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Tabby's Star:More Weirdness

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For some reason I can't cut and paste- but one of the theories is it's a Dyson Sphere.

Maybe it needs a new ballast.  :laugh:

On a serious note very interesting and thanks for posting. The more we know, the more we find out we don't know as much as we thought we did.


--- Quote from: Idaho_Cowboy on August 16, 2016, 05:15:33 pm ---Maybe it needs a new ballast.  :laugh:

On a serious note very interesting and thanks for posting. The more we know, the more we find out we don't know as much as we thought we did.

--- End quote ---

Yes. And isn't it fascinating?

yah...and up until the mid-1800's, everyone knew that the North Pole was ice free, because the Gulf Stream poured warm water through a passage past Greenland, where it worked its way under the ice to surface at the Pole creating a tropical paradise, where the warm water poured down into an enormous hole in the planet to recycle the water back down to the equator.  There were several expeditions launched to prove it, along with several rescue missions launched in search of the expeditions, that were never seen or heard from again.

It always amazes me what people can dream up from whole cloth, based on absolutely nothing whatsoever, that soon "everyone knows" or somehow accepts as possible, only later to be proven not only wrong, but wildly, stupidly, deliberately, decisively and spectacularly wrong.

This certainly is weirdness, dreamed up by someone smoking far too much high grade recreational weed.  We not only have no way to get anywhere near this star, we also have no possible way of imaging it to determine what, if anything, exists in orbit around it.  These pictures accompanying these annoying little scribblings are pure fantasy created by someone with a lot more computer graphics experience than anything to do with astronomy.  They clearly don't have a clue what a "Dyson sphere" really is, or why if it was one, you could not see any fricking starlight...

Not science, once upon a time story telling.


I'm guessing its something natural that we don't know about yet.


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