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Students To Protest Campus Gun Carry In Texas, By Carrying, . . . Dildos


AUGUST 12, 2016

(I may need a cardiac cart after this one, i'm laughing so hard.)

Rebuilding America Starts with Abolishing Tenure
I'm making my 3 novels/1 Viking Saga available Free this Saturday and Sunday at Amazon, August 13th and 14th. If you didn't download them last time please help yourself this time.


--- Quote from: To-Whose-Benefit? on August 12, 2016, 07:32:01 pm ---
(I may need a cardiac cart after this one, i'm laughing so hard.)

Rebuilding America Starts with Abolishing Tenure

--- End quote ---

Just when you think college students  can't get any worse........and to think we are subsidizing this!

They're complaining about Free Speech and 14th Amendment Equal Protection.

"Organizer Jin wrote on Facebook she would “find a dildo supplier sponsorship” if enough students agree to participate, since “quality dildos, especially super large ones, can be pricey.”

The sense of entitlement is breath taking.

Dildo maker Sponsorship.

What are they going to do with their dildos when the protest is over? Throw them away? Doesn't look like it.

The organizer is carping about "Quality Dildos" not cheap ones. Why? Wouldn't an effigy of a dildo suffice to get their point across? Why do they need "Quite Pricey" "Super Large" "Quality Dildos"?

It's not enough that they're already getting the tax payers to fork it over for at least part of their education.

Now they expect other people to pay for their Sex Toys too.

Equal Protection? So should the tax payers and others - based on Free Speech and Equal Protection - also have to buy guns for the other side of the issue?

State Obscenity laws prohibit public display.

I would love to be there when half a dozen of these sex toy mooching nitwits get run in and charged with 'Criminally Brandishing a Dildo.'


--- Quote from: To-Whose-Benefit? on August 13, 2016, 06:00:29 pm ---They're complaining about Free Speech and 14th Amendment Equal Protection.

"Organizer Jin wrote on Facebook she would “find a dildo supplier sponsorship” if enough students agree to participate, since “quality dildos, especially super large ones, can be pricey.”

The sense of entitlement is breath taking.

Dildo maker Sponsorship.

What are they going to do with their dildos when the protest is over? Throw them away? Doesn't look like it.

The organizer is carping about "Quality Dildos" not cheap ones. Why? Wouldn't an effigy of a dildo suffice to get their point across? Why do they need "Quite Pricey" "Super Large" "Quality Dildos"?

It's not enough that they're already getting the tax payers to fork it over for at least part of their education.

Now they expect other people to pay for their Sex Toys too.

Equal Protection? So should the tax payers and others - based on Free Speech and Equal Protection - also have to buy guns for the other side of the issue?

State Obscenity laws prohibit public display.

I would love to be there when half a dozen of these sex toy mooching nitwits get run in and charged with 'Criminally Brandishing a Dildo.'

--- End quote ---

I'm confused.  If someone is concealed carrying in class, how would anybody know or even be offended?  On the other hand, if some idiot straps on a huge dildo and open carries it into class, that would be a major disruption in class, not to mention highly vulgar.  How are these anti-gun morons equating the two?  Did Soros come up with this?  That might explain  He so does love his little 'jokes' on the sheeple.

Typical Hillary voters.


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