Author Topic: A Clinton Presidency Would Be the Political Equivalent of an Extinction-Level Event  (Read 465 times)

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August 23, 2016
A Clinton Presidency Would Be the Political Equivalent of an Extinction-Level Event
By Don Feder

Forget the arrogance and corruption -- $153 million in Clinton family speaking fees from 2001, mainly bribes during her State Department years. Forget the lies, the lies about lies, and the perjury. Forget the security breaches. Forget enabling America’s most prominent sexual predator. Forget the trail of bodies stretching from Little Rock to Benghazi. Forget every scandal from Whitewater to deleted e-mails. Forget all of it.

Instead, focus on coming attractions -- what a Clinton presidency would mean for America. It would be the political equivalent of an extinction level event. Obama began the process of transforming America. Hillary will finish it -- and us too.

On the Supreme Court, Scalia’s replacement will be a judicial activist on steroids. This will give the left what it’s dreamed of since the Warren Court -- a 5-4 majority to rubber-stamp statism and Cultural Marxism. Hillary will replace decrepit justices, like Ginsberg (83) and Breyer (78), with their young and vigorous clones who’ll be there for decades.

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