad option - but better than burning alive or being crushed as the building fell down.  So they chose to leap and die quickly.

So, too, Trump voters.  The nation MAY survive a Trump celebutard Presidency.  I do not think it will survive that old cow's attempts at being regal.


Your WTC analogy is flawed. Those that chose to jump had a choice to *personally* burn alive or end it by jumping. The impact of their choice was basically 100%. That is, if they choose one, there is a near 100% chance that their choice WILL happen.

In this case, if I fell into a one day coma on election day, my lack of vote will not alter the election outcome. If I don't fall into a coma, and choose not to vote, either NY liberal A or NY liberal B will get elected anyway. If I say, "I choose to support NY liberal A," the statistical probability that it will alter the outcome is incredibly low. (Someone posted an article on it here, but I'm not going to go searching for it.) Therefore, unlike the WTC jumpers, my *choice* in this matter has almost no impact on the outcome.

So, why would I *not* vote my conscience? Why would I *not* make a choice that I can later look back at and say, "I didn't choose the lesser of two evils, I did not choose evil at all!" If my vote isn't going to matter in the grand scheme of things, at least my vote can matter *to me*. At least when people are disappointed with either NY liberal A or NY liberal B and are saying either...

"Well, did you vote for NY liberal A?"


"Well, why did you support NY liberal B? B could never defeat A! That was a fools quest!"

I can stand proudly and say, "I didn't! That's on you."

Fixing our broken one-party system starts with a few voters going Galt and saying, "Neither, thank you." I'm sure the first few who go Galt will be told, "Bah - you are no longer relevant. You won't be missed!" Eventually, though, enough voters will go Galt in a way that will actually affect the choice between A or B.

At that point, we'll be the most relevant people in the country.

I'm guessing the GOPe already senses that enough people may be choosing this already, hence the steady stream of threatening and insulting articles and intimidation trying to FORCE us back into the fold. Newsflash: you get more flies with honey, but Trumpettes are too stupid to figure that out.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 03:22:55 pm by bolobaby »
How to lose credibility while posting:
1. Trump is never wrong.
2. Default to the most puerile emoticon you can find. This is especially useful when you can't win an argument on merits.
3. Be falsely ingratiating, completely but politely dismissive without talking to the points, and bring up Hillary whenever the conversation is really about conservatism.
4. When all else fails, remember rule #1 and #2. Emoticons are like the poor man's tweet!

Offline dfwgator

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‘Oh Well, I Guess So’

That's pretty much how I've felt about every Republican candidate since Reagan.

Offline For-Q-Clinton

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Actually "Oh well" equals low turnout.  What we will have is a very low turnout election. Can Hillary convince enough people to get on the bus for free beer to vote?  Or can Trump get just enough "Oh wells" to win?

Offline sinkspur

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So, what's your point?  The prospect of that old, demented battle-axe in office is SO frightful, even those who've been intentionally insulted by God the Donald are going to side with him to avoid the complete Armageddon which will be Hillary Rodham, unfit, a failure at EVERYTHING including family life...becoming a de-facto queen.  As with so much in life, you often have to choose between two bad options.

Think of the victims on the top floors of the World Trade Center.  Jumping off was a very, very bad option - but better than burning alive or being crushed as the building fell down.  So they chose to leap and die quickly.

So, too, Trump voters.  The nation MAY survive a Trump celebutard Presidency.  I do not think it will survive that old cow's attempts at being regal.

I've heard this for the last 20 years.  "We may not survive if X or Y or Z is elected."  It's bullshit and you KNOW it's bullshit.

How many people told us "Obama will destroy America."  Didn't happen. 

I predict that, the "oh wells" will jump off the Trump train the minute he makes another fool of himself.  Could very well be tonight, when he makes an attempt to talk about the military, something he knows nothing about.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Actually "Oh well" equals low turnout.  What we will have is a very low turnout election. Can Hillary convince enough people to get on the bus for free beer to vote?  Or can Trump get just enough "Oh wells" to win?

Hillary has  a voter turnout operation.  Trump doesn't.
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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As I thought, undecideds will NOT break for Trump:

Liam Donovan ‏@LPDonovan  58m58 minutes ago
"Voters who support one of the minor candidates or are undecided in the full field pick Clinton by 12pts over Trump if they had to choose."
Roy Moore's "spiritual warfare" is driving past a junior high without stopping.

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #10 on: September 07, 2016, 03:43:23 pm »
Actually "Oh well" equals low turnout.  What we will have is a very low turnout election. Can Hillary convince enough people to get on the bus for free beer to vote?  Or can Trump get just enough "Oh wells" to win?


If history is any guide, freebies win
I have little interest in streamlining government or in making it more efficient, for I mean to reduce its size. I do not undertake to promote welfare, for I propose to extend freedom. My aim is not to pass laws, but to repeal them.

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Offline JustPassinThru

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #11 on: September 07, 2016, 03:47:25 pm »
I've heard this for the last 20 years.  "We may not survive if X or Y or Z is elected."  It's bullshit and you KNOW it's bullshit.

How many people told us "Obama will destroy America."  Didn't happen. 

I predict that, the "oh wells" will jump off the Trump train the minute he makes another fool of himself.  Could very well be tonight, when he makes an attempt to talk about the military, something he knows nothing about.

