Author Topic: As Mother Teresa Is Canonized, CNN and WashPost Get in Last Digs  (Read 468 times)

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As Mother Teresa Is Canonized, CNN and WashPost Get in Last Digs
By Tom Blumer | September 4, 2016 | 11:55 PM EDT

In the Catholic Church since 2003, Mother Teresa was formally considered Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Sunday, Pope Francis canonized her as Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

Two outlets in particular have recently given voice to those who stridently take exception to what virtually the entire world recognizes as her noble life and works. On Thursday, the Washington Post chose to run a slightly updated version of an item ("Why Mother Teresa is still no saint to many of her critics") originally published in December of last year.

The really disgraceful work came out of CNN Sunday morning, where the headline described her as a "troubled individual." Reporters Mallika Kapur and Sugam Pokharel featured the intensely personal criticism of a man who — undisclosed to readers — is a "progressive" who is obsessed with shutting down the religious order St. Teresa founded.

The recycled Washington Post item largely featured the intense criticism of the late Christopher Hitchens. A courageous journalist in many respects, Hitchens' outlook on then-Mother Teresa, as summarized by a review of his related book entitled (not kidding) Missionary Position, which followed up on his documentary (again, not kidding) Hell's Angel, was that she was "less interested in helping the poor than in using them as an indefatigable source of wretchedness on which to fuel the expansion of her fundamentalist Roman Catholic beliefs."

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