Author Topic: Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post: Import Foreign Workers to Replace Spoiled Americans  (Read 533 times)

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Jeff Bezos’ Washington Post: Import Foreign Workers to Replace Spoiled Americans

    26 Aug 2016

    Jeff Bezos’ Editorial Board at the Washington Post is complaining that there aren’t enough Americans who want to work low-end jobs, so the government needs to import more foreign replacements.

    “Typically the [immigrants] do jobs — tending crops, washing dishes, mowing lawns — that native-born Americans do not want,” the Post claimed.

    The Post’s authors are so out of touch they don’t realize that Americans have willingly done those jobs for more than 300 years, and that millions of Americans have gone on a virtual strike because low-end wages are already too low nationwide. That virtual strike is what President Barack Obama’s chief economics advisor describes here.