Author Topic: It's ba-a-ack! Hillary's 'vast right-wing conspiracy' Now campaign claiming conservative media don't have 'right to exist'  (Read 406 times)

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It's ba-a-ack! Hillary's 'vast right-wing conspiracy'
Now campaign claiming conservative media don't have 'right to exist'
Published: 13 hours ago

Hillary Clinton lashed out at the new phenomena of Internet-driven, alternative media in 1998 when the Drudge Report introduced the world to Monica Lewinsky.

She blamed a “vast right-wing conspiracy” for the scandal before evidence emerged that led to her husband’s impeachment and his infamous explanation, “It depends on what the meaning of the word ‘is’ is.”

It’s a grudge she’s apparently never been able to leave behind, as her campaign’s fundraising email blast this week demonstrates.



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Yeah!  Now I can bring this back out: