Author Topic: Obama to Stage All-Night Birthday Bash Friday - followed by another two-week Martha's Vineyard vacation  (Read 1130 times)

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Obama to Stage All-Night Birthday Bash Friday
Posted on August 5, 2016, 7:16 am by Keith Koffler
White House Dossier
President Obama, who turned 55 Thursday, plans a massive White House bacchnal that will see him partying into the night Friday with celebreties and sports stars.

Michelle is said to be “throwing” the party for him.

According to the New York Post:
    resident Barack Obama will celebrate his 55th birthday with a huge all-night party Friday at the White House with stars including Beyoncé and Jay Z.

    We’re told that a host of stars will attend — including Usher, who’s expected to perform, as well as Obama’s favorite rapper Kendrick Lamar, and Jason Wu, who designed the first lady’s inaugural ball gowns in both 2009 and 2013.

    Others who have made the guest list include Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi, Sarah Jessica Parker, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, John Legend, Magic Johnson and Alonzo Mourning.

    Politicos expected at the celebration include Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, Vice President Joe Biden, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Attorney General Loretta Lynch.

How much of this grand self-indulgence is at taxpayers’ exapnese? Who knows.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 05:04:38 pm by mountaineer »
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Re: Obama to Stage All-Night Birthday Bash Friday
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 12:53:54 pm »
Can't miss one of the comments posted to the article:
Junius says:   
August 5, 2016, 7:58 am at 7:58 am

Wonder what chemical props will be used to stay up all night by the swine who will be attending this narcissistic orgy? All of them thrusting their snouts deep into the taxpayers trough.

It is true that history does repeat itself. This disgusting celebration for Dictator Imam Obama, who has made it his unholy mission to destroy this country and enslave Americans, is reminiscent of the lavish balls thrown by the Bourbon King of France, Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette which led to the French Revolution and a one way trip to the guillotine for the King, Queen, and many nobles (elites).

As the awful Dictatorship of Imam Obama and his greedy, scowling First Entitlement Queen wind down look for their obscene spending on luxurious trips and trinkets at taxpayer expense kick into warp drive.

Notice the traitor and unindicted criminal Hillary Clinton will also be attending. Will they also be celebrating her once again skating free from her criminal and treasonous crimes?

One puzzling item is the attendance of Ellen Degeneres. She does realize that Dictator Imam Obama, Hillary Clinton and the rest of the democrat communist party are allies of the islamists who kill gay people on a daily basis. If so is she insane or does she have a death wish?
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Re: Obama to Stage All-Night Birthday Bash Friday
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2016, 12:56:14 pm »
From White House Dossier:
Obama Schedule
Friday, August 5, 2016

10:00 am || Receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

All times Eastern
Apparently the White House didn't want to include:

8:00 pm //  Party all night, get stinking drunk, smoke weed, snort cocaine and get down and dirty with Reggie Love
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Re: Obama to Stage All-Night Birthday Bash Friday
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2016, 01:30:32 pm »
A fawning story from People Magazine says Crazy Joe and Barry Hussein are BFFs, according to Joe's tweet.  :thud:

   Happy 55th, Barack! A brother to me, a best friend forever.
    — Vice President Biden (@VP) August 4, 2016

    55 years young and that smile still gets me every single day. Happy birthday, Barack. I love you. -mo
    — The First Lady (@FLOTUS) August 4, 2016

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Obama to start his Martha’s Vineyard vacation Saturday
By Jaclyn Reiss Boston Globe Staff  August 01, 2016

Planning to go to Martha’s Vineyard for a getaway this month? You’re not the only one.

President Obama and his family will be traveling to the Massachusetts island Saturday and will stay through Aug. 21, according to White House officials.

There are no public events scheduled during the Obamas’ vacation, officials said.

During their past two visits, the first family has rented a secluded, seven-bedroom, nine-bathroom property in Chilmark that overlooks Vineyard Sound. It includes an infinity pool and basketball court.

Obama also tends to spend a lot of time golfing on his Vineyard vacations. His playing partners last summer included NBA MVP Steph Curry and comedian Larry David.

But wait, there's more:
Obama to appear at Clinton fundraiser in Chilmark
By Andy Rosen Globe Staff  August 05, 2016

President Obama is scheduled to appear at a fundraiser for Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton this month on Martha’s Vineyard.

The president, who begins a family vacation on the island this week, is listed as the special guest at an Aug. 15 event in Chilmark, according to an invitation obtained by the Globe.

The fundraiser, which is at the home of Carol Brown Goldberg and Hank Goldberg, asks guests to contribute between $10,000 and $33,400. It begins at 3:30 p.m.

The Massachusetts shoreline is a hot spot for fundraising this month. Republican nominee Donald Trump is set to appear at two events in the area on Saturday — one on Nantucket and another in Osterville.

Clinton herself will be in Provincetown for an event Aug. 21.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2016, 05:07:42 pm by mountaineer »
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Granting that 55 is the sum of all numbers, this party must be a special one. I've seen the film Caligula so I have an idea of what must go on.

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Nobody Parties Like President Obama
With less than 165 days in office, the community organizer is pulling off some late-term keggers
by Keith Koffler | Updated 08 Aug 2016 at 6:18 AM   
All-night parties! Three hundred rounds of golf! Hawaii vacations! African safaris! And always, summer on the Vineyard! Truly the 1 Percent life.

Sure, President and Mrs. Obama are the champions of the 99 percent. But that doesn’t mean they are bother living like the 99 percent.

