Author Topic: Snowden Explains How To Get To The Bottom Of "Who Hacked The Democrats"  (Read 191 times)

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Snowden Explains How To Get To The Bottom Of "Who Hacked The Democrats"
Tyler Durden's picture
by Tyler Durden
Jul 25, 2016 3:47 PM

With the scandals plaguing the Democratic National Convention - set to start in just over an hour - get stronger, so does the narrative that it was all Russia's fault the Democratic party was hacked.

As a result, as reported earlier today, the objective FBI said it is now investigating how thousands of DNC emails were hacked, a breach that Hillary Clinton's campaign maintains was committed by Russia to benefit Donald Trump.  Indeed, as noted yesterday, Clinton's campaign, citing "experts", pointed to a massive hacking of DNC computers in June that cybersecurity firms linked to the Russian government.

Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta added fuel to the debate Monday, saying there was "a kind of bromance going on" between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump. The Clinton campaign says Russia favors Trump's views, especially on NATO.