Author Topic: The West’s Lone Wolf Terrorist Narrative Is Falling Apart  (Read 189 times)

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The West’s Lone Wolf Terrorist Narrative Is Falling Apart
« on: August 11, 2016, 10:42:10 am »
The West’s Lone Wolf Terrorist Narrative Is Falling Apart
Photo of Saagar Enjeti
Saagar Enjeti
10:43 AM 08/08/2016

German Intelligence revealed Saturday the two refugees who conducted separate attacks last month in Germany were in contact with an Islamic State handler with a Saudi Arabian number.

Both refugees handlers instructed them how to kill as many civilians as possible with weapons at their disposal. The revelation of the institutional connection to both attacks, by the same handler no less, indicates the lone wolf terrorist Western governments have been pushing is clearly false.

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Re: The West’s Lone Wolf Terrorist Narrative Is Falling Apart
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2016, 10:46:54 am »
'Lone Wolf' doesn't refer to an individual who planned the whole thing out himself and who had only indirect contact with other terrorists through imbibing online jeremiads aimed at the public in general.  It refers to an individual who acts by himself, or with one or two accomplices, without getting supplies from the organization to which he adheres, and who generally picks his own target, which is in his own neighborhood, rather than being part of a team that is dispatched to that area from outside and which attacks a target chosen by the upper command of the organization.  Getting tips on how to maximize your kill ratio based on weapons the individual can find does not make that individual something other than a lone wolf.