NEVER have we ever had such a bad choice.  Even Warren Harding was not so feckless as these two.

I'm not going to campaign one way or the other...I leave the Glee Club routines to the vapid, mindless cultists and the Free Excrement Army lieutenants.

What it comes down to is who's LESS likely to cause cataclysm; who is truly hostile to this nation, who has affinity with the Soviets and their operatives, such as Alinsky, in this country; and who is just clueless and directionless.

Choose as you will.  However it goes it's going to be rough times ahead.

Offline For-Q-Clinton

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #12 on: September 07, 2016, 03:53:16 pm »
NEVER have we ever had such a bad choice.  Even Warren Harding was not so feckless as these two.

I'm not going to campaign one way or the other...I leave the Glee Club routines to the vapid, mindless cultists and the Free Excrement Army lieutenants.

What it comes down to is who's LESS likely to cause cataclysm; who is truly hostile to this nation, who has affinity with the Soviets and their operatives, such as Alinsky, in this country; and who is just clueless and directionless.

Choose as you will.  However it goes it's going to be rough times ahead.

Here's the conundrum we face.

1) Trump wins.  That gives us a Rat Senate and House in 2 years.  They will pass his liberal agenda and anything conservatives like will never see the light of day.
2) Hillary wins.  Republicans keep the house and senate and they will continue to pass the President's liberal agenda like they do today.'s Sophie's choice.

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #13 on: September 07, 2016, 06:50:31 pm »
This is the issue I have with Mark Levin, and it has nothing to do with his actual pulling of the lever for Trump.

Levin said, straight out, "I am NeverTrump."  Words mean things, and he, as a Constitutional attorney, no doubt understands that more than many.  He should have used different phrasing if he meant something other than what he said.

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #14 on: September 07, 2016, 06:53:02 pm »
I'm a paleo never trumper.

If you had asked me 3o years ago I would have said "Hell naw"

Offline dfwgator

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #15 on: September 07, 2016, 06:56:24 pm »
Here's the conundrum we face.

1) Trump wins.  That gives us a Rat Senate and House in 2 years.  They will pass his liberal agenda and anything conservatives like will never see the light of day.
2) Hillary wins.  Republicans keep the house and senate and they will continue to pass the President's liberal agenda like they do today.'s Sophie's choice.
It's the "Kobiyashi Maru".  We need Captain Kirk to change the conditions of the test.

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #16 on: September 07, 2016, 07:12:08 pm »
People need to think long and hard about what they are doing with their vote.   You vote for it, you own it.

Which is exactly why 'this' time.....this election....I won't be a participant in the voting for our demise by voting for either Hillary or Donald.  Both are equally dangerous to our liberty and survival as a free nation, just in slightly varying degrees of 'different' policy stances.  Both are big-government, tax and spend liberals.  And neither has an ounce of integrity or honor.

No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #17 on: September 07, 2016, 07:22:42 pm »
Hillary has  a voter turnout operation.  Trump doesn't.

Always on the ready with a defense for Hillary.
"The Gutter Rat's going to continue to trash Romney, and Romney's going to tell the country why he should be president.

And Romney is going to win" - Sinkspur's incredible insight into the 2012 election

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #18 on: September 07, 2016, 07:35:30 pm »
I'm a paleo never trumper.

If you had asked me 3o years ago I would have said "Hell naw"

36 years ago, you would have found me in a gasthaus near 53 Krauterhausweg, Traben-Trarbach, FRG. 2-3 nights a week, you would find me engaged in conversation with my German friends and neighbors regarding the 1980 election. They pleaded with me to vote for Carter, because they were sure that Reagan would start WWIII.

Fortunately, my German was pretty good, as I was nearing the end of my 4th year in country. It was damn near fluent after my second beer, Konigsbacher, of course. At the ripe old age of 26, I educated my neighbors on American, World, and Military History, as well as American civics. The main point I drove home was that the world is a better place when America is strong, and Reagan was just the guy to do it.

Shortly after Inauguration Day, and the release of the Iranian hostages, I was invited to sit at the stammtische, a table reserved for family and close friends of the family. It's an honor I cherish to this day.

Don't congratulate me on my knowledge of world history, though. I didn't find out until last summer that the town of Trarbach was the site of one of the battles won by the Duke of Marlborough during the Battle of Blenheim in the early 1700s. I lived there for four years, and never saw any monument to that battle. Really not surprising, though, as the Duke (John Churchill, ancestor of William) was British, and the Germans and French fought over the Mosel region for centuries.

If I was back there today, you'd find me in a dark corner in that gasthaus muttering, Nein, Ich nicht Deutsche sprechen.  lol
« Last Edit: September 07, 2016, 07:49:36 pm by Night Hides Not »
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.

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Re: The New Breed Of Trump Voters: From #NeverTrump To ‘Oh Well, I Guess So’
« Reply #19 on: September 07, 2016, 07:51:56 pm »
Always on the ready with a defense for Hillary.

I wouldn't call that a "defense for Hillary". The lack of a ground game by Trump is like trying to defeat ISIS solely with air strikes. It can't be done, you have to have troops on the ground.

Trump thinks he can get by on his celebrity, that's not enough.
You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.