Author Topic: The Trump University Lawsuit Continues  (Read 499 times)

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The Trump University Lawsuit Continues
« on: August 08, 2016, 01:44:45 am »
The Trump University Lawsuit Continues

by  John Dean 8/5/2016

Donald Trump actually won a small skirmish in his Trump University (TU) legal battle in the U.S. District Court in San Diego this week, but he continues to lose the war. The judge whom Trump has maligned for his Mexican heritage—U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo P. Curiel—cut The Donald some slack vis-à-vis the media but refused to reverse his earlier rulings and dismiss the case against Trump for his role in bilking people who enrolled in TU and received none of the promised instruction on how to succeed in real estate.

You will recall in May, after Trump became the presumptive presidential nominee of the Republicans, he began his unprovoked racist attack on Judge Curiel claiming the lawsuit against him for his role in TU was “in front of a very hostile judge.” Trump noted, “The judge was appointed by Barack Obama,” and added, “Frankly, he should recuse himself because he’s given us ruling after ruling after ruling, negative, negative, negative.” Trump claimed Judge Curiel was ruling against him because the former wanted to build a wall along our southern border with Mexico, and Trump believed the judge was Mexican. Learning that, in fact, Judge Curiel was born in Indiana did not slow Trump down, since the judge’s parents were Mexican, so he ranted on that he was being “railroaded” by a “rigged” legal system. He claimed Judge Curiel was a “hater of Donald Trump,” and the judge was a “disgrace,” who should “be ashamed of himself.” And he called for other federal judges “to look into Judge Curiel.”

---Clearly, of these two most recent rulings, the more significant is the fact that the case is now going to trial in November, along with two related cases. But the class-action RICO case is the greatest threat to Trump, and a loss that would be unbecoming a president-elect, should he win in November. For if he loses the RICO case not only will he have been found to have committed serious federal felonies, but he is subject to treble damages and attorney fees, which could result in a personal bankruptcy.

excerpt, More at:

The trial will most likely occur after the election. Trump should have taken care of this matter long ago.