Author Topic: REFUGEE JIHAD SPREADS IN GERMANY; Why the recent wave of attacks is only the beginning.  (Read 236 times)

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Offline SirLinksALot

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by: Joseph Klein

The German people are suffering the consequences of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s reckless open door “refugee” policy. Merkel laid down the welcome mat for around a million migrants last year, many of them from troubled areas of the Middle East and South Asia, including Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. There have been four violent attacks in Germany within just the past week. Two of them were committed by Syrian migrants. A third was committed by an Afghan asylum seeker. The fourth, a mass shooting in Munich, was committed by the German-born son of Iranian asylum-seekers.

ISIS had forewarned that attacks in Germany were coming. Shortly after the Brussels airport attack, ISIS sent out a call for an attack on Germany’s Cologne airport.  An ISIS video threatened to turn Germany into a “battle field” and targeted Chancellor Merkel for murder. After the attack in Nice, ISIS supporters celebrated on social media and said that Germany was next.

Now that the attacks have started, German government officials are trying to calm peoples’ fears, minimizing as much as possible any connection to ISIS.  Chancellor Merkel’s Chief of Staff Peter Altmaier actually claimed early last week, after the first attack, that terrorist acts committed by refugees are “not larger or smaller than that in the rest of the population."

However, the official explanations, including claims as to the mental instability of the perpetrators, ignore the reality that the attackers find legitimacy for acting on their hatred from the “new normal” of violence created by the successful actions of ISIS.

At least two of the most recent attacks in Germany have been directly linked to ISIS.

A Syrian asylum seeker, whom had pledged his allegiance to ISIS, blew himself up last Sunday and injured twelve other people, outside of a wine bar in the town of Ansbach.  It could have been far worse. His original target appeared to have been a music festival, but fortunately he was turned away because he did not have a ticket to the event. ISIS claimed that the suicide bomber "was a soldier of the Islamic State."

The Afghan refugee who attacked train passengers in Germany early last week, injuring four people, two of them critically, was found to have had an ISIS flag in his room. He is reported to have shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is great) several times. A news agency linked to ISIS claimed the assailant "carried out the operation in answer to the calls to target the countries of the coalition fighting the Islamic State."

A machete-wielding Syrian asylum-seeker, who killed a pregnant woman in Germany, was arrested on Sunday. The police claim that, based on the current evidence, “there is no indication that this was a terrorist attack."  Nevertheless, ISIS exploited the incident to urge more so-called “lone wolf” attacks.

The shooting spree at a shopping mall in Munich last Friday, which resulted in the deaths of nine people, in addition to the shooter who killed himself, appears to have been the work of a mentally deranged German born son of parents whom had emigrated from Iran. Deranged or not, the killer managed to shout out the Islamic rallying cry, “Allahu Akbar,” according to the Daily Mail. When some Germans gathered peaceably over the weekend to mourn the victims of this vicious attack, they were met by more shouts of “Allahu Akbar.”

Some German officials, channeling President Obama, are calling for stricter gun control even though Germany already has very strict laws and three of the four attacks during the last week were not carried out with guns.

Local authorities are also calling for the compulsory teaching of Islam in Germany’s schools. “It is appropriate to bring in classes on Islam in state schools or schools overseen by the state,” Gerd Landsberg, head of the association of local councils, said last week. This is multiculturalism on steroids. And it will most certainly backfire. Does anyone seriously think that jihadists are just going to sit back and outsource the teaching of Islam to “Crusader” schools using token Muslims as teachers whom the jihadists consider infidels? It is the mosques in Germany where youth are indoctrinated by radical imams. They also learn the path of jihad from their peers on the street or in jails, as well as from radical Islamist propaganda on the Internet.

At least some German officials concerned with security recognize that there is a problem with the flow of refugees entering their country. The following is a quote from Germany’s 2015 Annual Report on The Protection of The Constitution: Facts and Trends:

“Islamist organisations in Germany see the tide of refugees from Syria and Iraq as a chance to gain new followers by winning refugees over to their extremist ideology under the cover of humanitarian aid. Such activities are likely to increase in future. The contacts Salafists or Islamists make with refugees will remain relevant to Germany's domestic intelligence services…Particular attention has to be paid to so-called unaccompanied young refugees since, due to their situation, they are likely to be particularly susceptible to Islamist promises…Given the continuous immigration into Germany, it also has to be assumed that active or former members, supporters, and sympathisers of terrorist organisations as well as individuals with an extremist orientation and/or Islamistically motivated war criminals may be among the refugees.”

For years, Western European governments have tolerated the rise of radical Islam in their countries for fear of being branded Islamophobes. They also did not want to discourage Muslim immigrants needed to add to the labor force. However, the jihad cancer has grown out of control. Indeed, it is now reaching a near terminal state as Islamist refugees, who refuse to assimilate into the culture of their new home or accept its values, trample on the lives of their hosts. Germany is in the direct eye of the storm.

Offline truth_seeker

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German society lingers in a state of apparent permanent "guilt" over WWII. The article mentions this, and it has been written about for years.

But Sweden does not have this guilt syndrome, for they did not commit atrocities like the Germans. (Or Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Britain etc.)

But they too seem to be in a state of societal insanity, unable to see the harm of bringing these outsiders, in among them.

The citizens let the governments impose this dangerous gamble upon them. If the citizens take back control, perhaps they will solve the problem with vigilantes.

I do not see that any of these countries, or the USA, have moral obligations to take such foolish risks. Let them stay with other muslims, period.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln

Offline Fishrrman

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Once again, I'll post a link to Matt Bracken's prophetic article posted at The Gates of Vienna blog last November: