Author Topic: Israel's Sanhedrin takes on U.N. Says don't mess with Temple Mount history  (Read 197 times)

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Israel's Sanhedrin takes on U.N.
Says don't mess with Temple Mount history
Published: 11 hours ago

Israel’s ancient high court, the Sanhedrin, now reborn, has issued a statement warning the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization not to try to interfere with – or change – the history linked to the Temple Mount.

A report by Breaking Israel News says the U.N. agency wants to adopt a resolution at its current meetings in Istanbul that would declare the Temple Mount, site of the ancient Jewish temples, is “sacred to ‘Muslims only.'”

The proposal comes jointly from Palestinian and Jordanian interests and follows an earlier decision by the agency to call the site in Jerusalem in official papers only by the name created by Muslims – Al-Aqsa.

But Breaking Israel News reported the new plan is “far more radical.”