    The Obamas have spent the past eight years in the White House helping themselves to one type of self-indulgence after another.

No, nothing like it. As Donald Trump would say, that’s for losers! If Americans are having trouble affording bread in the Obama economy, let them eat cake! Mrs. Obama advises gluten-free.

The Obamas have spent the past eight years in the White House helping themselves to one type of self-indulgence after another. Were they Republicans, the press would be carrying on about the entitlements assumed by wealthy GOP elitists. And much of the cost was paid for by taxes confiscated from the 99 percent, at least to the extent the 99 percent are still paying taxes, as Obama signs up as many as possible for welfare and disability.

The Obamas over the past week held nothing back, celebrating the president’s 55th birthday which, fortunately for Obama, fell on a weekday, so he could spend both the weekend before and the one after celebrating.

On Saturday, July 31, Obama went golfing — his 299th round as president — with three buddies from his childhood. He then choppered out to Camp David with his golf partners and a few other friends for a night of partying. He returned Sunday with that post-party look, "wearing khakis, a long-sleeved blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and shades," the White House pool reporter noted. "A few moments later, several unidentified gentlemen emerged from Marine One, a few of them holding large round wooden objects that resembled thick frisbees."


But that was just the warm-up for the following Friday. Obama had no public schedule that day so he could rest up for the evening’s festivities.

By nightfall, the Obamas were partying away with Beyonce and Jay Z, John Legend, Ellen DeGeneres and her wife Portia DiRossi, Magic Johnson, Star Wars creator George Lucas and actress Sarah Jessica Parker — not to mention former advisor David Axelrod and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Usher, Kendrick Lamar, Stevie Wonder, Jennifer Hudson, and Alonzo Mourning were also said to be on the invite list. Wonder if Lamar sang these lyrics in the White House (google him and plug in your own lyrics here)?

The White House did its best to keep a lid on things, refusing to release a guest list. And then Saturday morning, the president and his family jetted to Martha’s Vineyard for 16 days of golf and dining at overpriced restaurants. The locals hate him — he is a "renter," after all, even if he does drop tens of thousands of dollars a week — but they tolerate him 'cause, you know, it's the president.

It wasn’t the first time the Obamas had turned the White House into a all-night bachannal with guests swinging from the chandeliers of the East Room. But the parties are just a small part of the fun they’ve had.

Take the Christmastime excursions to Oahu. Oh, you say, but the president is from Hawaii! He must go home to recuperate! What is Mr. Obama, exactly? Some kind of salmon who must swim back to the pond of his birth to spawn? There is no good reason the Obamas must spend the two most miserable weeks of winter in America’s tropical paradise other than that it’s an absolutely fantastic place to be.

The problem here is that, by vacationing there every year they were in the White House, the Obamas burned through tens of million of your tax dollars to pay for it. At around $200,000 an hour to fly Air Force One, the round-trip 18-hour flight costs about $3.6 million. And that doesn’t include the cargo plane that lugs his motorcade and other essentials out there and other, smaller Air Force planes that make the trip as well. And the 100-plus staffers don't slum it — five-star hotels all around! If the Obamas needed to warm themselves up in the winter, pre-Zika Florida could easily have sufficed at a fraction of the cost.

In December 2012, Obama added insult to injury by flying Air Force One all the way back to Washington from Hawaii to complete some budget negotiations, and then, just after New Year’s, flew back to Hawaii to complete his vacation. In January 2014, Michelle Obama stayed in Hawaii after her husband departed so she could finish up a 24-day vacation at Oprah Winfrey’s fabulous spread on Maui. She then returned, at extra expense to you, on a separate Air Force jet.

Michelle Obama has made a specialty of bolting out of Washington on annual excursions with her family — her mother, the kids, and even the cousins are usually in tow — to far-flung corners of the globe. The president stays home. The trips usually have some "official" cover, like promoting education for girls or something else these countries apparently can’t do without Mrs. Obama’s help.

In 2011, the Obama caravan made its way to southern Africa, where Mrs. Obama sat down for what she described as a "surreal" meeting with Nelson Mandela and went on safari. The trip cost at least half a million dollars.

During a second trip to Africa in 2013, on which the president also went, appearances finally got the better of the Obamas and a second safari was scheduled and then nixed.

In 2010, she carted a group of friends over to Spain, where she spent four nights at the incomparable Hotel Villa Padierna in Marbella and dined with the king and queen.

Last year, she jetted out to Cambodia to save Cambodian schoolgirls from illiteracy, or something, and BTW toured the magnificent Angor Wat temple.

And every year, Mrs. Obama goes skiing in Colorado, because the slopes on the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia don’t possess that same exquisite powder.

Meantime, Obama’s solo vacations mostly involve golf. While most of his golf outings have been at military bases in the Washington area, the president has treated himself to many three-day golf weekends at famous resorts in California and Florida.

Those are just a few of the trips. And the press in the 1980s agonized endlessly about Nancy Reagan’s expensive dresses, which she paid for herself or was loaned.

The Obamas are the ultimate limousine liberals who will never have to worry about not being able to pay higher insurance premiums caused by Obamacare, never have to live next door to a flop house of illegal immigrants, and never have to fear for their Second Amendment rights — they will be surrounded the rest of their lives by Secret Service bearing fully automatic assault rifles.

The Obamas, of course, are willing to share a bit of one percent with their fellow citizens. That’s the level of economic growth Americans have had to cope with for the past seven-and-a-half years.
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