Author Topic: Trump Once Again Goes Off-Script, Steps on His Minority Message  (Read 377 times)

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TAMPA, Fla. — Donald Trump continued his minority outreach efforts Wednesday with a speech that tailored his populist, anti-immigration message for an African-American and Latino audience.

But after a relatively error-free week where he stuck largely to prepared remarks, Trump began veering off-script again Wednesday, peppering the speech with his trademark non-sequiturs that at times turned the pitch awkward.

Ignoring polling that's shown him facing record deficits with minority voters, and appearing not to know how to refer to Latino voters, Trump insisted that "Over the last three weeks, the polls with African American folks and Spanish speaking folks, Hispanics, Latinos have gone way up."

Trump framed immigration reform as key to protecting jobs for all Americans, including Latinos and African-Americans, and argued renegotiating free trade deals would do the same. But in comments reminiscent of his infamous claim that Mexico sends drug dealers and rapists to the U.S., Trump made the case against free-trade deals by saying, "the only thing that comes into this country is drugs" — an off-script line not included in prepared remarks.