Author Topic: 2 years of Colin Powell’s personal emails leaked! VERY bad news for Clinton and ‘Hillary’s mafia’  (Read 402 times)

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by Tim Tillison

Poor Hillary Clinton, the hits just keep a’coming.

Leaked emails from Colin Powell show that the former secretary of state under President George W. Bush warned “Hillary’s mafia” about using him as a fall guy in the email scandal hanging over the Democratic presidential nominee.

In an email to Beth Jones written days after it was disclosed that Clinton used a personal email account and private server as secretary of state, Powell was clear that Team Hillary was trying to blame him, The Daily Caller reported.

“Been having fun with emailgate,” Powell wrote. “Hillary’s Mafia keeps trying to suck me into it,”

According to the Daily Caller, Powell’s emails were published online by DC Leaks, a website that publishes documents hacked from military leaders and political figures.

Another email showed that Powell interacted directly with top Clinton aide, Cheryl Mills, who served as Clinton’s chief of staff at the State Department, warning her about linking him to the email scandal.

“You really don’t want to get me into this,” he wrote in the email. “I haven’t been asked nor said a word about HRC and won’t unless you all start it.”

Mills reassured Powell that she agreed and told him “that message has been clearly shared.”

“So she will not nor will anyone she controls,” she said, adding that “I can’t address folks who are beyond that so please ping or call me when you see anything that worries you.”

Powell would “ping” Mills less than two weeks later over comments made by Clinton adviser James Carville.

“James is out there screaming away about me and Jeb doing the same thing and getting away with it,” Powell wrote. “Not only is he factually wrong it ain’t working He is just throwing more logs on her fire. Not knowing if anybody is controlling him (unlikely) I don’t think it helps you all.”

“Got it – not sure he will listen to me (he hasn’t in the past) buy I will reach out to him tomorrow when I land back in DC,” Mills replied.

The two had additional exchanges and appeared to have met at some point to discuss the matter.

“Spent last week with Cheryl Mills and the HRC team burying the email flap,” Powell wrote in an email dated Aug. 28.

“Sad thing it that HRC could have killed this two years ago by merely telling everyone honestly what she had done and not tie me into it,” he said. “I told her staff three times not to try that gambit. I had to throw a mini tantrum at a Hampton’s party to get their attention. She keeps tripping into these ‘character’ minefields.'”

Powell’s use of a personal AOL account while at the State Department is being used by the Clinton camp to distract from Clinton’s actions, although he reportedly used a secure government computer to handle all classified information.

Stay tuned for more stories on what else is in the leak.

Offline Night Hides Not

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I think it will also be bad news for Mr. Powell, the black "Courtney Massengale".
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