WE? You got a frog in your pocket?
You're full of excuses when it comes to change of any sort. 'I' figured as much.
Watch and see what happens after you guys help get Hillary elected and she tries to trash the 2nd.
There will be a blood bath but, it will be the Lord's doing.
Trump will do exactly the same thing, albeit for different stated reasons. He is already on record of having supported an AWB.
Goose-stepping to Trump is not any kind of change I want anything to do with.
As to a blood-bath, there is all the glee and promises of death for treason your compatriots are insisting is coming upon those of us who will not seig-heil your prince from other fora and social groups. Hillary has no monopoly on consequences in blood for her actions.
So I will work tirelessly to oppose Il Douche, his plans to militarize the police, kill the first Amendment via punitive decrees to punish his critics via lawsuits and expanding libel laws to give him power over speech and protest.
In my view, Trump is worse than The Mao Pantsuit.
At least she is an enemy we can clearly see and oppose without any confusion.
Your Trump is just Hillary's Trojan Horse.