Author Topic: WHY HILLARY GAVE THE ‘ALT-RIGHT’ SPEECH  (Read 6587 times)

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« Reply #50 on: August 27, 2016, 06:06:55 pm »
Even though they're two sides of the same coin?

Maybe you need to figure out why one side of a despicable ideology bothers you more than the same thing on the other side.

Both are equally wrong, and both should be strongly opposed.


Offline Weird Tolkienish Figure

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« Reply #51 on: August 27, 2016, 06:25:10 pm »
It doesn't come down to one or the other. Both can and should be rejected. (I see you edited out calling posters here morons)

I did because I shouldn't have said that.

Offline roamer_1

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« Reply #52 on: August 27, 2016, 07:30:12 pm »
I want so much to agree with you, but it IS your circus.  It's my circus. too.  It's our country.  Washing our hands and walking away does nothing to save it. We may despise the monkeys, but we failed to trade for better ones.

I am not 'washing my hands and walking away'.
My vote is my endorsement. I am going to endorse that which I actually believe in.
I will ALWAYS vote *FOR* Conservatism.

It is foolish to vote for anything else, which is only an argument toward re-arranging the deck chairs. You can whine and cry and throw dirt in the air because there's more chairs to port... but it is of no real consequence.

The TRUTH is this: unless we begin to demand the CURE, the whole damn thing will continue to sink.
The cure is to put it back - fix the holes. That cure, to me, can only be Conservatism.
And that means, by all, every, and any means, that Conservatives are what we need to have.

Lesser evil voting is what has gotten us here. Lesser evil voting will not fix it.

I will be voting for Castle. Period.

Offline jedidah

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« Reply #53 on: August 30, 2016, 03:21:07 am »

This is a follow-up to a conversation we had last week on this thread about the so-called "alt-right" movement and what injecting it into this campaign may mean.  Believe it or not, I'm pretty sure that we're in agreement that alt-right is nasty bunch and that there is an attempt to re-define and broaden the term for political purposes this year.

That said, I just thought you might find this interesting if you haven't already seen it. 

Over the weekend, MSNBC was airing a segment in which one of their anchors was interviewing an official of the NAACP (their leader, I think) about the alt-right movement.  Watch this 40 second video:

That clip began appearing on alt-right affiliated websites immediately after it aired.  Today it is working its way onto more public sites.  Sure, it may be that some producer make a mess-up of epic proportions, but scuttlebutt is that the darkweb alt-right  hackers did it.  I'm told that hacking into a network's production system would be very do-able with their skills.  That's what I was referring to in Post #5 of this thread when I said that Hillary may have made a mistake by "shining a spotlight on a segment of the population that is vocal, articulate, tech-savvy, and entirely capable of fighting back with ridicule and humor."

Understand, please, that I am in no way involved with this or the alt-right crowd.  I'm a very conservative but inquisitive Texas granny.  But if I'm right, this is a nasty bunch of people that is capable of causing more mischief. 

I thought you might find it interesting.

Can you imagine the uproar if it had happened at FOX?