Author Topic: Hillary Clinton: Islam's Whore  (Read 317 times)

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Hillary Clinton: Islam's Whore
« on: August 25, 2016, 09:53:09 pm »

Hillary Clinton: Islam's Whore   

23 Aug, 2016 
Audrey Russo 

The Left's hypocrisy has never been as evident as in this election cycle. The Democrat candidate is the most corrupt politician to run for the White House - and that's before ever being elected.

The MSM have worked arduously to cover for their nominee, and it's been no small task, with her history. The list is humongous:

• Covering for Bill's victimization of women (Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones, Jennifer Flowers, etc.), by defaming and harassing the female victims
• Turning the IRS into their own Posse Comitatus, to punish their enemies
• Vandalized and looted the White House upon exit
• Her part in Filegate, which violated the privacy of Linda Tripp and Kathleen Willey
• Her aide for many years, Huma Abedin, who has known family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
• Her involvement and cover-up of Vince Foster's death
• The Clinton Foundation's interminable scandals
• Emailgate
• Her culpability with Benghazi where four Americans lost their lives

This is also a candidate who purports to be a proponent of women's rights and the rights of the LGBT community. Yet, she had no problem taking millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation, from Islamic countries:

• Algeria donated $250,000 to $500,000
• The Nation of Brunei donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
• Kuwait donated $5,000,000 to $10,000,000
• Sultanate of Oman donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000
• Qatar donated $5.8 million
• Saudi Arabia donated up to $50 million
• United Arab Emirates donated up to $11.5 million
• Morocco-owned OCP, a phosphate exportation company, donated $1,000,000 to $5,000,000

All of the above countries are ruled by Islamic Sharia Law. These are edicts which treat women as chattel to be used by Muslim men, often abused and killed without an afterthought. And gays are met with cruel and unusual punishment at the least, and too often death.

By taking this filthy Islamic lucre, Hillary has prostituted herself out to whatever these 'donors' desire..

{.. snip ..}

I won't be here after the election and vote.

If Hillary wins - I will be busy, BLOAT! (It won't be long before she won't let you buy.)

If Trump wins, I won't be here to GLOAT. (I don't want to hang around while everyone looks at every speck in his eye.)